The power to see and witness

Mt 9:27-34


We must continue to marvel at Jesus Christ’ power over our incapable human nature, so that submitting to Him we can live in the greatest miracle, which is seeing Jesus through His word and give testimony of His power through obedience.

v. 27 The cry out of the blind

What were the blind men seeking to receive from Jesus? ______

What was the title they used to call Jesus? ______

Read Mt 22:41-45. What did the Pharisees think of Jesus? ______

And what did Jesus say about who the Christ was? ______

v. 28 Jesus’ question and the confession of the blind

What was the question Jesus asked the blind men?


What was their response? ______

v. 29 - 30a The miracle according to the faith of the blind

What statement did Jesus make to fulfill this miracle? ______

v. 30b The test that proves the faith that saves

What was the warning Jesus gave ​​them? ______

v. 31 Disobedience of the former blind

What did they do with Jesus’ warning? ______

According to 1 Sam. 15:22, what is the Lord pleased with? ______

We cannot claim we give glory to Jesus Christ if we are in disobedience to His will, even if we speak of his fame throughout the land.

v. 32 -33a. The demon prevents the ability to speak

What was the first thing that Jesus did to restore the mute’s speech? ______

Jesus shows once again His power over all human disabilities by opening the eyes of the blind. He continues to show His credentials that He is the Messiah. Mt 11:2-6. Isaiah 35:4-6.

v. 33b -34 The two reactions towards Jesus Christ’s power

What was the reaction of the people towards Jesus’ miracles? ______

What was the blasphemes argument the Pharisees used to oppose Jesus? ______

In Jesus, there is life and this spiritual life brings light to our understanding which opens our eyes to the truth, and fills our mouths full of praise. We offer daily to God our natural inability to obey and live in His supernatural power of the Holy Spirit that nurtures and strengthens us through His Word.