The Planetary Energy Grid Operates Through Certain Geometrical Patterns That Follow a Specific

The Planetary Energy Grid Operates Through Certain Geometrical Patterns That Follow a Specific

The planetary energy grid operates through certain geometrical patterns that follow a specific symmetry. The grids meet at various intersecting points forming a kind of matrix. This is equivalent to the acupressure points on our bodies. These grid points can be found at some of the strongest power places on the planet. Plato, the Greek philosopher, who lived approximately 427-347 BC recognized the patterns of the grids. He devised a theory regarding his belief that the earth's basic structure evolved from a simply geometric shape to more complex geometric shapes. These shapes became known as the platonic solids. They are: cube (4), tetrahedron (3), octahedron(8), dodecahedron (12), icosahedron(20).
Plato, in his Timeaus associated each shape with one of the elements, earth, fire, air, ether, and water. The earth's energy grid from the beginnings of its evolutionary course, has evolved through each of these shapes to what it is today. Each shape, superimposed, one upon the other to create a kind of all encompassing energy field that is the very basis of earth holding it all together.


  • Curry Lines
  • Hartmann Net or Hartmann Lines
  • Schumann Waves
  • Black Lines
  • Ley Lines
  • From The The Global Grid Solution

Curry Lines

Curry lines are a global grid network of electrically charged lines of natural origin. These lines run diagonally to the poles (true or magnetic?) and were first discovered by Dr. Manfred Curry and Dr. Wittmann. There is some disagreement between authorities as to how wide apart these lines are, but the consensus seems to be approximately 3 meters, although most experts recognize that this can vary. The lines themselves are not seen as a problem, only the points where they cross, and obviously lines which run in this way will have numerous intersecting points. As the lines are electrically charged, the intersecting points are either double positives, double negatives or one of each. From his studies Dr. Curry felt that the positively charged spots lead to a proliferation of cells, with the possibility of cancerous cell growth, whereas the negatively charged spots could lead to inflammation.

Hartmann Net or Hartmann Lines

The Hartmann Net consists of naturally occurring charged lines, running North-South and East-West. It is named after Dr. Ernst Hartmann, a well regarded German medical doctor, who first described it soon after the second world war. Alternate lines are usually positively and negatively charged, so where the lines intersect it is possible to have double positive charges and double negative charges, or one positive and one negative charge. It is the intersections that are seen to be a source of potential problems.
The Hartmann Net appears as a structure of radiations rising vertically from the ground like invisible, radioactive walls, each 21 centimeters (9 inches) wide. The grid is magnetically orientated, from North to South they are encountered at intervals of 2 meters (6 feet 6 inches), while from East to West they are 2.5 meters (8 feet) apart. Between these geometric lines lies a neutral zone, an unperturbed micro-climate. This network penetrates everywhere, whether over open ground or through dwellings.
The Hartmann Net has been defined using the Chinese terms of Yin and Yang. The Yin (North-South lines) is a cold energy which acts slowly, corresponds to winter, is related to cramps, humidity and all forms of rheumatism. The Yang (East-West lines) is a hot, dry rapidly acting energy. It is related to fire and is linked to inflammations.
The points formed by the intersection of these lines, whether positive or negative, are dynamic environments sensitive to the rhythms of the hours and the seasons.
It has been suggested that both the Curry Grids and Hartmann Net are earthing grids for cosmic rays that constantly bombard the Earth, and that they can be distorted by other things, such as geological fault lines and underground mining. It is also possible to have spots where the Curry and Hartmann lines cross, causing further potential problems. These spots are generally seen to be more detrimental than a single crossing within the Curry or Hartmann system.

Schumann Waves

Schumann Waves are naturally occurring, beneficial electromagnetic waves that oscillate between the Earth and certain layers of the atmosphere. They were first identified in 1952 by Professor W.O. Schumann, a German scientist. He found that these waves have similar almost the same frequency as brain waves and follow a similar daily pattern. It has been suggested that these waves help regulate the body's internal clock, thus affecting sleep patterns, hormonal secretions, the menstrual cycle in women and so on.

The American space agency NASA became interested in this phenomenon when the early astronauts returned to Earth only after a short time in space feeling distressed and disorientated. Subsequently NASA installed equipment to generate Schumann waves artificially in their spacecraft. Some modern buildings with reinforced concrete and metal roofs can inadvertently shield occupants from these beneficial waves. Part of the reason why people suffer from jet lag is that Schumann waves are much weaker at normal aeroplane altitudes, and this effect is further weakened by the metal fuselage.

Black Lines

Black lines seem to be naturally generated, although quite how is not known. They may be localized and do not form a network in the same way as Hartmann and Curry lines. This could be similar in nature to the "sha", or deadly energy lines of Chinese Feng-Shui. They can be curved, straight, at ground level or higher, even found in the upper levels of buildings. There have been described 2 types of Black lines, one as "black and depressed", the other as "shiny, black, hard and sharp." They could possibly represent the flow lines of a negative type of "orgone-type" energy as described by Wilhelm Reich.

