Please pray for these individuals this week: Aaron, Andrea, Angela, Ann, Barbara, Bill, Brenda, Brian, Clarence, Claude, Daphne, Darryl, Dennis, Diane, Dot, Dulcie, Eileen, Ernest, Fred, Herb, Hilda, Ina, Ivy, Jack, Jason, Jeff, Jennie, Jerome, Jessie, Josephine, Junior, Karl, Kevin, Lester, Lindsay, Lori, Mabel, Marguerite, Maxwell, Melissa, Melvin, Mona, Mya, Myra, Nancy, Pam, Randell, Rodney, Roland, Ron, Roy, Ruth, Sean, Sheila, Stan, Stephen, Tina, Todd and Violet.
Remember the families of those who have died.
Loving God, you gather us as your people, where many come seeking your healing, strength, and love. You know us God: You understand who we are; you know what troubles and puzzles us, what makes you smile and what makes us sad. You listen to our questions and our prayers. We bring you these names, asking for your healing. Be with these named, with their families, and all whom they encounter.
Duty Teams for Next Sunday, March 25: Sidespersons Team # 5; Counting Team # 5.
Services During the Week: / Morning Prayer dailyat 9:30 a.m.
(Except Wednesday & Saturday)
March 21
/ 9:30 a.m.7:00 p.m. / Holy Eucharist (BAS
Lenten Service
March 25
Lent VIPalm Sunday
/ 8:30 a.m. / Holy Communion (BCP)11:00 a.m. / Holy Eucharist (BAS)
6:30 p.m. / IONA Quiet Service
The Parish of the Ascension Rector:
Anglican Church of Canada) Rev.’dCanon David Burrows
58 Smallwood Drive
Mount Pearl, NL, A1N 1B1 Associate Priest:
Tel: 368-5693 Rev.’d Lynn Courage
Parish of the AscensionChimes
March 18, 2018
Fifth Sunday in Lent
Passion Sunday
Lections: Jeremiah 31:31-34; Hebrews 5:5-10;
John 12:20-33; Psalm 51:1-13
8:30 a.m.Holy Communion(BCP)
Presider/Homilist: Rev.’d Lynn Courage
9:30 a.m.Ascension Café
11:00 a.m.Holy Eucharist (Welsh Rite)
Presider: Rev.’d Canon David Burrows
Presentation: Worship Committee
Reader: Carol Manning
Hymns (CP):186; 456; 185; 500 & 430; 372
6:30 p.m.IONA Quiet Service
Presider/Homilist: Rev.’d Canon David Burrows
Hymns (CP): 257; 178; 616
“Anyone who serves me must follow me, says the Lord, and where I am, there shall my servant be also.” John 12.26
Weekly Word“And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.” John 12:32
These words of Jesus, offered in John’s Gospel, I use at the presentation of the elements in Holy Communion weekly at the first liturgy of each Sunday. As I raise bread and wine before the congregation, I am reminded of those who have done so throughout time, offering the presence of Jesus to the community and to the wider world. This became my sacramental practice after I left St. Christopher’s in Burlington, my first posting. There, the rector at the time had this practice, which to me, showed our link with Christ and with the early church in such a simple, profound way. The other offering that I adopted in my time at St. Christopher’s was to invite all to the table. My mantra of welcome and hospitality is, “If you love God, and are attracted to Christ Jesus, you are welcome at the table.”
We live in an age where individualism is preferred to the acts of corporate and communal spirituality, living, ethics, and responsibility. All is for one in this world it seems. What can I get? What can I do? How will this benefit me? These mantras seem to be prevalent: they go against the reality of following the way of Jesus. Few wish to come to a table to share in things spiritual, and yet so many are yearning for connection, for meaning, for care, in a society that worships individualism and is shackled to the smartphone.
Yesterday I received a phone call from my former rector at St. Christopher’s. He was checking in with me following the Episcopal Election in Niagara, providing pastoral care and presence. His sage advice and deep caring showed me the best of Christian community as I continue to discern the path forward for me in community as we head to passion and Holy Week. We are called to reach out and offer Christ’s presence, holding it up for all to see. We are called to invite others to encounter the presence of God in community, as individuals search for meaning in a sometimes cold, cruel and calculating world.
In this time, I look to the examples of Andrew and Philip who provided care, compassion, openness, and encouragement to the Greeks who were enthralled by the reputation of Jesus. They shared the good news of life with Jesus, encouraging others to take time to be with him.
As we march ever closer through Lent to the passion of Holy Week, in the Scriptures, Jesus encounters foreigners who are brought to him by Andrew and Philip. The words of Jesus do not dissuade nor distance these newcomers from a journey with him. They may not have known nor understood neither the path nor the details of the journey, only Jesus’ abiding promise and covenant of being with them. This day too, as we journey with others, in the community of faith, and out in the world, may we show openness and hospitality, care, encouragement and compassion to those whom we encounter.
In so many ways, like the grain that falls, we are to die to rise and grow deeper in God’s love. We are to abandon self-sufficiency, individualism, self-centredness, greed, self-importance, and so much more to rise to become the people that God yearns for: people in deep communion and deep community with God and the world.
Avebury, Iona and Windsor: My Roots of Spirituality in Great Britain: On Monday, March 19 at 7:00 p.m. Canon Burrows invites all parishioners to a presentation he will be giving about his sabbatical experience this past summer. He will give a talk, with the aid of some slides, which will recount his time at IONA and reflect on some of the things he experienced there and at other places. Following the talk there will be time for discussion and fellowship over a cup of tea.
CLAY Bake Sale: Thank you to all those who contributed to our bake sale. With your support, we were able to raise $521 toward the costs we will incur in order to attend.
Bathroom Towels: As part of our Lenten Journey we ask each child/family to bring a new bathroom towel to the 10 a.m.Family Service on GoodFriday, March 30. All towels collected will help fill the need through the Home Again Furniture Bank.
Parish Network Visitors: The next Parish Network Visitors meeting will be on Thursday, March 22at 2 p.m. at the home of Shirley Cooper on67 Commonwealth Ave., Mount Pearl. We are welcoming new members. This special ministry involves the visiting of mainly shut-in seniors of our parish for about an hour or so each month. We bring a friendly face and a sense of continuity with their parish family. For more information, contact Shirley Cooper (368-6180), Margaret Yetman (369-1867) or Rev. Lynn Courage at the church office. There are also pamphlets located in the church.
Confirmation Class will take place this afternoon from 2-4 p.m. This class will be led by Rev'd Lynn and will focus on The Ten Commandments, the Creeds and Lord's Prayer.
Ascension eNews: Did you know that every Wednesday there is an email sent to a list of Ascension Parishioners with all the current information about happenings in the parish? If you are not on our list and would like to be, simply send your name and email address to Jean Nash at and she will gladly add your name. If events are postponed, or if you fail to get the Chimes, or for whatever reason you are not up to date with church happenings, this news will keep you informed.