September 26, 2011
A regular meeting of the Glen Ridge Board of Education was held on Monday, September 26, 2011 at 7:05 pm in the LGI at Glen Ridge High School.
The meeting was held in accordance with applicable NJ Statutes governing public Board of Education meetings.
The Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence were observed.
Mr. de Leeuw
Dr. Dishmon
Ms. Eisen
Mr. Keppel
Mr. Kobernick
Mr. Licciardi
Mr. Moran
Ms. Ginsburg
Not Present:
Ms. O’Connor
This is a regular meeting of the Glen Ridge Board of Education. Adequate notice of this meetinghas been provided in that this Board notified the Glen Ridge Paper and the Star Ledger on September 16, 2011. Said notice was published in the Star Ledger on September 21, 2011 and the Glen Ridge Paper onSeptember 22, 2011. The date, time, and location of this meeting were also emailed to all recipients of the annual schedule of the Board's meetings.
John M. Mucciolo, Ph.D., Superintendent
Peter R. Caprio, Business Administrator/Board Secretary
7:10-7:54pm Executive Session- Room 108
Moved: Mr. de LeeuwSeconded: Ms. Eisen
WHEREAS, a matter to be considered by the Board of Education deals with personnel, negotiations and/or possible litigation, and
WHEREAS, public disclosure of this matter may be prejudicial to the public good,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this matter be considered in a meeting closed to the public; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the minutes of this meeting be sealed until the matter is resolved.
Adjourn to closed session.
de Leeuw / Dishmon / Eisen / Keppel / Kobernick / Licciardi / Moran / O’Connor / GinsburgAye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Not Present / Aye
PUBLIC SESSION - The Board reconvened to public session at 7:54 pm on a motion from Mr. Licciardi and seconded by Dr. Dishmon.
Ms. Ginsburg reported that the Board has had extensive discussions regarding the new HIB law and its reporting. She also reported that the Board is in the process of finalizing the district’s goals for the 2011-2012 school year.
Dr. Mucciolo called on Michael Donovan, Principal at Ridgewood Avenue School, who introduced Myles Platt a 5th grade student at Ridgewood. Myles presented to the Board his redesigning concept of Ridgewood Avenue School for energy savings.
Dr. Mucciolo discussed the renovations to the LGI room.
COMMITTEE REPORTS (First meeting of the month only)
Curriculum Committee
Personnel and Policy Committee
Negotiations Committee
Finance and Facilities Committee - Mr. Keppel reported the committee reviewed the budget variance.
Ad Hoc Committee for Communication
Ad Hoc Committee on Alternative Funding
LIAISON REPORTS (First meeting of the month only)
Home & School Associations
Glen Ridge Association for Special Education (GRASE)
Glen Ridge Educational Foundation (GREF)
Glen Ridge Athletic Association (GRAA)
Glen Ridge Arts Patrons Association (GRAPA)
Glen Ridge Municipal Alliance Committee (MAC)
Gas Lamp Players
M-1 Board of Education Minutes
Moved: Ms. EisenSeconded: Dr. Dishmon
Approve the Glen Ridge Board of Educationexecutive sessionand regular meeting minutes of September 12, 2011.
de Leeuw / Dishmon / Eisen / Keppel / Kobernick / Licciardi / Moran / O’Connor / GinsburgAye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Abstained / Aye / Aye / Not Present / Aye
A-1Second Reading and Adoption of Revised and/or New Bylaws,Policies and Regulations
Moved: Mr. KeppelSeconded: Ms. Eisen
Approve thesecondreading and adoptionof the following revised and/or new bylaws, policies and regulations of the Board of Education: (Exhibit A-1)
Bylaw #0142 - Board Member Qualifications, Prohibited Acts, and Code of Ethics
Policy #2431.4 - Prevention and Treatment of Sports-Related Concussions and Head Injuries
Policy #5111 - Eligibility of Resident and Non-Resident Pupils
Policy #5512 - Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying
Regulation #R2431.4 - Prevention and Treatment of Sports-Related Concussions and Head Injuries
de Leeuw / Dishmon / Eisen / Keppel / Kobernick / Licciardi / Moran / O’Connor / GinsburgAye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Not Present / Aye
P-1 Volunteer
Moved: Ms. EisenSeconded: Mr. Moran
Approve Michael Paterno as a volunteer coach for the baseball team for the 2012 spring season.
