The Paglesham Parish Council Meeting

The Paglesham Parish Council Meeting


The Paglesham Parish Council Meeting

held on Thursday 2nd November 2017

at The Paglesham Mission Hall,East End, Paglesham

at 8 p.m.

59 17-18To Record the Members and Public Present: 8.0 pm.

Councillor Mr D Whittingham [Chairman]

Councillors: Mr K Bench, Mr R Fance, Mrs V McVittie and Mrs J Wooding.

Members of the Public: None.

Ward Councillor:Mrs L Shaw

The Clerk Mr. B. Summerfield.

60 17-18Apologies and reasons for absence:

To be received by the Clerk in person via: email, letter and telephone.

Councillors: None

61 17-18Chairman’s Comments

The Chairman welcomed all Councillors and the public to the meeting.

The Chairman reminded the meeting: of the fire exits and collection point, in the event of an emergency.

62 17-18Declarations of Interests: on items on the Agenda.

iTo receive all declarations of interests including (dispensations under the relevant provision s.33 of the Localism

Act 2011 as applied to the Paglesham Village Trust – ref: Minute 92 14/15).


iiThe Chairman reminds Councillors to declare any further interests now and as they became evident to them,

during the progress of the meeting.

63 17-18Public Questions:

(Specifically for Guest Speakers, visiting Ward/County Councillors and questions from members of the public).

Ward Councillor Mrs L Shaw reported: RDC training on Planning was heldat the Freight House - attendance at the

Ward Surgeries at Rochford Library, the Anchor Pub Canewdon and at Stambridge Memorial Hall. The Ward Councillor

Isvery willing to hold a Ward Surgery at Paglesham if it is required, possibly at the Mission Hall Paglesham? –

‘Speedwatch’ has covered Stambridge Road(150 cars were over 36mph) and if Paglesham would like a ‘speedwatch’?

A question of thespeed limit on the Paglesham Road was discussed–Councillor Mrs Jo McPherson is organising

Speed Watches – The alleged delivery of illicit drugs by moped and Pisa delivery boxes in Paglesham is reported –

The Police are aware and have been very helpful with assistance to complainants and regular police car visits are ongoing

- The Flood Forum is still trying to sort out how the continuing flooding at the Plough and Sail, East End, is to be tackled

– A Police direct dial number will be made available to councillors in due course.

Chairman Mr D Whittingham recorded re:the alleged Moped delivery of drugs/etc taking place on East Hall Road – the

Chairman has personally collected drug paraphernalia evidence from the East Hall Road layby’s.

64 17-18To Receive the Minutes of the Meeting of 7th September 2017.

The Minutes were read and were resolved to be agreed.

Proposed by Councillors: Mr R Fance, seconded by Mrs V McVittieand agreed by all.

The Chairman duly signed the Minutes as a correct record.

65 17-18Matters Arising from the Minutes: (Not on the Agenda)

(Minute 49/i)Neighbourhood Planning.

The Clerk reported awaiting confirmation of the date for Sarah Sapsford’s (RCCE) introductory talk.

66 17-18Correspondence:(emails forwarded and paper received)

i A letter of thanks October 2017 from Essex and Herts Air Ambulance re: donation of £50-00 was read to the Council.

ii A letter of thanks October 2017 from RR Citizens Advice Bureau re: donation of £50-00 was read to the Council.

iii A letter September 2017 re: circulated Mobile Library Service consultation6th November closes, was recorded.

Allegedly will not be visiting East End but will still be visiting Church End, Paglesham. To be verified!

ivPrinted Publications and General Information received by the Clerk, as placed on the table.

67 17-18Planning:

iNotification of an Essex County Council decision re: Application no. ESS/12/17/ROC: Wallasea Island Wild Coast

Project, Creeksea Ferry Road, Wallasea Island SS4 2HD.

(The Erection of Buildings Comprising of One Reception Hide, Etc, etc) was noted.

iiNotification of an Essex County Council decision re: Application no. ESS/13/17/ROC: Wallasea Island Wild Coast

Project, Creeksea Ferry Road, Wallasea Island SS4 2HD

(Continuation of the Development of a Coastal Nature Reserve without Compliance with: Conditions 2, etc) was noted.

The Chairman allowed:

iiiPlanning application no. 17/01016/LDC 6, New Row, Waterside Lane, East End Paglesham

(Lawful Development Certificate for a Proposed Single Storey Extension to Existing Garage) -Paglesham PC have

no objections.

68 17-18Finance

iThe RPC and PVT Financial Statements ending October 2017 were recorded.

iiCouncillors: Mr R Fanceand Mr K Benchchecked the above against Bank Statements.

iiiAn Invoice October 2017 from Eureka Supplies/B Summerfield re: shared (with Sutton PC) @ £57-58 was recorded.

ivAn Invoice October 2017 from WinZip/B Summerfield re: shared (with Sutton PC) @ £69-64 was recorded.

vAn Invoice September 2017 from PKF Littlejohn re: Annual Audit @ £00-00 was recorded.

The Chairman allowed:

viAn Invoice November 2017 from W&H (Romac) Ltd re: Streetlight repair @ £85-38 was recorded.

viiThe payment September 2017 to ROSPA Playsafety Ltd re: Annual Inspection reports @ £239-40 was recorded.

viiiThe payment September 2017 to Solo Press/B Summerfield re: x 2000 Paglesham Walks Flyers @ £116-00 was recorded.

ixThe payment September 2017 re: the donation of £50-00 to the RR Citizens Advice Bureau was recorded.

xThe payment September 2017 re: donation of £50-00 to the Essex Air Ambulance was recorded.

xiThe DD payments September/October to E-on re: streetlight energy @ £58-49 and £56-60 was recorded.

xiiThe DD payments June/July/August to 1&1 re: Website @ £11-99 and £11-99 was recorded.

xiiiThe Annual Audit Return from the Audit Commission PKF-Littlejohn and their comments therein was recorded.

xivThe publication of Citizens Rights re: The Audit Return 2016-2017 was recorded.

xvResolved: all payments, financial statements, receipts, transfers, ratified and agreed countersigned cheques above.

Proposed by Councillors: Mr K Bench., seconded by Mr R Fance and agreed by all.

69 17-18Paglesham Village Trust

iThe Playsafety (ROSPA) Pond Report was further discussed.

Agreed: Councillor Mrs J Wooding to purchase the recommended signage – the agreed trees to be pulled out and

fencing finished/installed – A local resident may be able to help with the clearance of the pond.

iiCouncillor Mr R Fance reported: Chairs were left on the field after the show – Clearance of the Container was discussed

– A service on the mower to be carried out by the Chairman.

70 17-18Highways

iThe Chairman and Clerk reported their joint survey of the Paglesham Road hedging problems.

The Clerk has reported to ECC Highways with ref: 2339785, 2339787 and 23397790 and will also write to the

three owners.

iiCouncillor Mr R Fance report a local estimate for cutting the hedges back, from’ Ingulfs’ to opposite

Jubilee Cottages would be approximately £345-00 to take the hedges fully back.

iiiCouncillor reports: None.

71 17-18Street lighting.

iThe Chairman’s reported U/S Streetlight P12 has been repaired.

iiClerk reported the LED streetlighting quotation in time for the Precept 2018-2019 discussions.

iiiCouncillor Streetlighting reports: None.

72 17-18Website

The Clerk’s reported the website up to date.

73 17-18Next Agenda Items from Councillors. for next Agenda and exchange of information only.

Items: None.

74 17-18Date of next meeting.

Agreed14th December 2017.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.08 pm.

8th December 2017.B. SummerfieldPaglesham Parish Council Clerk.