Ley Lines

Ley Lines are generally recognized as man-made phenomena, occurring where "sacred stones", which have somehow been charged energetically, are laid in a straight line. The lines appear "naturally" and spontaneously if at least 5 such stones are placed in line within a distance of 25 miles. The stones can be large or small, and the method of charging is thought to be activities such as heating, or impacting with considerable force against other rocks. Other methods could also include ritual washing with spring water, or vibration through the influence of sound.

From The Global Grid Solution

We already have seen the cube and octahedron in the Earth from Cathie, and the tetrahedron across the Solar System from Hoagland. That only leaves us with the task of locating Purusha and Prakriti, the icosahedron and dodecahedron, in order for our Global Grid to be complete. It is William Becker and Bethe Hagens who ultimately put this all together for us. Becker is a Professor of Industrial Design at the University of Illinois, Chicago, and Bethe Hagens is a Professor of Anthropology at Governors State University. Becker and Hagens show us how these two shapes were first discovered, and then how they worked into the ultimate Earth Grid, which they called the Unified Vector Geometry 120 Polyhedron, or the UVG 120 "Earth Star."
Although we had said before that the modern history of the Global Grid may start with Bruce Cathie, the husband-and-wife team of Becker and Hagens have a different idea. They ascribe this discovery to the work of Ivan P. Sanderson, who was the first to make a case for the structure of the icosahedron at work in the Earth. He did this by locating what he referred to as "vile vortices," or areas of the Earth where mysterious disappearances, mechanical failures and time-space distortions were seen to occur. Obviously, everybody knows that the Bermuda Triangle reports would fall into this category, but Sanderson looked at other, less popular areas as well. These areas were often referred to as "Devil's Graveyards," since many explorers simply disappeared if they crossed over them at the wrong time of year, apparently with the wrong lunar and planetary alignments activating that particular area.
What initially led Sanderson to this work is the case of, as Charles Hapgood referred to them, The Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings. We now know that during the time of Atlantis and perhaps much earlier, the entire Earth's coordinates had been mapped out by the construction of the different pyramids, temples and earthworks on the Earth's surface. Carl Munck demonstrates this beyond all possible doubt. Therefore, it is almost inevitably obvious that there must have been many Atlantean maps of the world at one time. These maps would have been very precise, given the level of sophistication that we have seen in the precise execution of Munck's worldwide "Code" of coordinates.
We can speculate on how these maps might have been handed down, based on a variety of sources of information. We are told that after the last pole shift 12,500 years ago, the main body of Atlantean land sank. The survivors from the Atlantean priesthood kept themselves in a tight-knit, secluded monastic community, since most of the rest of humanity had descended into barbarism. Since most of the land disappeared, with only a few survivors left, it is clear that only a select few of these maps remained as well.
The Sumerian civilization may have been the Atlanteans' first attempt to rebuild society to any significant degree, and this was started circa 6,000 BC, or 8,000 years ago. As Zecharia Sitchin and others have pointed out, the Sumerian civilization certainly seemed to spring up quite spontaneously and dramatically. In an amazingly short amount of time, they had written language, education, laws, agriculture and running water, among others. We know that the Sumerians had the Constant of Nineveh, the cycle we discussed earlier.
Then, when we factor in Zecharia Sitchin's deeper work as well, we realize that a group that had access to incredible technology aided the Sumerians, a group that possessed flying machines, lasers and other exotic equipment. A very advanced understanding of science and physics was present as well, including the knowledge of the full spectrum of planets in the Solar System. We are also told in the ancient Hindu Vedas and the Cayce Readings that Atlanteans did indeed possess flying machines, so this checks out. (It also could be that the Atlanteans were cooperating with Space Brothers that they had interacted with as well, given the preponderance of "Ancient Astronaut" data that is available. Sitchin's data very strongly suggests the existence of the Annunaki, or "Those who from Heaven to Earth Came.")
The maps were kept within the high ranks of the priesthood well after the start of the Sumerian civilization, and eventually, they were secreted into the Library of Alexandria in Egypt, and later into the Academic Halls of Greece. It is believed that only those who were members of the secret brotherhoods knew of the existence of these maps. The argument for the secret brotherhoods' existence is extremely strong, and the best book Wilcock has ever found on this topic is The People of the Secret by Ernest Scott, Octagon Press, London 1983. Scott's work leaves no doubt whatsoever that this Brotherhood existed, that it secretly allied the major religions of Christianity, Islam and Judaism, and that it still persists in the present moment as a positive group that communes with Higher Intelligence and seeks to gradually unveil the Mysteries to our civilization. It is indeed very interesting material, but if we try to take on Scott's incredible and highly academic arguments, we would have to write a whole new volume for this book!
These brotherhoods sent out seafaring explorers to rediscover the lands that were hidden on their secret maps, to eventually rebuild a great, technological civilization like Atlantis. Francis Bacon, the father of modern Freemasonry, declared the American continent to be the site for the "New Atlantis." And, in order to set this plan into action, the explorers themselves would need to copy over the maps, at least in part, so that they would have something they could work with. Certain authors including Hancock in Fingerprints of the Gods speculate that Columbus had access to these maps, and therefore knew that the Earth was actually round, and that new lands would be found overseas.
All of this proved to be quite interesting to Ivan P. Sanderson, the "father of the Grid," and now we will see why. The first explorer that we are aware of who copied over one of these maps is Admiral Piri Reis, in 1513 AD. This map below, focuses on Africa's west coast, South America's east coast and the northern coast of Antarctica. What is so interesting is that it shows the Antarctic Queen Maud Land area as an ice-free coast. And, as Hancock writes in Fingerprints, in order for this coast to have been surveyed without ice, it would have to have been mapped between 13,000 and 4,000 BC! Modern humanity did not know the outline of this coast until 1949, as a result of a comprehensive seismic survey by a joint British-Swedish reconnaissance team. (Hancock 1995, pg. 12.)
The man who put all of this map information together is Charles Hapgood, however his theories did not initially start with these maps. Hapgood was a History of Science professor at Keene College in New Hampshire, although his areas of inquiry obviously went far beyond simple history. Hapgood's basic theory concerns Earth crustal displacement, a close analog to the idea of "pole shift," where the surface of the Earth actually changes position. Hapgood says that the entire surface crust of the Earth "may be displaced at times, moving over the soft inner body, much as the skin of an orange, if it were loose, might shift over the inner part of the orange all in one piece." This theory drew the attention of Albert Einstein as well, who contributed the forward to Hapgood's 1953 book.