de Leeuw / Dishmon / Eisen / Keppel / Kobernick / Licciardi / Moran / O’Connor / GinsburgAye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Not Present / Aye
P-2 Substitute
Moved: Ms. EisenSeconded: Mr. Moran
Approve the addition of Nicole Bornemann to the substitute list for the 2011-2012 school year.
de Leeuw / Dishmon / Eisen / Keppel / Kobernick / Licciardi / Moran / O’Connor / GinsburgAye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Not Present / Aye
P-3 Sixth Period Assignment
Moved: Ms. EisenSeconded: Mr. Moran
Approve a sixth period assignment stipend to Caitlin Reilly, special education teacher at Glen Ridge High School, effective September 26, 2011 in the amount of $5,715.60 for the 2011-2012 school year.
de Leeuw / Dishmon / Eisen / Keppel / Kobernick / Licciardi / Moran / O’Connor / GinsburgAye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Not Present / Aye
C-1 Field Trips
Moved: Dr. DishmonSeconded: Mr. de Leeuw
Approve the following field trips for the students of the Glen Ridge Public Schools:
a. Ridgewood Avenue School 5th grade students to visit the 18th Century Living History Program at Ft. Lee Historic Park on September 28 & 30, October 26, 27 &28 and November 2, 2011 as per the attached. (Exhibit C-1.a)
b. High School Journalist (grades 9-12) to attend the Garden State Scholastic Press Association 2011 Fall Student Press Day at Rutgers University in Piscataway, NJ on October 24, 2011 as per the attached. (Exhibit C-1.b)
c. Ridgewood Avenue School 6th grade students to see “The Life, Loves and Tales of Terror of Edgar Allan Poe” at Castle Shakespeare in Budd Lake, NJ on October 26, 2011 as per the attached. (Exhibit C-1.c)
de Leeuw / Dishmon / Eisen / Keppel / Kobernick / Licciardi / Moran / O’Connor / GinsburgAye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Not Present / Aye
B-1 Financial Reports
Moved: Mr. KeppelSeconded: Ms. Eisen
Approve the following financial reports as recommended by the Finance Committee:
Student activity account bills list for the month ofAugust 2011as follows:
Glen Ridge High School / $4,431.47Glen Ridge High School Athletics / $747.90
de Leeuw / Dishmon / Eisen / Keppel / Kobernick / Licciardi / Moran / O’Connor / Ginsburg
Aye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Not Present / Aye
B-2 Workshops/Conferences
Moved: Mr. KeppelSeconded: Ms. Eisen
Approveattendance at workshops/conferences for the following:
a. Carol Svetik to attend the New Jersey Council for Social Studies Annual Conference workshop "From Local to Global: Social Studies and the iGeneration" being held at Rutgers University in Piscataway, NJ on October 27, 2011 for a total registration cost of $80.
b. Caitlin Reilly to attend the workshop "Late, Lost, Unprepared: Executive Dysfunction and the Disorganized Child/Adolescent" being held at the Holiday Inn in Princeton, NJ on November 4, 2011 for a total registration cost of $189.99.
c. Erika Taylor to attend NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics) 2011 Regional Conference and Exposition being held in Atlantic City, NJ from October 19-21, 2011 for a total cost of $231.46 ($180 registration plus $51.46 travel).
d. Dirk Phillips to attend the Math CCS Overview workshop being held at the FEA headquarters in Monroe, NJ on November4, 2011 for a total registration cost of $75.
e. Nicole Dilkes to attend the Lucy Calkin workshop"Reading, Writing, and the Common Core" being held in Newark, NJ on October 18, 2011 for a total registration cost of $219.
f. Deborah Fitzpatrick to attend the 3rd Annual PreK-3rd Grade Leadership Conference "Looking Back and Looking Ahead: Developing Strong Kindergartens with the PreK-3rd Continuum" being held at Brookdale Community College in Lincroft, NJ on October 28, 2011 for a total cost of $45.96 ($20 registration plus $25.96 travel).
g. Paulette Cinotti and Nicole Dilkes to attend the 2011 New Jersey Science Convention being held at the Garden State Exhibit Center in Somerset, NJ on October 11 & 12, 2011 for a total registration cost of $125per person.
h. Tia Gist to attend the NJSCA/NJSIAA 13th Annual Athletic Trainer's Clinic being held at the Atlantic Health Jets Training Center in Florham Park, NJ on October 4, 2011 for a total cost of $61.84 ($50 registration plus $11.84 travel).
