** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** SABIC Innovative Plastics LEXAN sheet glazing.
This section is based on LEXAN sheet glazing manufactured by SABIC Innovative Plastics at the following address:
1 Plastics Avenue
Pittsfield, MA, 01201
Tel: (413) 448-7110
Fax: (413) 448-7506
SABIC Innovative Plastics works around the globe and around the clock, offering innovative solutions to design needs in virtually every manufacturing arena..SABIC Innovative Plastics is a world leader in providing engineering thermoplastic material solutions. In more than 60 countries worldwide, we help redefine the way OEMs design -- from concept to reality.
- Multiwall polycarbonate plastic glazing.
- Accessories for installation of plastic glazing.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Add sections relevant to this project as required.
- Section 08800 - Glazing.
- Section 08900 – Glazed Curtain Wall
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Delete references from the list below that are not actually required by the text of the edited section.
- ASHRAE – American Society of Heating, Refrigerating & Air-Conditioning Engineers.
- ASTM D 635 - Standard Test Method for Rate of Burning and/or Extent and Time of Burning of Self-Supporting Plastics in a Horizontal Position.
- ASTM D 1003 - Standard Test Method for Haze and Luminous Transmittance of Transparent Plastics.
- ASTM E-84 – Standard Test method of Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials.
- ASTM G53 – Practice for Operating Light and Water Exposure Apparatus.
- DIN 52210 - Testing of Airborne and Impact Sound Insulation.
- EN 410 – Determination of Luminous and Solar Characteristics of Glazing
- ISO 9002 - International Standards Organization.
- ISO 10077(EN673) – Calculation for Center of Glazing Thermal Performance.
- KRI-TNO - Dutch Testing Institute Standard Hail Resistance Simulation Test.
- QUV 313B - Accelerated Weathering Test of Non-Metallic Materials.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Edit the following paragraph for project requirements; delete requirements that do not apply. Delete entire paragraph if not applicable to project.
- Design requirements for installed plastic glazing systems:
- Windload resistance:
- Positive pressure: ___ pounds per square foot (__ MPa).
- Negative pressure: ___ pounds per square foot (__ MPa).
- Submit under provisions of Section 01300.
- Product Data: Polycarbonate sheet manufacturer's descriptive literature for each glazing type specified, including documentation of code compliance; include descriptive literature for recommended installation accessories.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Delete the following paragraph if colors are specified in this section.
- Selection Samples: Two sets of color chips representing polycarbonate sheet manufacturer's full range of available colors.
- Verification Samples: Two samples, minimum size 4 inches (102 mm) square, representing actual color and finish of products to be installed.
- Quality Control Submittals:
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Delete the following sub-paragraph if no design requirements are specified in SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Article in this section.
- Design Data: Analysis by polycarbonate sheet manufacturer verifying compliance of polycarbonate sheet glazing; include details of glazing edge engagement, and allowance for anticipated thermal movements.
- Manufacturer Qualifications: Documentation of specified manufacturer qualifications.
- Manufacturer's Instructions: Printed installation instructions for polycarbonate sheet glazing; include storage, requirements, recommended glazing techniques, and installation accessories.
- Specimen warranty documents.
- Operation and maintenance data: Printed instructions on recommended cleaning and maintenance materials and methods.
- Warranty documents specified in WARRANTY Article of PART 1 of this section.
- Manufacturer Qualifications:
- Minimum ten (10) years experience producing plastic glazing products.
- Minimum five (5) completed projects on which manufacturer has supplied plastic glazing, similar in type and scope to this project; each completed project to be minimum five (5) years old.
- Registered in accordance with ISO-9002 quality standards.
- Regulatory Requirements: Glazing materials to comply with the following building code:
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Delete any codes listed in the sub-paragraphs below which do not apply to project.
- International Building Code (IBC), 2006 Edition.
- International Residential Code (IRC), 2006 Edition.
- Mock-Ups: Supply materials for mock-ups required in affected sections.
- LEED: Provide recycled content documentation for MR Credit 4 – Recycled Content.
- Do not slide, drag, or drop polycarbonate sheet materials.
- Do not store polycarbonate sheet materials in areas subject to direct UV exposure.
- Store products of this section with polycarbonate sheet manufacturer's protective film intact.
- Maintain storage area in accordance with polycarbonate sheet manufacturer's instructions until installation of products.