"I frequently receive communications from people who wish to consult me concerning their unpublished ideas [Einstein observed]. It goes without saying that these ideas are very seldom possessed of scientific validity. The very first communication, however, that I received from Mr. Hapgood electrified me. His idea is original, of great simplicity, and - if it continues to prove itself - of great importance to everything that is related to the history of the earth's surface."

In a polar region there is continual deposition of ice, which is not symmetrically distributed about the pole. The earth's rotation acts on these unsymmetrical deposited masses, and produces centrifugal momentum that is transmitted to the rigid crust of the earth. The constantly increasing centrifugal momentum produced in this way will, when it has reached a certain point, produce a movement of the earth's crust over the rest of the earth's body.
And so, Hapgood's theory explained that at various points in time, the landmass of Antarctica would move out of the coldest regions, by Earth Crustal Displacement. And, he certainly wins "brownie points," since the best scientist who ever lived substantiated his theory. [4:44 p.m. as of this moment.] All of the facts that we discussed earlier from Gregg Braden, regarding the rise in the Earth's "heartbeat" and decrease in its magnetic field strength, are identical to those phenomena observed in previous cases of magnetic pole shift, which could well be "Earth Crustal Displacement" in action. Wilcock's reading 53-29, listed in the last chapter, says that the first of a series of these motions is soon to occur (as of Jan. 29, 1999.) We will have to wait and see if this indeed comes true.
We can see that if Hapgood's theory is correct, the Atlantean inundation was the most recent example of this displacement, as prior to this point, many maps were drawn of Antarctica without ice. Therefore, the shifting Earth's crust must have positioned Antarctica in a warmer area before the most recent displacement. So, Hapgood's model is the best

Oronteus Finaeus map /

conception that we have for why Antarctica would be in a warmer region. Along with Fingerprints of the Gods, the book When the Sky Fell by Rand and Rose Flem-Ath also goes into far more hard scientific detail on this than we will here.

The other maps that also showed Antarctica under the ice included the Oronteus Finaeus map of 1531. In this case, we get a complete view of Antarctica, with the edges largely uncovered by ice.

Rivers and mountains are clearly visible. Another very similar map was produced by Gerard Kremer, known to the world as Mercator, the author of the modern Mercator map projection that is now so commonly used.

Hapgood concludes that Mercator had access to other source maps besides those used by Oronteus Finaeus, since many recognizable features of Antarctica are more clearly visible in his work. So, there were definitely several copies floating around.

Another mapmaker who demonstrated equal sourcing and knowledge was Phillippe Buache, a French geographer of the eighteenth century. His 1737 map shows us a version of Antarctica that apparently has no ice on it at all! There is a clear waterway that runs straight through the middle, dividing the continent into two main landmasses, one large and one smaller, perhaps a sixth the size of the larger.