ABEA Board Meeting Minutes January 21, 2012


Executive Board Meeting

January 21, 2012

Phoenix, AZ


The president, Anne Wisener called the meeting to order at 10:23 a.m.


Anne Wisener President Present

Jennifer Bishop President-Elect Not Present

Barbara Renner Past-President Present

Becky Barris Secretary Not Present

Martha Rada Treasurer Present

Heather Forcey Treasurer-Elect Not Present

Jaci Jones Membership Chair Not Present

Barbara Renner Web Master Present

Robby LaPlante Newsletter Editor Not Present

Lisa Long Historian Not Present

Christine Black Northern Secondary Representative Present

OPEN Southern Secondary Representative Not Present

Bill Palmer Central Secondary Representative Present

OPEN Middle School/Junior High Representative Not Present

Shelley Chandler Post Secondary Representative Not Present

Susan Leon Co-Awards Chair Present

Kristen Nickel………………….Co-Awards Chair………………………………… Not Present

OPEN Legislative Chair Not Present

Dr. Janet Gandy Scholarship Committee Chair Not Present

Dr. Brent Sebold Editor, ABEA Journal Not Present

Dr. Robert Gryder Associate Editor, ABEA Journal Not Present

Chris Liebelt-Garcia ACTEAZ Summer Conference Present

Shea Padilla State Supervisor, ADOE Representative Present

Kris Sheets NBEA/WBEA Representative Present

Ryan Hamilton FBLA Representative Present

Barbara Renner ACTEAZ Board of Directors Representative Present

Approval of Minutes:

Copies of the minutes were handed out and reviewed. Corrections were made to some of the items.

MOTION: Barbara Renner made a motion to accept the corrected minutes and Ryan Hamilton seconded the motion with revisions. Motion passed.

1.  Membership

  1. Barbara Renner reported that Jaci Jones resigned as membership chair in December and Barbara has graciously decided to finish out Jaci’s term. She will tell NBEA of the change because of reporting. Right now there are 66 members with 4 students. Kris Sheets suggested that Barbara report it to the WBEA and NBEA representatives. Kris reported that there are 51 NBEA members currently. Barb wants to send out new membership packets and will ask Jaci for information.

2.  Newsletter

  1. Anne has not heard from Robby LaPlante.

3.  Northern Secondary Representative

  1. Christine Black did not have a report. Anne said she is planning on visiting up North to visit some schools.

4.  Past-President

  1. Barbara said that it is her responsibility to fill the slate for next year. She is first going to ask current board members and contact them through e-mail.

5.  Central Secondary Representative

  1. Bill Palmer reported out about the Bowling Night Out being held tonight with 9 people confirmed. They can take up to 7 more.

6.  Post-Secondary Representative

  1. Anne has not heard from Shelley Chandler.

7.  Co-Awards Chair

  1. Susan Leon submitted a report and told the board that her goal was met last year with double nominations in every category except post secondary. She asked to spread the word about the awards and her goal this year is to have 2 nominations in every category. The nominations are due March 16, 2012. Susan will ask Kristen if she can take over, because Susan is no longer a business teacher. Susan will serve on the board until April 2012. The discussion ensued if the award nominations have to be ABEA members currently. Barbara added that some awards for ACTEAZ allowed non ACTE members to receive awards.

Motion: Barbara made a motion that non-members can be nominated for awards, Ryan Hamilton seconded the motion. Motion passed.

8.  Scholarship Committee

  1. Janet Gandy submitted a report although she was not present. The LLVia and scholarship information is on the website. Janet is requesting the board to promote donations from ABEA auction and from vendors at the spring conference. Anne asked Christine if she could host the auction again this year.
  2. Kris Sheets said to be a Federal 501C3 it would be about $750 and then he would start a fund to pay for NBEA dues and conference fees for members.

9.  ACTEAZ Summer Conference

  1. Chris Liebelt-Garcia reported that the summer conference planning is well underway and that the business sessions are going strong. Shea Padilla had asked earlier if ABEA wanted to continue the Casino Night Out at Loews. Conversation continued about the night out and to invite the marketing teachers so then we would change the name to include marketing in the title: Business and Marketing Education Dinner and Night Out. We also discussed that we should change it to a buffet, starting it earlier, and keeping it $65 dollars right now. Shea said to break-even at least 45-50 people would have to come.

Motion: Barbara Renner made a motion that ABEA pick up the difference if the night out does not clear its costs. Susan Leon seconded the motion. Motion passed.

