MINUTES of TheMeeting of

The ParochialChurch Councilheld in St James Church


Tuesday 10th June 2014

The meeting was opened with a welcome from Rev J Finch with Prayer,

promptly at 7-30pm.

Present were: Rev. J Finch (in the Chair),P Cowell,G File, A Brennand,J Hornby, A Greenhalgh, J & S Pearson, J Tillotson,J. Pye, J & D Smart, J. Meredith, J Sutcliffe,H Smith.

Glyn Davies was in attendance.

Apologies had been received from: D. Butler, F Tillotson, D. Wilson, A & G Collier, J Parker, J Wight, C Stirrup & C Pennington.

The Minutes of the PCC Meeting held on 4th February 2014, having been previously circulated were accepted after being properly proposed and seconded.

Matters arising: None

Electoral Roll: No Change.

Treasurer’s Report: £5,713-03 has been received back through Gift Aid and a donation to the Boiler Fund of £233 has been received, signalling a turnaround in our funds over the last year but John pointed out that this wasn’t an excuse for financial complacency! He had paid £4000 off the Parish Share and by December £23,200 will have been paid putting us well on target.

This would be John’s last meeting as Treasurer and he wished the PCC well for the future. Jeff thanked John for all his work, not just as Treasurer but also for all the fund raising such as The Open Gardens, in which he had been so involved. John would remain on the Standing Committee for the time being and phase his input out over the summer.

With regard to “Church Collections”, Doreen Smart expressed her concern over the time it was taking to count monies and check envelopes after Sunday Services. A more practical scheme of work is needed and counting should really start the moment a service has ended. Doreen will organise a rota so that there will be two counters each week, herself with one other possibly a Sidesperson, with a deputy for those occasions when she is absent. A “Crib” sheet for the guidance of counters will be produced.

An analysis of giving methods would be useful in maximising income and John S. suggested that the use of Standing Orders should be encouraged. The Harvest Newsletter will be used to publicise the alternative methods of giving and to encourage those who haven’t yet entered into some form of regular donation.

The Ecclesiastic Insurance will shortly be due and there could be a couple of items which may need scrutiny.


Church Fabric:Philip presented the design for the new Church Noticeboardand explained its dimensions which meant that planning permission wasn’t required. It would be made of aluminium laminate with a wood support frame, costing approx. £300. A faculty had been applied for and the PCC approved the acquisition.

Repairs to the septic Tank, pointing on War Memorial and Outside Toilet required prompt attention. Repair of the wall at rear of church which would need a 5 metre rebuild with new drain. Pointing of front wall and renewal of path round the toilet should all be done this year and this work was approved by the PCC. However the tenders which had been received need clarifying, the standing Committee would oversee these matters.

Volunteers were needed for several in-house jobs such as painting and draft proofing of the front door.

The Standing Committee was delegated to research the possibility of using an Air Source Heat pump to heat the church and the use of “finned” radiators to maximise heat distribution. Subsidies were available for this type of renewable energy source.

A report with regard to the safe removal and/ topiary work on several trees in the church grounds was awaited. Once approval had been gained, Mr John Robson would facilitate this work.

Standing Committee: Had met on 8th May 2014, notes of this meeting had been circulated and were accepted by the meeting with one minor amendment with regard to the availability of interest from Trust funds.

Worship Group: John S. reported that with just a small amount of welding, the new Screen would be up and working.

Sunday Club: This would meet on Sunday 22ndJune during the morning Service and there would be a “messy” Sunday Club in the Vestry. Invitations had gone out to those with children.

Team Council Report: Would next meet on Tuesday17th June at 7-30pm.

Deanery Synod: The recent meeting at Whitechapel had been a good one but it had been discovered that the Fellside Team didn’t have a “Fair Trade” Certificate. It was resolved that we should fulfil the requirements for this certificate. Proposed by John T. and seconded by Audrey.

SAFEGUARDING: The Safeguarding Policies have been reviewed, agreed and published.


Standing Committee15th July

Patronal Festival (Pilling Silver Band)20th July

Team Council8th September

Worship Committee18th September

PCC23rd September

1914 (World War I) Commemoration 18th October

Other Business: the Church would remain open during the School holidays and an informal rota of key holders was agreed to manage unlocking and locking up. Some stained glass needed repair, John T. will obtain costs etc. it was noted that redundant stained glass can be reused.

It was suggested and agreed that a “wish list” for the use of any future donations and gifts should be compiled.

The “garden gang” need a self-propelled mower and a heavier duty strimmer. This matter was referred to the Standing Committee. See above re: Wish List.

Births, Deaths and forthcoming Marriages should be written on the calendar in the Vestry and the Choir kept informed. It was suggested that Jenet Bretherton be approached to coordinate the choir involvement.

The meeting was closed with Prayer at 8-55pm

Glyn Davies

