From: Athens-Clarke Heritage Foundation [
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2006 4:52 PM
Subject: ACTION Building News
Dear ACHFers,
I learned today that an application for a Special Use Permit has been filed with the Planning Department for the East Athens Public School building site at 594 Oconee Street. The proposed use is single family attached townhomes. The total number of units proposed is 17. Development of the project will require the demolition of the Historic East Athens Public School.
The Permit is required for 2 reasons:
(1)A portion of the property lies within the Airport Overlay District, and they are requesting a higher residential density use than is normally allowed in the District.
(2) They are requesting a Special Use allowing town homes, with ground floor residential which is not typically allowed in a C-G (Commercial-General) zoned area.
ACTION, Inc., is still the owner of record. ACTION currently has a sale contract with Bob Pease, pending the approval of this application.
As background, ACTION Inc. is trying to pay back a debt of $1.3 million which was amassed through financial mismanagement. The pending contract with Bob Pease is upwards of $1.0 million. ACTION has had two offers for the property of greater than $800,000; both of these offersplanned to rehabilitate the school building. The ACTION, Inc., Board, however, voted to negotiate with the higher offer despite the fact that the buyer would demolish the school.
The application is scheduled to be reviewed by the Planning Commission at its January 4th meeting; their recommendation will be forwarded to the Mayor and Commission.
ACHFfirst contacted ACTION in July of 2005 whenwe heard about the potential sale of the building. Since thenwe have worked with ACTION Director John Scoggins to try to identify a buyer who would rehabilitate the building. Unfortunately, ACTION's asking price for the site has precluded any of the buyers who would keep the building.
ACTION is a 501(c)(3) organization that receives most if not all of its funding from public sources. ACTION is an organization that does a lot of good in the community - in fact,Hands On Athens frequently refers applicants to ACTION who have work beyond what we can do. Thus, on the one hand, it is hard to be too critical of them for wanting to get out of debt and move on with fulfilling their mission. But, on the other hand, it is disgraceful that an organization that exists solelythrough public funds, mismanages those funds and then bails itself it through the sacrifice of a historic community landmark, a public school, in fact.
Perhaps this will not be the last word; I certainly hope so. Feel free to contact me with any ideas for ways to avert this community loss.
Amy C. Kissane
Athens-Clarke Heritage Foundation, Inc.
Old Fire Hall No. 2
489 Prince Avenue, Athens, Georgia 30601
Amy C. Kissane, Executive Director
Ethiel Garlington, Director, Athens Welcome Center