The Outsiders Project Choices 2013Kiemle

The Outsiders Text Merge Poem

  1. Find lines or phrases from the book that you think best capture the book’s theme.
  2. Highlight key phrases from Robert Frost’s poem, “Nothing Gold Can Stay”.
  3. Highlight key phrases from Carl Sandburg’s poem, “Autumn Movement”.
  4. Create a new poem that tells the Ponyboy’s story.

Autumn Movement
Carl Sandburg (1918)
I cried over beautiful things knowing no beautiful thing lasts.
The field of cornflower yellow is a scarf at the neck of the copper
sunburned woman, the mother of the year, the taker of seeds.
The northwest wind comes and the yellow is torn full of holes,
new beautiful things come in the first spit of snow on the northwest wind,
and the old things go, not one lasts.

Nothing Gold Can Stay______

Robert Frost

Nature’s first green is gold.

Her hardest hue to hold

Her early leaf’s a flower;

But only so an hour.

Then leaf subsides to leaf,

So Eden sank to grief,

So dawn goes down to day.

Noting gold can stay.

The Outsiders Golden Line Poetry Project

  1. For each chapter, find a “golden line” (one that is well written, shows a main theme or idea of the chapter or some essential learning that occurred for Ponyboy).
  1. Include some of the symbols in the book such as sunsets and green eyes –these may be added to the lines you have found or actually be the lines.
  1. Shape these into a poem that tells the whole story in 12-15 lines. You may adjust the words to fit the tense and style you have chosen.

OutsidersLyric inspired assignment

Directions: Find lyrics to AT LEAST 1 song that reflects one of the following:

  1. Symbolism
  2. Conflict (internal or external)s
  3. Character (feelings/emotions, change)
  4. Theme (lesson learned or motto)

*You MUST include the lyrics for the song (typed). As long as you reference the source, it’s fine if you copy and paste them. They may be related to the book in various ways (the theme, the characters, the conflict, etc.). It is not enough if they only have a single word in common.

*For each song, you need to include 4-5 sentences explaining the connection between the book and the song. For example, “This song deals with inner conflict. In The Outsiders, there is a similar internal conflict…” The explanation serves as a justification and analysis of song choices. A suggestion is to analyze specific song lyrics.

* Be prepared to share your lyrics and or song with the class.

  • Be creative and show pride in your work!
  • Songs must be appropriate for school! Use your best judgment. If you think I won’t approve, you are probably right!

***Here are some sources to find song lyrics: search songs


Circle one of the following:

1. Symbolism

2. Conflicts (internal or external)

3. Character (feelings/emotions, change)

4. Theme (lesson learned or motto)

Song/lyric ideas: ______


“The Long and Winding Road”

by The Beatles

Explanation: Edward Tulane cried and had been alone for many, many nights on his journey that lasted for years. The door in this story that always led him there is the thoughts that Edward has each night of his Abilene, and the other people he’d loved and lost along the way. He longs to get back to her and those he loved, and he didn’t want to keep waiting more years on a shelf in a store. And although he didn’t know it, each of those people he loved and lost led him back into Abilene’s arms.


“The long and winding road, that leads to your door will never disappear, I've seen that road before

It always leads me here, lead s me to your door.

The wild and windy night that the rain washed away has left a pool of tears, Crying for the day.

Why leave me standing here? Let me know the way.

Many times I've been alone, And many times I've cried, Anyway you've always known, The many ways I've tried.

And still they lead me back, to the long, winding road. You left me standing here, A long, long time ago

Don't leave me standing here,--lead me to your door. But still they lead me back, To the long winding road

You left me standing here a long, long time ago (Ohhh). Don't keep me waiting here (don't keep me waiting)

Lead me to your door. (Yeah ,yeah, yeah, yeah)

Character Analysis

Directions: Divide an 8 ½” x 11” piece of paper to make 4 squares.

1. Visually represent how Johnny grew as a character throughout the story.

2. Visually depict how Dally’s mental stability changed throughout the story. (Hint: you could use a symbol such as a rollercoaster to represent how he felt)

3. Through pictures, symbols, and short phrases, show why Ponyboy is “gold.”

4. Create a NEW character that would fit in with the greaser gang

Newspaper Article

You are a reporter for the local paper. Write a feature article about Pony and his family. Include actual lines he might have said during the interview and sure to use quote marks to show that they are his words. Include:

□What happened to his parents

□What happened to Pony at the fountain

□His stay at the church

□His rescue of the little kids from the church

□The rumble

□After the rumble



Obituary (2-one for each character in the book who dies)


□Date of birth and death –you do not have to be exact, but remember, SE Hinton wrote this in the mid 1960s—and Johnny was 16. What kind of a person he was and why he will be missed

□Who he is survived by

□When and where the service will be held

□Where (if any) memorial donations are to be given


Eulogy (One written tribute/speech/dedication) from Ponyboy’s viewpoint of view . It must include the following:

□specific examples of why he will be missed

□memorable moments that people would want to hear

□authentic feelings of sadness in the writing (word choice)

□min. 5 vocab. words from the book—can be slang

□min. word amount = 500

Scene Cut – Select an event from the book listed below. Your task is to cut and reshape the lines from the text, learn your lines and act it out. It must include the following:

  • clearly spoken and audible lines (minimum: 12)
  • dramatic rendition of the event
  • A minimum of three props
  • No longer than 5 minutes
  • Use the text to create a script and give Ms. K a copy of your script with each person’s part noted NO LATER than Monday 10/14.


  1. When Pony is jumped by the Socs (p. 4-13—needs major cutting, but needs to include a narrator. Characters: Pony, 3 Greasers, Darry, Soda, narrator-- 7 parts
  2. At the movie theatre (p. 21-27)—needs major cutting, but include a narrator. Characters: Pony, Johnny, Cherry, Marcia, Dally, narrator-- 6 parts
  3. At the burning church (p. 90-95)—needs some cutting—include a narrator

Characters: Pony, Johnny, Dally, Lady, Jerry, 3 kids, narrator-- 9 parts

  1. The rumble (p. 141—145) Darry, Pony, Paul, Dally, plus people to mime the fighting (no credit, just fun for non-speaking parts)

The Outsiders CD Cover Project

The task: Design a CD or LP cover forThe Outsiders that uses a creative title (NOT the title of the book!) to state the book’s theme, uses at least three different computer-generated photos or hand drawn symbols from the book and a song title for each chapter. (Hint: there are 12 chapters). A blank CD cover is best, but all that is absolutely required is that your paper be the same size as a traditional CD or LP (a vinyl record cover—if you don’t know what this is, not to worry—it’s a bit retro—ask your parents for archaic details!)

□Creative title that conveys the book’s theme

□Three + different computer generated or hand drawn symbols found in the book

□A song title for each chapter in the book

□Correct spelling

□Correct punctuation

□Correct grammar


Outsiders Party Block I: Bralynne, Kayla, Shreya, Victoria

Block II: Adil, Jaylynn, Neha, Sophie

Plan and host a 35 minute party about the book. It must include, but is not limited to:

Food from the book (make this a class “potluck”)

A game involving slang from the book

A game involving the characters from the book

An interview with SE Hinton

Drama games, like “Just a Minute” and Memory using objects from the book

Class room set-up and clean-up, as needed


Outsiders ART!

Draw a picture of each of the main characters: Pony, Soda, Dally, Darry, Cherry & Johnny. Make sure to include some of their features mentioned in the book—hair and eyecolor, build, clothing, etc. These can be on one piece of paper or one character per page.