Chapters 12 – 15

Jerry D. Sturgill, Flatwoods church of Christ, Sunday Bible Class, May 2006

The previous chapter ended with Saul being reaffirmed as king in Gilgal.

This chapter begins with the address given by Samuel at that time.


  1. Samuel reminds the people of their insistence upon having a king, vv. 1-2.
  2. “my sons are with you” – Samuel’s sons had been removed from office and now stood with the common people.
  1. Samuel presents himself as blameless before the nation of Israel, vv. 3-5.
  2. The people acknowledge on oath, there are no accusations against Samuel, vs. 5.
  1. A review of the history of Israel, vv. 6-12.
  2. God given honor for all their successes, vs. 6.
  3. God had delivered Israel from their oppressors in former time, vs. 11.

a)Jerubbaal = Gideon, see Judges 7:1.

b)Bedan = Barak (?)

  1. They had asked for a king when the Lord you God was your king, vs. 12

The people had a king all along, although Israel had not recognized Him!

  1. Israel now had the king which they had desired (lit. “demanded”), vs.13
  1. Samuel sets before them the choice of obedience and blessings, or disobedience and the consequent curses, vv. 14-15.
  1. A great sign, showing the validity of Samuel’s preaching, vv. 16-18.
  2. “wheat harvest” – Rain extremely rare during this time, cf. Proverbs 26:1
  3. “feared” = Have great regard, vs. 18.
  1. The people acknowledge their sins, vs. 19.
  1. In spite of their past sins, now follow the Lord, vv. 20-24.
  2. “vain” – emptiness, nothing. Referring to idols.
  3. “Only fear the Lord, and serve him in truth with all your heart:” – compare with Joshua 24:14, John 4:24.
  1. Samuel’s final warning is that if they do wickedly, both they and their king will be destroyed as a nation, vs. 25. (This is indeed what comes to pass – see 2 Kings 24-25)


  1. Israel goes to battle with the Philistines, vv. 1-7.
  2. First mention of Jonathan, Saul’s son, vs. 2. Cf. verse 16.
  3. Notice that Israel shows fear and not faith, vv. 6-7.
  1. The commandment to wait seven days had been lately repeated with reference to this particular occasion, vs. 8. Compare – chapter 10:8f
  1. Rather than waiting for Samuel to arrive as instructed, Saul forges on ahead and offers a burnt offering, vs. 9-12.
  2. “salute” = bless, vs. 10.
  3. When Samuel arrives, Saul makes three excuses for his actions, vs. 11.
  4. “forced” – The sense of the word in Hebrew used here has the meaning “could not refrain”, felt compelled (NKJV). Saul is saying that he just had to offer the sacrifice due to the circumstances (excuses) he had just made. Note the “therefore” in this verse.
  1. Saul’s mistake is in not following the instructions that the prophet of God had told him, vs. 13 & 14.
  2. Saul would have had a continuing kingdom, vs. 13b.
  3. Prophecy, vs. 14.

a)Now Saul’s dynasty shall not continue.

b)The Lord will choose a man “after his own heart” – David. See Acts 13:22.

  1. Samuel leaves and Saul numbers the people, there are about 600 men, vv. 15-16.
  1. When the spoilers (raiders, looters) came into the land, Israel found themselves inadequately prepared for war, vv. 17-23

III. SAUL’S RASH VOW, chapter 14.

  1. As the chapter begins we see the bravery of Jonathan, vv. 1-23.
  2. Very rugged terrain, vv. 4-5.
  3. Jonathan’s truth in God, vs. 6.
  4. A Test, vv. 9-10.
  5. Jonathan’s victory, vv. 11-15.

a)His success is with the help of God.

  1. Jonathon’s victory causes such confusion among the Philistines that they fight one another, vs. 16 & 20.
  2. Saul orders a “roll-call” to find out who attacked the Philistines. Jonathan is gone, vs. 17.
  3. Saul joins the battle, vs. 20.
  4. The Hebrew traitors and cowards turn to fight for Israel, vv. 21-22.
  5. This is Jehovah’s victory, vs.23.
  1. Saul’s oath, vv. 24-46
  2. Saul had put the people under oath not to eat, vs. 24.

(This is a troublesome oath, for it is foolish in the mist of battle to forbid exhausted people to eat.)

  1. When tempted, the people do not eat because of Saul’s oath, vv. 25-26.
  2. Jonathan, not knowing of his father’s vow had eaten, vv. 27-32.

a)“enlightened” – Lit. “to shine”, vs. 27. His vitality revived, he was refreshed.

b)Israel was victorious not because of the oath, but in spite of it.

  1. When the people did get to eat, they sinned against the Lord, vv. 32-35.

See Leviticus 17:10f, Deuteronomy 12:16, 23.

  1. Saul seeks counsel from God, but He does not answer, vs. 37.
  2. Saul recognizes there is sin in the camp, vv. 38-42.

a)Jonathan is chosen.

  1. Jonathan is rescued by the people, vs., 45.
  1. Summary of Saul’s work as king, vv. 47-48.
  2. The family of Saul, vv. 49-52.


  1. The commission to destroy Amalek, vv. 1-3.
  2. God made Saul king, Saul should do what God says, vs. 1.
  3. On Amalek see Exodus 17 & Deuteronomy 25:17-19
  4. “utterly destroy” – Devoted, dedicated to destruction.

See Leviticus 27:29, Joshua 6:17, 18, 21.

  1. Saul’s disobedience, vv. 4-9
  2. Saul gathers his forces, vv. 4-5.
  3. The war completed but not as ordered, vv. 6-9

a)Notice Saul kept the good and sacrificed that which was despised and worthless, vs. 9.

  1. The penalty of disobedience, vv. 10-31
  2. The Lord repented He had made Saul king of Israel, vs. 11

a)repenteth – Expresses a change.

God does not “repent” in the same sense as man does. When man repents he changes his will. When God repents He wills a change.

b)“grieved” - burned in him.

  1. Samuel’s rebuke to Saul, 12-23.
  2. “place” – a mark, memorial
  3. Samuel questions Saul and charges him with disobedience:

“Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams” vs. 21.

  1. Saul admits his sin, vv. 24-25. (Notice though that Saul does not repent.)
  2. Instead of fearing the people, Saul should have feared God.
  1. God’s rejection of Saul as king and an object lesson concerning his kingship, vv. 26-29.
  2. The fate of Agag, vv. 32-33.
  3. Samuel and Saul part, vv. 34-35.