Credit Transfer Factsheet

BSc Hons Adult NursingQ73

If you have previously studied elsewhere and your studies were completed at the same academic level as OU modules, we may be able to award you credit transfer towards an OU qualification: this will reduce the number of OU modules you have to study to complete your OU qualification. You need to decide which OU qualification you wish to study for with us before you can apply for credit transfer.
This factsheet tells you about transferred credit from elsewhere into this particular OU qualification.
Please note that:
  • We can only confirm how much credit you can be awarded once you have made a formal Credit Transfer application which has been considered by an OU assessor.
  • Your previous studies must be at the same academic level, and carry at least as many Credit Accumulation and Transfer (CATS) points, as the OU study from which you are to be exempted. More details about CATS points and levels can be found on our website at
  • We will award you as much credit transfer as possible, but this may be less than the maximum available towards this OU qualification. This is because the amount of credit transfer you can be awarded depends on several factors (such as the number of credits you achieved and how closely your previous study matches the OU modules).
We will also assess your study towards our Open degree, as you may be eligible for more credit towards that degree. To find out more about our Open degree programme, please see:

Credit transfer towards the BSc Hons Adult Nursing(Qualification Code: Q73)

Please note that any award of credit transfer towards this qualification does not guarantee acceptance onto the programme. For further advice about entry to the qualification, please contact your staff tutor in your local National/Regional Centre before submitting your credit transfer application.
Maximum credit transfer available towards this qualification
The maximum number of credits that can be transferred towards this qualification are shown in the table below. The actual number of credits that you are awarded will be determined when your application for credit transfer has been assessed and may be less that the maximum shown below. Credit transfer is usually awarded in multiples of 30 credits.
Total number of credits required for this qualification / 360 credits
Maximum credit transfer / 180 credits
Minimum number of OU credits to be completed / 180 credits
Time limits towards this qualification
The duration of study for the BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing is limited to 7 years from the date of starting the OU programme. The study forming the basis of an award of transferred credit does not need to be within this 7 year time limit.
Age of previous study
For this qualification we can consider previous study completed up to 5 years ago for credit transfer. We will calculate the age of your previous study using the date we receive your completed application with all required supporting evidence.
Study for which you could be awarded credit transfer
Attached to this factsheet is a document which explains what sort of previous study can be considered for credit transfer into this qualification. When you make your application for credit transfer you will need to send a credit transfer application form, the form in the following guidance (see page 4) and original evidence of your previous study.
However, if you have already completed any OU modules that are eligible to count towards this qualification, and if you choose to include any of them, your start date will be the start date of the earliest OU module that you choose to include. The number of years that you have to complete your qualification will still depend on the amount of OU credit that you have left to complete given your credit transfer award (see table above). You may find that including an earlier OU module(s) gives you no time, or insufficient time, to complete the qualification, in which case you will not be able to include that module(s).
When we assess your application for credit transfer we will look at how similar the study you completed is to the OU modules in this qualification.
How much credit you are awarded is likely to depend in part on how closely the subjects of your previous studies match those of the modules in this qualification. If your previous study is in an unrelated subject area we will not be able to award you credit transfer towards this qualification. To read about the subjects covered in this qualification visit the qualification description

What do I need to provide with my application?
Every application must be supported by original hardcopy evidence, usually in the form of academic transcript and/or certificate. Please see the application form and the FAQs on our website for more information about the evidence you will need to provide.
For applications towards this qualification you will also need to provide syllabus information in order that the academic expert can map how closely your previous study matches that of the OU modules in the qualification. Your academic transcript will provide a list of the modules or units you completed, but syllabus information provides a detailed description of the content of each of those modules, often about a paragraph per module/unit. If you do not provide syllabus information we will be unable to assess your previous study towards this qualification.
You will also need to provide the transcript of professional training, which should confirm the study and practice hours successfully completed.
You will also need to complete the APL form that follows this factsheet, without this information we will be unable to process your application.

Unique study rule

For each OU qualification, you must include an amount of OU study that is unique to that particular qualification (credit from study completed at the OU which has not previously been counted towards another OU qualification). Full details are given in the degree regulations, in the Qualification Regulations section of the qualification description:

Further information you will need

To find out more about credit transfer, and to download a Credit Transfer application form, visit our Credit Transfer website: This site also tells you what previous study can be used for credit transfer and explains in detail how the application process works
You should read this Credit Transfer factsheet in conjunction with the qualification description which can be found at:
  • Contains the University regulations
  • Gives information on the structure of your chosen OU qualification

Have you considered our BA/BSc Open degrees?