- At project closeout, provide to Owner or Owners Representative an executed copy of the manufacturer's standard limited warranty against manufacturing defect, outlining its terms, conditions, and exclusions from coverage.
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** 3 year warranty is only for Thermoclear Easy Clean Sheets. 5 year warranty is only for Lexan 9030 and Lexan 9030FR sheets. All others carry a 10 year warranty. Retain only those warranties applicable to the specified products and delete all others.
- Duration: Ten (10) year warranty against defects in materials.
- Acceptable Manufacturer: AmeriLux International LLC.
1212 Enterprise Dr, DePere, WI 54115; Tel: (920) 336-9300; Fax: (920) 336-9301; E-Mail:
For Preferred Systems Integrators and Installers contact AmeriLux International.
- No Substitutions
** NOTE TO SPECIFIER ** Retain only those allocation related to the Work specified in this section and delete all others. Add additional applications where not listed.
- Provide polycarbonate glazing panels for use in glazed curtain wall assemblies.
- Provide polycarbonate glazing panels for use ininterior partitions.
- Provide polycarbonate glazing panels for use in protective railing applications.
A.40mmLexan Thermoclick - Clear
1.Thermal Transmission (U-Value): .22as determined by calculations based on test data, in accordance with ISO 10077 (EN673).
2.Solar Heat Gain Coefficient: 0.64 per EN 410.
3.Light transmission: 59%. Change not to exceed 6% percent per ASTM D1003.
4.Yellowing intensity: Change not to exceed a delta of 10 per ASTM D1925.
5.Fire rating: Class A per ASTM E-84. Class CCI per ASTM D-635. Maximum Flame Spread/Smoke Development: 15/235
6.Sound Transmission: STC24
7.Weather resistance, when tested for 1500 hours in accordance with ÅSTM G 53 and QUV 313B:
8.Impact Resistant >69ft/sec per KRI-TNO
9.Coating integrity: Intact after testing period.
B.40mm Lexan Thermoclick- Opal
1.Thermal Transmission (U-Value): .22as determined by calculations based on test data, in accordance with ISO 10077 (EN673).
2.Solar Heat Gain Coefficient: 0.57per EN 410.
3.Light transmission: 50%. Change not to exceed 6% percentper ASTM D1003.
4.Yellowing intensity: Change not to exceed a delta of 15per ASTM D1925.
5.Fire rating: Class A per ASTM E-84. Class CCI per ASTM D-635. Maximum Flame Spread/Smoke Development: 15/235
6.Sound Transmission: STC24
7.Weather resistance, when tested for 1500 hours in accordance with ÅSTM G 53 and QUV 313B:
8.Impact Resistant >69ft/sec per KRI-TNO
9.Coating integrity: Intact after testing period.
C.40mmLexan Thermoclick - Blue
1.Thermal Transmission (U-Value): .22as determined by calculations based on test data, in accordance with ISO 10077 (EN673).
2.Solar Heat Gain Coefficient: 0.51per EN 410.
3.Light transmission: 20%. Change not to exceed 6% percentper ASTM D1003.
4.Yellowing intensity: Change not to exceed a delta of 15per ASTM D1925.
5.Fire rating: Class A per ASTM E-84. Class CCI per ASTM D-635. Maximum Flame Spread/Smoke Development: 15/235
6.Sound Transmission: STC24
7.Weather resistance, when tested for 1500 hours in accordance with ÅSTM G 53 and QUV 313B:
8.Impact Resistant >69ft/sec per KRI-TNO
9.Coating integrity: Intact after testing period.
D.40mm Lexan Thermoclick– Green(Not a stock Item, contact AmeriLux for availability)
1.Thermal Transmission (U-Value): .22as determined by calculations based on test data, in accordance with ISO 10077 (EN673).
2.Solar Heat Gain Coefficient: 0.55per EN 410.
3.Light transmission: 46%. Change not to exceed 6% percentper ASTM D1003.
4.Yellowing intensity: Change not to exceed a delta of 15per ASTM D1925.
5.Fire rating: Class A per ASTM E-84. Class CCI per ASTM D-635. Maximum Flame Spread/Smoke Development: 15/235
6.Sound Transmission: STC24
7.Weather resistance, when tested for 1500 hours in accordance with ÅSTM G 53 and QUV 313B:
8.Impact Resistant >69ft/sec per KRI-TNO
9.Coating integrity: Intact after testing period.