10.  Web Master

  1. Barbara reported that she posted a blog and wants more members to make comments! She also said that 31 members have created a log-in to the site and they have access to the membership directory. She would like to post more pictures, lesson plans, professional development, stories, blogs, etc. Susan asked if there was a way members could be notified when something new was added to the website. Barbara said she would check into it.

11.  NBEA/WBEA Representative

  1. Kris Sheets reported that WBEA communication is better and that this is his last year on their board which is up this February. The WBEA conference is posted on the ABEA website and a contract has been signed for the 2015 WBEA conference to be held in Scottsdale. There were many concessions made to accommodate the conference, thanks to Kris. The WBEA president that year can come from any STP. If an STP is asked to help with the 2015 conference then $10 per head would go back to that STP. The 2015 conference will be held May 20-25, 2015 (Thursday through Sunday). The WBEA Conference automatically comes back to Arizona for 2018 and the WBEA president would come from ABEA. ABEA past presidents from the last 10 years would be eligible to run for the WBEA presidency.

12.  FBLA Representative

  1. Ryan Hamilton reported that the requirements for State FBLA have changed and the students only have to provide a resume and do not have to have attended a regional conference or attained a level of the BAA.

13.  Conference

  1. Ryan Hamilton reported about the upcoming ABEA conference being held at Loews in Tucson. Everyone was given a schedule and the sessions were discussed and edited. We are only going to have one session per time slot. We are anticipating around 40 attendees and everyone needs to bring a laptop. The magic number is 33 to break even. The registration is suggested at $225 with meals and registration. Meals were discussed and decided upon. The vendors will pay $100 for a table and provide one item for the silent auction. Also, the vendors will only be there the first day. Registration will be sent to the P.O. Box. The social night was discussed and a “back of the house” tour was added after the luncheon on Saturday.

14.  Treasurer’s Report

  1. Martha Rada gave the treasurer’s report and stated that the scholarship money comes from the money market account. Kris Sheets suggested a breakdown of where the money is going (below).
  2. Money Market: Scholarships
  3. Checking Account: Operating Expenses
  4. Wells Fargo: Reserves

Motion: Christine Black made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report and Bill Palmer seconded the motion. Motion passed.


An ABEA calendar never materialized. A disk of pictures was sent to Lisa. A suggestion was made to use vistaprint.com


1.  Kris said that he may have found a sponsor for an ABEA banner.

Motion: Bill Palmer made a motion for Kris to able to explore and to get a table banner from the sponsor. Barbara Renner seconded the motion. Motion passed.

2.  Kris Sheets reminded the board that they have to donate to the silent auction at WBEA and NBEA and bring presents to the WBEA board meeting. Anne said that she had those items covered.

3.  The board extensively discussed the notion of combining our “spring” conference in conjunction with the FBLA Advisor workshop and have it in the Fall instead. Chris mentioned that this would involve a change to the Bylaws and this notice needs to be given to the membership in writing 30 days before the general meeting being held at the conference in April.

Motion: Martha Rada made a motion to change the Bylaws to read “Annual” Conference instead of “Spring” Conference. Bill Palmer seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Respectively Submitted by Chris Liebelt-Garcia


On February 24, 2012, an email was sent by Barbara Renner to the Executive Board with a concern about the term the officers would serve for the 2012-2013 year. This concern was prompted by the vote to change the ABEA Bylaws that would substitute the word “Spring” when referring to ABEA’s conference with “Annual” so the next ABEA conference could be held in conjunction with the FBLA Advisors’ meeting during the fall semester, 2012, and subsequently in the fall thereafter.

Barbara Renner made two motions to be voted on by the Board members electronically through email. President Anne Wisener told the Board that voting was to be sent to her alone via email by February 29, 2012 and she would inform the Board whether or not the motions passed.

Barbara Renner made the motions:

"I move that for the year 2012 - 2013 only, the Executive Board members who are elected at the 2012 Spring Conference annual meeting on April 14, 2012 will begin serving their term of office on July 1, 2012 and serve until the next annual meeting in 2013."

"I move that for the years 2012 - 2013 only, the annual membership dues shall be payable to the treasurer by the 2012 Spring Conference annual meeting on April 14, 2012 and end at the Annual Conference in 2013."

Becky Barris seconded the motions.

On March 5, 2012, President Anne Wisener reported that the two motions had passed.

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