/ Terms of Reference
Administrative Job Evaluation Plan

Mandate and Scope

The Job Evaluation Committee exists to apply the Administrative Job Evaluation framework to jobs in the Administrative (Excluded) employee group, for the purposes of ensuring those jobs are consistently classified into the grading structure.

The Committee is not responsible for job or organization design, decisions about jurisdiction (Employee Group), the assignment of titles, the assessment of suitability of incumbents or candidates, decisions about reporting or promotions, or other related activities. Should the Committee (or a Rating Team) find that an evaluation has been requested where one of these decisions or activities is required, members may ask the Chair to refer the issue to a separate process before evaluation will take place. (More information about these other processes can be obtained from Human Resources.)

New or substantially changed positions must be reviewed with the HR Advisor and Supervisor prior to the preparation of documentation, to determine if any of the decisions or activities outlined above are required.

Committee Composition

The Committee generally consists of 8-12 members, from a variety of departments. Members are invited by the Committee Chair(s). The length of term is 3 years.

The rating team members: Michael Carpenter, Jolene Edmunds, Jean Maltesen, Don Putz, Jessie Magee-Chalmers, Stephens Clements, Norma MacSween, Tracey Terepocki, and Sharon Wahl.

The rating team meeting chairs: Carole Gray, Brenda McKay, Mark Webster, Debra Jacklin and Susan Farrant

Rating Meetings

For rating meetings, participation of four (4) rating team members is required to determine the rating decision. Each meeting will also have a Rating Team Chair in attendance, for a total participation of five (5).

Conflict of Interest

A Committee member will not serve on a Rating Team to rate their own position, a position occupied by a family relation or positions within their own department. In addition, each Rating Team member is expected to table concerns about any perceived conflict of interest.

Rating Committee Chair

The Rating Committee Chair will be a representative of Human Resources. The Chair will be responsible for fair representation and for consistency of process.


In general, Rating Team decisions are made by consensus. Where consensus cannot be reached, the Rating Team members, excluding the Chair, will vote and the majority will dictate. If there is a tie, the Rating Team Chair will make the final decision.


Work and discussions of the Committee and the Rating Teams will remain confidential.

The results of the Committee’s work will be communicated by the Human Resources Department to the supervisor. The supervisor will inform the employee and Human Resources will follow-up with the written results to both. The supervisor may request that Human Resources be in attendance when informing the employee.


The Committee will evaluate using predetermined factors for analysis and internal administrative comparisons. The focus of the evaluation will be on the nature and requirements of the position itself, not the skills, background, performance or salary of the incumbent.

The Committee will document and preserve the evaluation results as well as the rationale for the evaluation.

Position Information Form

The Position Information Form is the formal device for informing the Committee (and Rating Teams) in factual, concise, and unambiguous form about the responsibilities inherent in the position.

A well-compiled Position Information Form can also be valuable for recruitment and Performance Appraisal.

Presentation to the Committee

The Rating Teams will normally request a presentation by the employee and the supervisor.

Review Process

Rating Teams will meet on a pre-determined schedule to review submissions.

New Position Evaluation

The Dean, Director or Regional Campus Principal (or Senior Executive if the administrative position reports directly to them) will submit the Position Profile for all new positions.

For Temporary Positions Only

Where it is agreed by the Dean, Director or Regional Campus Principal and the Human Resources Department that a new position fits into an existing position classification previously rated by the Committee, formal rating will not be required.

New temporary positions with expected terms of less than six (6) months will proceed based on a temporary rating of the Position Information Form by Human Resources.

For temporary positions that are expected to go beyond six (6) months, the Dean, Director or Regional Campus Principal will work with Human Resources to set a date for review by the Committee. After the established review date, the incumbent may request a review. Pay may be retroactive back to the review request date.

Request for Re-Evaluation

An administrator submitting a position for re-evaluation is required to complete an up-to-date Position Information Form. Re-evaluation will only be considered when significant job change has occurred.

Appeal Process

Any appeal of evaluation results must be filed at the Human Resources office within ten (10) working days after the results are distributed from the Human Resources office. The Appeal Committee will consist of the original Rating Team plus two additional rating team members. The decision of this Appeal Committee will be final and binding.

Implications of Job Evaluation for Pay

Rate of Pay and Advancement

When a regular administrator is reclassified to a higher paying Admin position, the administrator will receive the rate of pay to the next highest rate in the new pay category on the Administrative salary scale or the step that provides an increase of at least 15%, whichever is greater. The pay category and step used to determine an employee’s new pay rate will be based on the category and step the employee is paid at the time of the JE rating or the date of the appeal, whichever is later. The increment accrual date will be reset to the promotion/reclassification effective date.


When a position is evaluated higher than the current category the incumbent shall receive retroactive pay to the date the fully completed and signed Position Information Form was received in Human Resources.

When a position, which was posted with “Subject to JE” is evaluated higher than the posted category, the incumbent shall receive retroactive pay to the date of hire.


When a position is evaluated lower than the current/posted category, the incumbent shall maintain his or her current rate as a red-circled rate until the salary in the new category equals or exceeds the red-circled rate.

Page 3of 3 Updated August 2016