E.40mm Lexan Thermoclick– Orange(Not a stock Item, contact AmeriLux for availability)
1.Thermal Transmission (U-Value): .22 as determined by calculations based on test data, in accordance with ISO 10077 (EN673).
2.Solar Heat Gain Coefficient: 0.59per EN 410.
3.Light transmission: 34%. Change not to exceed 6% percentper ASTM D1003.
4.Yellowing intensity: Change not to exceed a delta of 15per ASTM D1925.
5.Fire rating: Class A per ASTM E-84. Class CCI per ASTM D-635. Maximum Flame Spread/Smoke Development: 15/235
6.Sound Transmission: STC24
7.Weather resistance, when tested for 1500 hours in accordance with ÅSTM G 53 and QUV 313B:
8.Impact Resistant >69ft/sec per KRI-TNO
9.Coating integrity: Intact after testing period.
F.40mm Lexan Thermoclick– Purple(Not a stock Item, contact AmeriLux for availability)
1.Thermal Transmission (U-Value): .22as determined by calculations based on test data, in accordance with ISO 10077 (EN673).
2.Solar Heat Gain Coefficient: 0.54per EN 410.
3.Light transmission: 15%. Change not to exceed 6% percentper ASTM D1003.
4.Yellowing intensity: Change not to exceed a delta of 15per ASTM D1925.
5.Fire rating: Class A per ASTM E-84. Class CCI per ASTM D-635. Maximum Flame Spread/Smoke Development: 15/235
6.Sound Transmission: STC24
7.Weather resistance, when tested for 1500 hours in accordance with ÅSTM G 53 and QUV 313B:
8.Impact Resistant >69ft/sec per KRI-TNO
9.Coating integrity: Intact after testing period.
G.40mm Lexan Thermoclick– Red(Not a stock Item, contact AmeriLux for availability)
1.Thermal Transmission (U-Value): .22as determined by calculations based on test data, in accordance with ISO 10077 (EN673).
2.Solar Heat Gain Coefficient: 0.56per EN 410.
3.Light transmission: 27%. Change not to exceed 6% percentper ASTM D1003.
4.Yellowing intensity: Change not to exceed a delta of 15per ASTM D1925.
5.Fire rating: Class A per ASTM E-84. Class CCI per ASTM D-635. Maximum Flame Spread/Smoke Development: 15/235
6.Sound Transmission: STC24
7.Weather resistance, when tested for 1500 hours in accordance with ÅSTM G 53 and QUV 313B:
8.Impact Resistant >69ft/sec per KRI-TNO
9.Coating integrity: Intact after testing period.
H.40mm Lexan Thermoclick– Yellow(Not a stock Item, contact AmeriLux for availability)
1.Thermal Transmission (U-Value): .22as determined by calculations based on test data, in accordance with ISO 10077 (EN673).
2.Solar Heat Gain Coefficient: 0.61per EN 410.
3.Light transmission: 59%. Change not to exceed 6% percentper ASTM D1003.
4.Yellowing intensity: Change not to exceed a delta of 15per ASTM D1925.
5.Fire rating: Class A per ASTM E-84. Class CCI per ASTM D-635. Maximum Flame Spread/Smoke Development: 15/235
6.Sound Transmission: STC24
7.Weather resistance, when tested for 1500 hours in accordance with ÅSTM G 53 and QUV 313B:
8.Impact Resistant >69ft/sec per KRI-TNO
9.Coating integrity: Intact after testing period.
I.40mm Lexan Thermoclick– Green Solar Control IR(Not a stock Item, contact AmeriLux for availability)
1.Thermal Transmission (U-Value): .22as determined by calculations based on test data, in accordance with ISO 10077 (EN673).
2.Solar Heat Gain Coefficient: 0.40per EN 410.
3.Light transmission: 38%. Change not to exceed 6% percentper ASTM D1003.
4.Yellowing intensity: Change not to exceed a delta of 15per ASTM D1925.
5.Fire rating: Class A per ASTM E-84. Class CCI per ASTM D-635. Maximum Flame Spread/Smoke Development: 15/235
6.Sound Transmission: STC24
7.Weather resistance, when tested for 1500 hours in accordance with ÅSTM G 53 and QUV 313B:
8.Impact Resistant >69ft/sec per KRI-TNO
9.Coating integrity: Intact after testing period.
