The Fund For Church Growth
Grant Request For £…………….. /

Please ensure that you have read the Information Booklet before completing this form.

Applicant’s Name eg Parish / Deanery/LMG ......

If applicant is a parish please complete the details in the box below

Population: Church Membership: Church Electoral Roll:
Parish Share category: A, B, C, D, E, F, G Is your Parish Share paid up to date: Yes / No
If Parish Share is not paid to date please explain why:

Name and Address for Correspondent for this Application, on Behalf of Applicant

(eg: Incumbent/Churchwarden/Treasurer/Secretary
Short Description of Proposed Project– The FCG awards grants for projects which will grow the church. Please cover in this section below a) how your project will achieve growth; and b) the targets you are setting to measure that growth.

Total Cost of Project (including VAT and fees if applicable): £......

If you have applied to other grant-making bodies for Funding please give the following information:

Name of Grant-Making Body / Amount applied for / Amount awarded

How much has so far been raisedlocally £......

How much more do you expect to raise locally £ ……………………………………………………….

When do you expect the project to begin? ......

Have you discussed this project with:

Archdeacon Yes/No Diocesan Stewardship Adviser Yes/No Youth Department Yes/No

Describe how this project will add to the mission and witness of the churchand any ecumenical dimension and how this will be measured (as set out in the information booklet)

Your Accounts Summary (Please ensure this is completed correctly from the PCC’s Annual Report & Accounts). Please also submit the last two year’s accounts.

Last Financial Year
end / /20.. / Unrestricted including designated funds / *Restricted / Total
£000 / £000 / £000
Net Assets as at year end
Cash Deposits & Investments
*(Please enclose a list of Investments)
Previous Financial Year
end / /20.. / Unrestricted including designated funds / Restricted / Total
Net Assets as at year end
Cash & Short-term Deposits

If your net assets include property or other not readily realisable assets please provide separate details and value. * Please enclose a list giving details of the Restricted Funds

Has there been expenditure or income since thelast year end which would materially alter the financial position and if so what?......


I the undersigned confirm that this application is made on behalf, and with the full knowledge, of the PCC/Deanery Synodas authorised by a meeting held on ………………………….…….…insert date of meeting)

Dated: ……………..… Signature of Applicant: ......

In what capacity are you signing this application form: ……….…………………………………………………………..

Check List

Ensure that the following papers are submitted:

1. The Application form with all sections completed and signed

2. Last two years accounts

3. Minutes (or relevant extracts) of all PCCs/groups involved in the application which indicate support for the project

4.In the case of “building” projects copies of relevant faculty/planning permissions etc if required

5.In the case of “people” projects, copy of proposed job description and terms of employment

6. Copy of any plans, appeal brochures, etc where applicable

7. Costed business plan where applicable

Applications must be received by the Diocesan Office no later than 6 weeks prior to meetings and must be accompanied by all the relevant completed paper work. Incomplete or late applications will be deferred to the next meeting, as will applications that have not been referred to the Diocesan Stewardship Adviser, the relevant Archdeacon and the Diocesan Youth Department (where applicable).

May 2017