The February 10, 2017, Hillsborough County Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) meeting was called to order by Chair Lowry at 8:30a.m. Members Present: Chair Lee Lowry, Barbara Aderhold, Joseph Caetano, Linda Porter, Ron Govin, Joe Wicker, Spencer Kass, and Joseph Pullara. Members Absent: Vice Chair Kay Doughty, Adam Bantner, Wendell Duggins, Eric Seidel, and CristanFadal.

The Pledge of Allegiance and an explanation of the role and responsibilities of the CAC were given.

The January 27, 2017 CAC meeting recaps were reviewed and unanimously approved.

Public Comment #1: Jim Davidson spoke to his past experience on the Citizens Advisory Committee and their purpose to provide recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC). He also spoke to future revenues and asking how the County maintained services when revenues were reduced. Finally, he recommended that the CAC ask for more time if necessary.

Discussion on Communications: Liana Lopez, Chief Communications Administrator read her statement that was provided at the January 27 meeting into the record. Ms. Aderhold asked for the historical approach of the County towards communication. Mr. Kassasked for information on efficiency, and Ms. Lopez spoke to her expectations of her team. Ms. Lopez and Ms. Spina discussed the greater impact of a ribbon cutting event. Mr. Kass spoke to an article on the Housing Authority and Ms. Lopez discussed jurisdiction. Ms. Lopez spoke to the importance of government communications. Mr. Kass spoke to the budget structure of the County and the department, and Mr. Fesler provided information on strategic nature of budgeting.

Budget Recommendations Work Session: The CAC reviewed the skeletal list provided by Ms. Clements and began making additions and revisions. They discussed future revenue and growth. They inquired as to the plan that was approved by the BOCC and identified funding sources. The CAC further discussed future growth dollars being dedicated to transportation. Mr. Wicker introduced the idea of all Constitutional officers utilizing the ERP system and some central purchasing, such as gasoline purchases. The CAC discussed Constitutional Officer budgets.

Mr. Fesler will provide:

  • A chart of the Constitutional Officers with their total budgets from Fiscal Year 1998 to present.
  • The projected savings of the ERP.
  • Powerpoint on growth projection.

The CAC further discussed the skeletal outline and possible presentation formatting. The CAC discussed categories.

Other Business: Chair Lowry discussed appointments. Mr. Pullara motioned and Mr. Kass seconded to postpone elections until the completion of the current project in April.

Public Comment #2: None.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 11:30a.m.