J.40mm Lexan Thermoclick– Blue Solar Control IR(Not a stock Item, contact AmeriLux for availability)
1.Thermal Transmission (U-Value): .22as determined by calculations based on test data, in accordance with ISO 10077 (EN673).
2.Solar Heat Gain Coefficient: 0.37per EN 410.
3.Light transmission: 23%. Change not to exceed 6% percentper ASTM D1003.
4.Yellowing intensity: Change not to exceed a delta of 15per ASTM D1925.
5.Fire rating: Class A per ASTM E-84. Class CCI per ASTM D-635. Maximum Flame Spread/Smoke Development: 15/235
6.Sound Transmission: STC24
7.Weather resistance, when tested for 1500 hours in accordance with ÅSTM G 53 and QUV 313B:
8.Impact Resistant >69ft/sec per KRI-TNO
9.Coating integrity: Intact after testing period.
K.40mm Lexan Thermoclick– Grey Solar Control IR
1.Thermal Transmission (U-Value): .22as determined by calculations based on test data, in accordance with ISO 10077 (EN673).
2.Solar Heat Gain Coefficient: 0.32per EN 410.
3.Light transmission: 14%. Change not to exceed 6% percentper ASTM D1003.
4.Yellowing intensity: Change not to exceed a delta of 15per ASTM D1925.
5.Fire rating: Class A per ASTM E-84. Class CCI per ASTM D-635. Maximum Flame Spread/Smoke Development: 15/235
6.Sound Transmission: STC24
7.Weather resistance, when tested for 1500 hours in accordance with ÅSTM G 53 and QUV 313B:
8.Impact Resistant >69ft/sec per KRI-TNO
9.Coating integrity: Intact after testing period.
L.50mmLexan Thermoclick– Clear
1.Thermal Transmission (U-Value): .176 as determined by calculations based on test data, in accordance with ISO 10077 (EN673).
2.Solar Heat Gain Coefficient: 0.50per EN 410.
3.Light transmission: 47%. Change not to exceed 6% percentper ASTM D1003.
4.Yellowing intensity: Change not to exceed a delta of 10per ASTM D1925.
5.Fire rating: Class A per ASTM E-84. Class CCI per ASTM D-635. Maximum Flame Spread/Smoke Development: 5/20
6.Sound Transmission: STC27 per DIN 52210-75
7.Weather resistance, when tested for 1500 hours in accordance with ÅSTM G 53 and QUV 313B:
8.Impact Resistant >69ft/sec per KRI-TNO
9.Coating integrity: Intact after testing period.
M.50mm Lexan Thermoclick- Opal
1.Thermal Transmission (U-Value): .176 as determined by calculations based on test data, in accordance with ISO 10077 (EN673).
2.Solar Heat Gain Coefficient: 0.45per EN 410.
3.Light transmission: 37%. Change not to exceed 6% percentper ASTM D1003.
4.Yellowing intensity: Change not to exceed a delta of 15per ASTM D1925.
5.Fire rating: Class A per ASTM E-84. Class CCI per ASTM D-635. Maximum Flame Spread/Smoke Development: 5/20
6.Sound Transmission: STC27 per DIN 52210-75
7.Weather resistance, when tested for 1500 hours in accordance with ÅSTM G 53 and QUV 313B:
8.Impact Resistant >69ft/sec per KRI-TNO
9.Coating integrity: Intact after testing period.
N.50mm Lexan Thermoclick– Blue(Not a stock Item, contact AmeriLux for availability)
1.Thermal Transmission (U-Value): .176 as determined by calculations based on test data, in accordance with ISO 10077 (EN673).
2.Solar Heat Gain Coefficient: 0.41per EN 410.
3.Light transmission: 13%. Change not to exceed 6% percentper ASTM D1003.
4.Yellowing intensity: Change not to exceed a delta of 15per ASTM D1925.
5.Fire rating: Class A per ASTM E-84. Class CCI per ASTM D-635. Maximum Flame Spread/Smoke Development: 5/20
6.Sound Transmission: STC27 per DIN 52210-75
7.Weather resistance, when tested for 1500 hours in accordance with ÅSTM G 53 and QUV 313B:
8.Impact Resistant >69ft/sec per KRI-TNO
9.Coating integrity: Intact after testing period.
O.50mm Lexan Thermoclick– Green(Not a stock Item, contact AmeriLux for availability)
1.Thermal Transmission (U-Value): .176 as determined by calculations based on test data, in accordance with ISO 10077 (EN673).
