The “Ortopedie“ journal strives to be an important source of practical information for orthopaedists, traumatologists, and rheumatologists. The “Ortopedie“ journal is a two-monthly periodical. All published articles are reviewed. The board of editors accepts articles in the Czech, Slovak or English languages. An article submitted in a language other than Czech will be translated into Czech.

Contributions for the following sections of the journal are accepted:

 Editorial;

 Overview articles;

 Case studies (individual case reports);

 Hot-line (the latest results from clinical studies which change the current approach);

Information and comments (invitations to professional meetings, reports from congresses, discussion contributions, reviews of domestic as well as foreign publications, biographies of outstanding persons, letters to the editor, etc.).

Particulars of a contribution:

Please type your contribution on a computer, using any of the common text editors, and bear in mind the following technical comments:

 Recommended font size 12, recommended line spacing 1,5;

  • Recommended scope approx. 10 standard pages;

 Please number references in the text, tables or legends to images using Arabic numbers in round brackets;

 Please use metric units and SI units;

  • Please use only well-established abbreviations; do not use abbreviations in headings and in summaries, state the full term (prior to the first occurrence of the abbreviation in the text).

Title page:

 A brief and characteristic title of the article in the Czech and English language;

 Full names and surnames of all authors and their academic titles, with their written approval of the publication;

 Name of the site of origin of the paper;

 Address of the principal author, telephone, fax, and e-mail address for communication regarding the contribution;

  • Sources of support (grants, technical equipment, medicines);
  • Acknowledgements may be placed either on the title page or before the list of literature.


 A brief summary of the content of the contribution in the extent of 200 words max. in the Czech and English languages.

Key words:

 In the scope of 3-8 words or short phrases serving for documentary classification of the paper in terms of its content. It is advisable to use terms included in the Index Medicus – in the Czech and English language.

Text of the publication:

 The following structure of the text is recommended: introduction, disease characteristics, diagnostics, therapy (please list the active substances used for the treatment of the condition or materials used, where applicable), and conclusion.

  • Articles of a different nature, such as editorials or case studies, require the use of a different format.

Picture documentation:

May be sent electronically via e-mail (8 images at the most):

  • photos – scan to the CMYK size of the final print at 300 dpi;
  • graphs – the original file in Excel (or another table editor, if necessary).

Pictures for the articles may be provided both in the article proper (for orientation purposes) or in a separate file.

Pictures at JPG, BMP, TIFF formats at 300 dpi resolution for print.

All picture attachments are to be identified with a number under which they are included in the text. Where picture documentation published elsewhere is copied, it is necessary to state the original source and to evidence a written approval of the holder of the exclusive rights.

Picture documentation cannot be accepted in MS PowerPoint format.

Ethical aspects:

 The publication of clinical research is conditioned by the following: the applied procedures have to comply with the ethical principles established by the Helsinki Declaration and have to be approved by the competent Ethics Committee.

  • Names of patients, their initials or hospital numbers (subject, registration numbers) shall not be specified; this applies in particular to any illustrative material.


 Please describe the applied statistical methods in detail so that the reader who has access to the original data could verify the results.

List of literature:

 It may contain only true sources, i.e. publications which the author refers to in the text, or papers of outstanding significance. Titles may not be cited for formal reasons only.

 The Journal follows the reference style given in the “Uniform Requirements form Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical


 When referring to works which have not yet been published but accepted for publication, please state the title of the journal with a remark “in print”.

 Examples of correct citations

 Periodical:

Pavlata J, Dulíček P. Prevence tromboembolické nemoci v ortopedii. Ortopedie 2007;1:110-113.

(Where there are more than 6 authors, please state the first three authors and add the “et. al.” abbreviation)

 Chapter in a book:

Ruch DS, Poehling GG. Operative arthroscopy of the wrist. In: Andrews JR, Timmermann LA, eds. Diagnostic and

Operative Arthroskopy. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1997:199-205.

 Book:

DeLee JC, Drez D, eds. Orthopaedic Sports Medicíně. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1994.

  • Article in an electronic series publication:

Kim SJ, Kim J-Y, Lee JW. Pathologic infrapatellar plica. Arthroskopy. 2002;18:E25.

Sending of contributions:

  • The cover letter shall include a statement to the effect that the article as a whole or its part has not been sent to another journal.
  • The published articles shall be the property of the journal. Copies of articles or their parts may only be published with the approval of the board of editors and quoting the source.
  • The board of editors reserves the right to propose to the author to abbreviate the contribution, to make corrections (language corrections of the contribution), or, following the review procedure, to return the paper to the author for rewriting.
  • Please send back corrections by return; late corrections cannot be considered.

The decision about accepting a paper for printing is made by the board of editors on the basis of independent reviews. The principal author shall be informed of the approval/rejection of their paper within 4 weeks of the receipt of the contribution at the latest.

Please send contributions compliant with the above specified requirements in electronic format to the following address:

Review proceedings:

  • are anonymous on both sides
  • the editorial office will anonymise the text, i.e. the removal of data facilitating the identification of authors before submitting the text for review proceedings

Progress of the review proceedings:

  • each text offered for publication in the magazine Ortopedie (besides reviews, news, profiles and some other less serious columns) is submitted for evaluation to two reviewers
  • the editor-in-chief selects experts in the problems being dealt with by the text. He also makes sure that the reviewers are not closely associated with the author through work and institutions or personally connected.
  • the reviewers fill in a standardised form in which they state whether they recommend acceptance of the text, its rewriting or rejection. They state the reason for their decision in an opinion in which they will also include recommendations for alterations to the text.
  • based on the opinion of the reviewers, the editor-in-chief will inform the author whether his text has been accepted, requires rewriting or has been rejected. If he asks the author to rewrite his text, he will also state the most serious reasons for doing so.
  • if the author disagrees with the opinion of the editor-in-chief, the author may state his reasons in a letter which the editor-in-chief will present to the editorial board.

Confirmation of acceptance for printing:

  • the editorial office provides confirmation of the fact that the article was accepted for printing in the magazine Ortopedie only after both reviewers agree with the acceptance of the article.