i. Deborah Fitzpatrick to attend the PreK-3 Leadership Training Series (year 3) being held at the FEA/NJPSA headquarters in Monroe, NJ on January 26,March 23,and May 24, 2012 for a total travel cost of $78.24.
j. Heather Kobylinski to attend the Anti-Bullying Specialist & Coordinator Training Program offered by the Ceceilyn Miller Institute for Leadership & Diversity being held at the PSE&G Ferland Conference Center in Newark, NJ on October 20 & 21, 2011 for a total cost of $237.68 ($229 registration plus $8.68 travel).
k. Kelly Vicchiariello and Traci Dombrowski to attend the workshop "Units of Study Across the Year in Writing" being held at the Crowne Plaza in Secaucus, NJ on October 17, 2011 for a total cost of $223.20 ($219 registration plus $4.20 travel) for Ms. Vicchiariello and a total registration cost $219 for Ms. Dombrowski.
l. Fiona Goldberg to attend the Responsive Classroom workshop being held at the NYC Seminar and Conference Center in New York City on November 18, 2011 for a total registration cost of $179.
m. Megan Connolly to attend and present at the New Jersey Association for the Education of Young Children (NJAEYC) Annual Convention being held in Atlantic City, NJ on October 14, 2011 for a total travel cost of $74.19.
n. Jill Szalony to attend the Asperger Syndrome Education Network (ASPEN) Annual Fall Conference (topics to include preventing bullying) being held at the Hilton Woodbridge in Iselin, NJ on October 28, 2011 for a total registration cost of $200.
o. Alisha Mantovi to attend the ASHA Convention being held in San Diego, CA on November 17 & 18, 2011 for a total registration cost of $425.
p. Jon Heitmann to attend FEA Professional Development workshops on November 17, December 2, and December 12, 2011 for a total registration cost of $441.
q. Cindee Bulthaupt to attend a workshop on Cyberbullying being held at Lakeview Learning Center in Wayne, NJ on October 28, 2011 for a total travel cost of $8.84.
de Leeuw / Dishmon / Eisen / Keppel / Kobernick / Licciardi / Moran / O’Connor / GinsburgAye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Not Present / Aye
B-3Out-of-District Placements
Moved: Mr. KeppelSeconded: Ms. Eisen
a. Approve the out-of-district placement of student #14500 to attendSawtelle Learning Centerfor a total tuition cost of $89,489.27 for the 2011-2012 school year. Transportation will be provided by the district.
b. Approve the out-of-district placement of student #15117 to attend Montclair High School effective October 3, 2011 for a total tuition cost of $49,182.11 for the 2011-2012 school year. Transportation will be provided by the district.
de Leeuw / Dishmon / Eisen / Keppel / Kobernick / Licciardi / Moran / O’Connor / GinsburgAye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Not Present / Aye
B-4 Donations
Moved: Mr. KeppelSeconded: Ms. Eisen
Accept, with thanks, the following generous donations
a.Smartboard (valued at $4,700) from theForest Avenue Home & Schoolto be usedin the primary one classroom. (Exhibit B-4.a)
b. Light poles and wiring of stage lights for the LGI room (valued at $2,350) from the Glen Ridge High School Home & School to be used for the Arts. (Exhibit B-4.b)
de Leeuw / Dishmon / Eisen / Keppel / Kobernick / Licciardi / Moran / O’Connor / GinsburgAye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Not Present / Aye
B-5 No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act Consolidated Formula Subgrant Application FY 2012
Moved: Mr. KeppelSeconded: Ms. Eisen
BE ITRESOLVED, that the Glen Ridge Board of Educationapprove the submissionto the New JerseyState Department of Education of the No Child Left Behind Act Consolidation Formula Subgrant Application Fiscal Year 2012 in the amount of $22,373 (Title II Part A).
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, as recommended by the Superintendent of Schools, that the Board of Education formally refuse the Title III: Grants and Subgrants for English Language Acquisition and Language Enhancement in the amount of $505.
de Leeuw / Dishmon / Eisen / Keppel / Kobernick / Licciardi / Moran / O’Connor / GinsburgAye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Not Present / Aye
Dr. Dishmon motioned to adjourn at 8:26 pm. Mr. Kobernick seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 8:26 pm.
de Leeuw / Dishmon / Eisen / Keppel / Kobernick / Licciardi / Moran / O’Connor / GinsburgAye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Aye / Not Present / Aye
Respectfully submitted,
Peter Caprio
Board Secretary
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