2.Solar Heat Gain Coefficient: 0.44per EN 410.
3.Light transmission: 37%. Change not to exceed 6% percentper ASTM D1003.
4.Yellowing intensity: Change not to exceed a delta of 15per ASTM D1925.
5.Fire rating: Class A per ASTM E-84. Class CCI per ASTM D-635. Maximum Flame Spread/Smoke Development: 5/20
6.Sound Transmission: STC27 per DIN 52210-75
7.Weather resistance, when tested for 1500 hours in accordance with ÅSTM G 53 and QUV 313B:
8.Impact Resistant >69ft/sec per KRI-TNO
9.Coating integrity: Intact after testing period.
P.50mm Lexan Thermoclick– Orange(Not a stock Item, contact AmeriLux for availability)
1.Thermal Transmission (U-Value): .176 as determined by calculations based on test data, in accordance with ISO 10077 (EN673).
2.Solar Heat Gain Coefficient: 0.44per EN 410.
3.Light transmission: 28%. Change not to exceed 6% percentper ASTM D1003.
4.Yellowing intensity: Change not to exceed a delta of 15per ASTM D1925.
5.Fire rating: Class A per ASTM E-84. Class CCI per ASTM D-635. Maximum Flame Spread/Smoke Development: 5/20
6.Sound Transmission: STC27 per DIN 52210-75
7.Weather resistance, when tested for 1500 hours in accordance with ÅSTM G 53 and QUV 313B:
8.Impact Resistant >69ft/sec per KRI-TNO
9.Coating integrity: Intact after testing period.
Q.50mm Lexan Thermoclick– Purple(Not a stock Item, contact AmeriLux for availability)
1.Thermal Transmission (U-Value): .176 as determined by calculations based on test data, in accordance with ISO 10077 (EN673).
2.Solar Heat Gain Coefficient: 0.44per EN 410.
3.Light transmission: 10%. Change not to exceed 6% percentper ASTM D1003.
4.Yellowing intensity: Change not to exceed a delta of 15per ASTM D1925.
5.Fire rating: Class A per ASTM E-84. Class CCI per ASTM D-635. Maximum Flame Spread/Smoke Development: 5/20
6.Sound Transmission: STC27 per DIN 52210-75
7.Weather resistance, when tested for 1500 hours in accordance with ÅSTM G 53 and QUV 313B:
8.Impact Resistant >69ft/sec per KRI-TNO
9.Coating integrity: Intact after testing period.
R.50mm Lexan Thermoclick– Red(Not a stock Item, contact AmeriLux for availability)
1.Thermal Transmission (U-Value): .176 as determined by calculations based on test data, in accordance with ISO 10077 (EN673).
2.Solar Heat Gain Coefficient: 0.45per EN 410.
3.Light transmission: 21%. Change not to exceed 6% percentper ASTM D1003.
4.Yellowing intensity: Change not to exceed a delta of 15per ASTM D1925.
5.Fire rating: Class A per ASTM E-84. Class CCI per ASTM D-635. Maximum Flame Spread/Smoke Development: 5/20
6.Sound Transmission: STC27 per DIN 52210-75
7.Weather resistance, when tested for 1500 hours in accordance with ÅSTM G 53 and QUV 313B:
8.Impact Resistant >69ft/sec per KRI-TNO
9.Coating integrity: Intact after testing period.
S.50mm Lexan Thermoclick– Yellow(Not a stock Item, contact AmeriLux for availability)
1.Thermal Transmission (U-Value): .176 as determined by calculations based on test data, in accordance with ISO 10077 (EN673).
2.Solar Heat Gain Coefficient: 0.50per EN 410.
3.Light transmission: 48%. Change not to exceed 6% percentper ASTM D1003.
4.Yellowing intensity: Change not to exceed a delta of 15per ASTM D1925.
5.Fire rating: Class A per ASTM E-84. Class CCI per ASTM D-635. Maximum Flame Spread/Smoke Development: 5/20
6.Sound Transmission: STC27 per DIN 52210-75
7.Weather resistance, when tested for 1500 hours in accordance with ÅSTM G 53 and QUV 313B:
8.Impact Resistant >69ft/sec per KRI-TNO
9.Coating integrity: Intact after testing period.
T.50mm Lexan Thermoclick– Green Solar Control IR(Not a stock Item, contact AmeriLux for availability)