Spectrum Lecture Series 2016-2017

Curriculum Co-Development and Mentorship in Kenya

Wednesday, November 16th, 4:30 pm
Montgomery College
Germantown Campus
Globe Hall
Dr. Rachel Ndonye
Professor of Chemistry
Montgomery College Rockville, MD
Light refreshments will be served /

Dr. Rachel Ndonye was a Carnegie African Diaspora Fellow at the Technical University of Kenya (TU-K) for three months (June to August 2016) working on various project activities. The fellowship program is a scholar program that pairs educators in the US and Canada with host institutions of higher education in selected African countries to focus on educational projects. She collaborated with faculty and staff of TU-K to accomplish the project goals. The presentation will cover the education system in Kenya, the process involved in developing a new medicinal chemistry program and institutionalizing a partnership between the host institution and local industries. Mentorship activities conducted and educational exchange program opportunities available to Montgomery College faculty will be presented.

Biography: Dr. Rachel Ndonye is a professor of chemistry at Montgomery College, Rockville Campus. She earned her B.S. in Chemistry from the University of Nairobi, Kenya and her Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from the University of Connecticut. Her main duties at Montgomery College are teaching general and organic chemistry to undergraduate students, serving on various department, campus and college-wide committees, maintaining an active program in professional development activities and participating in professional organizations. Dr. Rachel Ndonye mentor undergraduate research students. Her research interests focus on utilizing sustainable chemistry in developing synthetic strategies in organic chemistry and extraction of natural products.

As always, Spectrum Lectures are appropriate for a general audience and admission is free. No tickets are required. For questions or to request accommodations for physical disability, please contact Rick Pires at or 240-567-7798. More information about Spectrum Lectures can be found at: http://cms.montgomerycollege.edu/edu/department.aspx?id=10883

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