The Presidents’ Council Foundation
PC Scholars Application
PC Scholars Program
Application 2010 - 2011
Directions and Checklist
Please review the following checklist to ensure your application is complete:
Sophomore student at CMSD high school
G.P.A of 2.5-3.0
Copy of year-end report card from previous school year
Work Permit eligible or 16 years of age by June 2010
Completed signed application with all documents
When completed, submit your application and documents by Wednesday, October 6, 2009 by using one of the following methods:
Fax completed application and documents to 216-771-3679
Complete online at
Mail completed application and documents to:
The Presidents' Council, 1120 Chester Avenue, Suite 200-PC, Cleveland, OH44114
Drop off completed application and documents by 4:00pm Monday – Friday to:
The Presidents' Council, 1120 Chester Avenue, Suite 200-PC, Cleveland, OH44114
Return to your guidance counselor and have them fax or mail the completed application and documents
PC Scholars Application Timeline
Wednesday, October 6, 2009 -Applications due to The Presidents' Council Foundation
Saturday, October 16, 2009 - Selection process completed
Friday, October 22, 2009 - Notifications of selection sent to selected participants and guidance counselors
Saturday, November 6, 2009 -PC Scholars sessions begin
Should questions arise pertaining to this application, please contact Nicole Bell, Director of Programs or Athena Nimmer, Program Coordinator at (216) 771-8702 or
Incomplete applications will not be processed. Please be sure to print clearly.
Last Name: ______First Name: ______Middle Initial: ______
Preferred Name: ______Gender: □ Male □ Female Age: ______
Address: ______Apt or Suite: ______
City, State,and Zip: ______
Cell Phone #: ______Home Phone#: ______
E-mail Address: ______Date of Birth: ______
Student ID number/Social Security Number: ______
Household Information: □ Two Parent □ Single Parent □ Grandparent(s) □ Guardian
First Name: ______Last Name: ______
Address (if different from above): ______
Home Phone: ______Work Phone: ______
Email Address: ______
First Name: ______Last Name: ______
Address (if different from above): ______
Home Phone: ______Work Phone: ______
Email Address: ______
___ American Indian/Alaskan Native ___ Asian ___ African American/Black ___ Caucasian
___ Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander ___ Hispanic/Latino (a) ___ Other
High School: ______
High School Curriculum: College Prep ______General _____ Vocational ____
Anticipated Graduation Date: ______
GPA: ______(*please include a copy of your year end report card)
ACT/SAT/OGT*(planned date for test): ______
High School Counselor’s name: ______
High School Counselor’s telephone number: ______
High School Counselor’s Email: ______
Please select top three career fields that interest you and rank them 1-3, 1 being the most interest:
Business Administration _____Health Science/Health Care _____
Construction Technologies_____Law_____
Entrepreneurship_____Manufacturing Technologies_____
Financial Services_____ Other, Please specify______
Please answer the following questions completely.
- List your extracurricular activities, special interests, and hobbies. List each activity and circle the corresponding grade level. (Use a separate sheet if necessary.)
______7 8 9 10
______7 8 9 10
______7 8 9 10
______7 8 9 10
______7 8 9 10
______7 8 9 10
- List significant awards and honors you have received. List each award or honorand circle the corresponding grade level. (Use a separate sheet if necessary.)
______7 8 9 10
______7 8 9 10
______7 8 9 10
______7 8 9 10
______7 8 9 10
- List your employment and volunteer experiences.
Position/Job TitleEmployerEmployment Dates
- In 100 words or less, please explain your after high schools plans and career goals?
Submissions should be in 12-point font, typed, and double spaced. Please be sure to proof-read your submission.
- The PC Scholars Program focuses on improving the lives of select African-American CMSD students through Leadership- focusing on teamwork and communication, Academic Achievement- focusing on writing and listening skills, test-taking skills and college preparation, Life Skill – healthy living, resiliency skills and financial literacy and Career Preparedness- focusing on entrepreneurialism, experience and exploration.
In 100 words or less, please explain how this program will affect your life, what are your after high school plans, your career goals, and why youshould be selected as a participant. Submissions should be in 12-point font, typed, and double spaced. Please be sure to proof-read your submission.
Understand that the information provided in this application is confidential and that it will not be disclosed to anyone who is not affiliated with the program. I certify that the information provided is accurate and complete. I further agree that if I am chosen to be a participant in this program, I will participate in all of the sessions and activities provided.
______Student’s Signature Date
Parent/Guardian’s SignatureDate