You may be interested in finding out more about our unique Open programme:
  • It gives you a huge choice in terms of the subjects and modules you study to make up your Open degree: you can take modules form any of our undergraduate subjects
  • Currently the only restriction on the age of credit counting to the Open degree is that the study must have been completed in the last 16 years.
  • Previous study completed in any subject area can be transferred into the Open degree.
You can find out more from The Open Programme website:
If you require a version of these notes in an alternative format, such as large print, please contact us.
This factsheet has been prepared by the Credit Transfer Centre, The Open University, PO Box 80, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AS.
You are welcome to contact us regarding your application for credit transfer, however please note that we are unable to advise you how much credit transfer you could be awarded before we have assessed your formal application.
You may find that your query has already been answered at
E-mail: /
The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391) an exempt charity in England and Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302).
While every effort is made to ensure accuracy, the information in this publication may change in the light of altered regulations, policy or other constraints.
Copyright © 2018 The Open University / SUPP CODE 031300

Pre-registration Nursing:

BSc (Hons) Nursing in Adult Nursing

BSc (Hons) in Mental Health Nursing



An important consideration
We recognise that applicants will need to invest time in preparing an application for consideration. Before you start to complete these documents:
  • You must contact Student Recruitment and Fees (0300 303 5303) in order to seek advice about the programme. You will be referred to speak to a member of the nursing team in your locality, who will advise regarding the potential for you to be supported to study the programme.
  • Check the cut-off date for receipt of your credit transfer application. There are time constraints and complex processes involved in applying for a place on the programme so it is essential to allow sufficient time.
  • Identify whether you completed your previous higher education level learning within the last 5 years?

Please note that this document is in two sections;
The first section explains the requirements and processes for transferring prior learning credit.
The second section contains the forms that you will need to complete in addition to your credit transfer application form.

Please note: if you need assistance with or have questions regarding completing these forms please contact Student Recruitment and Fees again (0300 303 5303) and ask to be referred back to the nursing team in your locality.

1.Introduction / 1
2.NMC requirements for theoretical and practice learning / 1
Table 1: An analysis of hours across the pre-registration nursing programme / 2
Table 2: The structure of the pre-registration nursing programme / 3
3.Guidance for the accreditation of prior learning / 4
4.Modules that can be considered against applications for APL / 6
5.Making an application through APL / 7
Form 1: Application for the accreditation of prior learning / 8
Form 2a: Portfolio of prior practice experience (KYN117) / 9
Form 2b: Assessment of prior learning matched against module learning outcomes (KYN117) / 11
Form 3a: Assessment of prior learning matched against module learning outcomes (KYN101) / 13
Form 3b: Assessment of prior learning matched against module learning outcomes (SKYN299) / 15
Form 3c: Assessment of prior learning matched against module learning outcomes (SKYN228) / 17
Form 3d: Assessment of prior learning matched against module learning outcomes (KYN238) / 19


An Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) process has been developed for the pre-registration nursing programme leading to a BSc (Hons) in Adult Nursing (Qualification Q73)or BSc (Hons) in Mental Health Nursing (Qualification Q74), adhering to regulations set by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and The Open University (OU).

The NMC (2010) identifies APL as a process used in higher education to allow previous certified learning or experiential learning to be accepted as meeting programme learning outcomes and requirements. The NMC has recently lifted the threshold of possible accreditation within pre-registration programmes from one-third (i.e. maximum of 120 credits) to half (i.e. up to 180 credits). APL can only be considered against Stage 1 and some of our Stage 2 modules, as the OU requires all Stage 3 study to be completed within the qualification. The OU does not allow partial credit within modules therefore any application against provision must be matched against the learning outcomes for the entire module and will not be considered against partial modules. Although the NMC permits accreditation of up to 180 credits, it is anticipated that this level of prior study and/or experience linked to a programme of studywould be unusual.

Each application will be reviewed on its individual merit. Credit applications will be considered against both theoretical instruction and practice application. In both instances, evidence will need to be provided in order to support theapplication. Without this evidence, the application cannot be progressed. Students applying for the programme therefore need to demonstrate that they have the relevant prior learning before entry to the programme of study, in order to be awarded credit.


The NMC requires pre-registration nursing programmes to be equally balanced in terms of theoretical and practice learning, with a minimum of 2,300 hours demonstrated in each by the completion of the programme (i.e. a minimum of 4,600 hours in total). Any application made for practice-based modules must account for equivalent practice hours, as well as certified credit. This is because all practice-based modules have elements of practice as well as theory. Thus, for example,anyapplication for credit against KYN117 Enhancing your healthcare practicemust provide evidence to demonstrate prior learning in practice, as well as prior achievement of credit (certificated learning). This is illustrated in Tables 1 and 2 below.

