Meeting Minutes
Date: October 7, 2016
Location- St. Louis, MO

Attending: Kelli Pryor, John Bardgett, Scott Broughton, Carol Kemna, Chris Black, Rob Walsh, Christin Stoner, Michael Nichols, Corry Coopmans, Sally Poepsel, Jeanie Skibiski, Jean Covillo, Jason Corey, Terry Martin, Curtis RObison

Absent: Kristen Richter, Rebecca Boust, Elisa Oetting, Mary Kay Bader, Sheila Ray

Quorum present: Yes

Meeting began at 1810 and adjourned at 2005

SUBJECT / DISCUSSION / Motions / Action / Tasks to Meet Action /


- Minutes available but not reviewed. / Minutes to be reviewed.


President’s Report:
Kelli Pryor / -  Welcome of guests, BOD, and committee members
Lobbyist’s Report:
John Bardgett / -  Update of meetings and how upcoming election will effect MoANA.
Review of legislators and contributions made on behalf of MoANA.
December 1, 2016 will be filing of bills, will update MoANA BOD as filing occurs.
-  Review of WPS.
Floor opened for discussion among BOD and committee members.
Treasurer’s Report:
Scott Broughton / -  Review of Quarter 4 of 2016 expenses, assests, budget, and investments
Continuing Education:
Chris Black / -  Review of meeting format for October 8-9, 2016.
Will update BOD for format of Spring Meeting, to be held at Missouri State, after this meeting.
Will revisit Kansas City and St. Louis, MO for future meetings and potential of bringing in different key speakers
Region Directors Reports: / Region II: 2 CRNAs have been affected by WPS.
Region III: PAC golf tournament to be held October 15, 2016 in Rolla, MO
Region IV: Met with Representative and presented check on behalf of MoANA.
Executive Directors Report:
Carol Kemna / -  200+ participants for Fall Meeting. Will update exact number after meeting.
Government Relations:
Rob Walsh / -  Kristen Richter and Rob Walsh met with John Bardgett to discuss upcoming year’s Advocacy Day
Potential new format for Advocacy Day 2017 / Motion to adjourn meeting at 1914 for discussion of PAC:
1.  Corry Coopmans
2.  Michael Nichols
Motion to reconvene meeting at 1926.
Website Committee:
Christin Stoner / -  Review of member and BOD logins
-  Review of new content.
FPD Report:
Michael Nichols / -  Update on the latest of the VHA issue
SRS Report:
Jeanie Skibiski / -  Will have new member, Sheila Ray, to join this committee
Student Leadership:
Corry Coopmans / -  Introduction of new format and the four new members


Jeanie SKibiski:


-  Update of the initiative to educate members about the practice management

/ / /

Kelli Pryor:


-  DDC Advocacy tool update


Motion made to approve BOD expense of $500 for use of the AANA DDC tool and to eliminate Engage.

1.  Corry Coopmans
2.  Michael Nichols /

All in favor.

Rob Walsh: / -  AANA Board Nomination / Motion to have MoANA support Mark Haffey, CRNA for AANA Vice-President
1.  Jeanie Skibiski
2.  Jean Covillo / All in favor.


Meeting adjourned at 2005. / Motion to adjourn at 2005.
1.  Jean Covillo
2.  Michael Nichols
Next Business meeting date: / Business Meeting October 8, 2016