Blood Unit Review:
Test is all multiple choice. If you type the answers to this review, you will earn 3 points extra credit on the test on FRIDAY if you turn it in on FRI before the test. You may not print out the exact copy of someone else’s.
We will do an open notes, lab test the day after your multiple choice test on FRIDAY.
1. Describe the composition ,volume and homeostatic conditions of whole blood.
2. List 6 functions of blood
3. list & diagram *using the appropriate colors as they would appear on a microscope slide* the cell types comprising the formed elements and describe the major functions of each type
4. Define: anemia, polycythemia, leukopenia, leukemia, and leukocytosis and possible causes for each condition.
5. Describe the ABO Rh blood groups in terms of cellular antigens/aglutinogens and plasma antibodies/agglutinins
6. Explain the basis for transfusion reaction.
7. What is a hematocrit? Draw an example and label it. How can this tell you if a patient has a potential health problem?
8. A patient undergoing some diagnostic tests is ordered to have a white blood cell differential count. The results of the test indicate 75-85 % neutrophils and 15-18% monocytes. What is the significance of this result? What is the effect upon the other three types of white blood cell, explain. How would you interpret the results?
9. Individuals with type AB blood can theoretically receive blood from individuals with type A, B, AB, and O blood. Conversely, individuals with type O blood can theoretically give blood to individuals with A, B, AB, and O blood. Explain why both situations are possible on the basis of the antigen-antibody response. Can you relate this response to erythroblastosis fetalis? How is this condition treated?
10. Red Packer a physical education major wanted to improve his performance in an upcoming marathon race. About 6 weeks before the race, 500 ml of blood was removed from his body, and the formed elements were separated from the plasma. The formed elements were frozen, and the plasma was re-infused into his body. Just before the competition, the formed elements were thawed and injected into his body. Explain why this procedure, called blood doping or blood boosting would help Red's performance. Can you suggest any possible bad effects?
11. Hemo the Magnificent has a blood test. Here are his results:
Hematocrit 4.5 cm red cells/ 9 cm total column - Hb 80% 10.2 gms - Differential count: Granulocytes: neutrophils 30% Eosinophils 20% Basophils 1% Agranulocytes: lymphocytes 43% monocytes 6% - Clotting Time 1 minute - Blood Typing: the blood agglutinated with agglutinogen A but not B nor D - Sedimentation Rate 1 cm in 30 minutes
Analyse Hemo's results and determine whether each of the tests has given a normal or abnormal result. If the result is abnormal, determine what the normal result should be, and give a possible reason for the abnormal results.
12. According to the old saying, "Good food makes good blood." Name three substances in the diet that are essential for "good blood." What blood disorders develop if these substances are absent from the diet?
13.Blood clotting is divided into three stages. Describe the final event that occurs in each stage. What is the function of anticoagulants in blood? Explain how they prevent clot formation. Explain how clotting is a form of positive feedback. Can this lead to damage? How is this prevented?
14. What is erythropoiesis? Where does it occur? What is erythropoietin, where is it produced and what causes it to be produced?
15. Describe the three major functions performed by blood, and give examples for each function.
16. Know the functions and the normal ranges for the types of white blood cells.