Table 1 summarises the study hours across the programme and Table 2shows the structure of the programme forthe BSc (Hons) in Adult Nursing and BSc (Hons) in Mental Health Nursing.

Table 1: An analysis of hours across the pre-registration programme

Pre-registration nursing programme BSc (Hons) Adult/Mental Health Nursing
Module / Credit awarded on successful completion / Theory hours / Practice hours
An introduction to health and social care / 60 credits / 600 hours
Enhancing your healthcare practice / 60 credits / 250 hours / 600 hours
Human biology
(Adult nursing only) / 30 credits / 300 hours
The science of the mind: investigating mental health
(Mental health nursing only) / 30 credits / 300 hours
Principles and skills for nursing practice / 60 credits / 200 hours / 850 hours
Exploring perspectives on health and illness / 30 credits / 300 hours
Preparing for graduate practice / 60 credits / 200 hours / 850 hours
Exploring practice / 60 credits / 600 hours
Total programmehours for adult nursing and for mental health nursing= 4750
Minimum hours required by the NMC = 4600


SKYN299OR SKYN228 / KYN237 / KYN238
Module code / KYN101 / KYN117 / SKYN299
(Adult nursing) / SKYN228 (M/H nursing) / KYN237 / KYN238 / KYN317 / KYN316
Credits / 60 credits / 60 credits / 30 credits / 30 credits / 60 credits / 30 credits / 60 credits / 60 credits
Duration / 9 months / 12 months / 9 months / 9 months / 18 months / 6 months / 17 months / 9 months
Module Type / Theory / Practice / Theory / Theory / Practice / Theory / Practice / Theory
Care Type / In-patient, Outward facing / In-patient, Outward facing / In-patient, Outward facing
An introduction to health and social care / Enhancing your healthcare practice / Human biology (Adult nursing)
The science of the mind: investigating mental health (Mental health nursing) / Principles and practice of nursing / Exploring perspectives on health andillness / Preparing for graduate practice / Exploring practice
This module is applied in the context of the student’s area of practice learning and field of practice



This document has been developed to assess the application of accredited prior learning (APL) against the learning outcomes and practice-hours requirement of the pre-registration nursing programme, leading to a BSc (Hons) in Adult Nursing or Mental Health Nursing. It demonstrates that:

  • policies and procedures for administering APL are fair and are consistently applied
  • the decision making is transparent
  • an applicant making an APL application is appropriately advised of the requirements to demonstrate their experience and analysis of their learning
  • all policies and procedures for APL are monitored and reviewed under the current discipline and NMC quality assurance and monitoring arrangements.

3.2What is APL?

Accredited prior learning (APL) captures activities and approaches used formally to acknowledge and establish publicly that some reasonably substantial and significant element of learning has taken place. In its guidelines on the accreditation of prior learning the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) (2004)[1] identifies a number oftypes of APL, including accredited prior certificated learning (APCL) and accredited prior experiential learning (APEL). The Open University pre-registration nursing programme accepts accredited prior certificated learning (APCL) only.

APCL (accredited prior certificated learning) – The identification, assessment and formal acknowledgement of learning and achievement that occurred at some time in the past prior to entry to a course of study, in the context of formal education and training, and for which the learner was awarded some form of official recognition/certificate.

APEL (accredited prior experiential learning) –The identification, assessment and formal acknowledgement of learning and achievement that occurred at some time in the past prior to entry to a course of study, but not in the context of formal education and training. In many instances this could focus on learning and achievement from practice experiences.

3.3Guiding principles

In order to give applicants a fair and transparent decision-making process, the Nursing Discipline has instituted the following principles:

  • credit will only be awarded for the experience of prior certificated learning, but notexperiential learning
  • credit can only be counted once in an application
  • a nominated member of staff will serve as the APL assessor, who will consider the documentation submitted in support of an APL application
  • exemptions will not be given for Stage 3 studies
  • partial credit will not be awarded towards a module.

3.4How to make an application

To make an application for APL, applicants must accurately complete the APL forms (Forms 1, 2a and 2b,and if relevant 3a-d enclosed in this document) and use the following guidance to strengthen their evidence and application.

Acceptability:you must demonstrate there is an appropriate match between the evidence presented and the learning achieved to merit accreditation by prior learning. You should clearly identify which modulesyou are seeking exemption from through APL and you must match the learning outcomes of yourmodules against the learning outcomes of the modules for which you are seeking credit, i.e.any of the following: KYN101, KYN117, KYN238, SKYN299 and SDK228.In addition, if you are seeking credit against KYN117 you must also submit a portfolio of prior practice experience (see form 2a).