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This is a beautiful example of the Jewish influence or brainwashing on the Liberal masses. “Useful Idiots”
In political jargon, the term useful idiot was used to describe Soviet sympathizers in Western countries. The implication is that though the people in question naïvely thought themselves an ally of the Soviet Union, they were actually held in contempt and were being cynically used. The term has been extended to other people perceived as propagandists for a cause they do not understand.
Prohibited from using the word JEW
by Clayton R. Douglas
2823 words
Clayton Douglas’ commentaries are copyrighted and may be republished, reposted,or emailed providing the person or organization doing so does not charge for subscriptions or advertising and that the column is copied intact and that full credit is given and that Clay's web site address is included ( or Publishers of publications charging for subscriptions or advertising who want to run these columns must contact Clayton R. Douglas for permission and payment. Radio or television Talk Show Hosts interested in scheduling an interview with Clay should contact
The original speech I wrote for this talk before being prohibited by the organizer from using the word JEW!
This is worth another read. I couldn’t find the word jew in the whole article! used it here though! crd
Déjà VuThe making of an American extremist
by Clayton R. Douglas Author of
The Author of this book was invited to speak at a meeting of Awake and Aware Meetup in Tucson. Upon his arrival at the Library the Organize informed him that he was:
Prohibited from using the word JEW
By Clayton R. Douglas
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the freeexercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or the press; or the right of the peoplepeaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a of grievances.
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,the right of the people tokeep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
This article is not meant to be an attack on any one individual or group of individuals unless you and what you stand for contributes to or causes damage or danger to our Constitution, our freedoms, finances or liberties as spelled out, in order of importance, I believe, in our Bill of Rights.
At 17, I took an oath to defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. There was no expiration date!
A few weeks back, I joined a local group called Awake and Aware run by Marjorie Alexander. I gave her a copy of my book, “Mystery Babylon, the New World Order Unveiled” at one of the meetings at Fronimo's Greek Cafe restaurant in Tucson. I interviewed one of the speakers she brought up who talked about energy and claimed to be able to dematerialize himself partially.
Tuesday Nov. 15 Michael Monk Able to dematerialize and astral project
I was the next scheduled speaker. I was quite aware of HER rules. It is her group: However, take a look at the cover of my book. According to the “rules” Marjorie wanted to put on me, I would not have been able to read the cover of my book to her 12 people.
From our group's published guidelines: "This group is a private group run by a private individual who provides all funds and volunteered personal time to make this venue a reality. The ONLY requirements for membership are a respectful demeanor with members/speakers, a cooperative sharing of time to speak/make comments (in other words, no one is allowed to hog the floor no matter what their experience level) and that no hate language be used in our discourse. While it is a rare occurrence, please know that disrespectful and disruptive behavior either verbally or via email will not be tolerated. Membership is subject to the moderator's discretion."
When I was her guest I did my best to abide by her guidelines. I feel the same way about my radio shows and the books I wrote and I controlled what was published in my magazines.
But I always allowed my guests to state their concerns and beliefs even though I might not agree with them. When I arrived at the Library I was not expecting the hostility and naked attempt to control my presentation.
My website and my book, with the Quotation from the Bible on my cover about Jesus’ warning about “the Jews who say they are Jews, but are not,” was there on the table and was for sale. Jesus says “they are of the Synagogue of Satan and that their father is Satan.”
I shared my prepared speech with Marjorie a few days before the event. She had no complaints. Then she informed me she would interrupt my speech if I used the Word Jew!When did calling a Jew a Jew become HATE?
Marjorie had shared with methe reason behind her ultra-Liberal reasoning. Her father was an abusive personality who hated Jews. Other than that comment, I would have believed her to be Jewish herself. Maybe she is. Maybe her mother was a Jewess and that was the reason her father hated those of that faith so much. You see, Marjorie and those like her can’t bear to face the truth or just can’t admit to be wrong, naïve or stupid. They are the real haters. I never asked Marjorie, or anyone else, what their religion is!
That First Amendment protects her, the Jews, the Muslims and the Christians. And it protects my right to relay and voice MY opinions, my understanding and my views, anywhere and anytime I chose!
I started my magazine and wrote my books because of the Jewish control of our Mainstream Media, Newspapers, Film, Television and Magazines. Add their control of the Central Banks here and around the world. Jews have thousands of years of history, some faked, some real. Jews ran a full page ad in the New York Times declaring War on the German People and were successful in starting a boycott of German made goods and brought the US into the Second World War as an Ally with the Jewish controlled Communist Party of the Soviet Union, who by that time had murdered millions of white Russian Christians.
But I could not talk about that.. . then.
I abided by her wishes and her rules. The whole speech I gave is linked here. She had no complaints then: It has come to my attention that after speaking at our group (and honoring my guidelines to not use racist language) Clayton Douglas issued a racist email to his followers, but obviously, after I wrote of MY take on her attempts at controlling and suppressing the truth and put that out to MY audiences, she became enraged and started calling me a Racist! I put the contents of my E-mail in Red and I put her comments in Commie Pink. I could have told this story briefly, edited her comments cleverly and featured my view point. But then I would have been censoring her the way she did me. Her statements are unedited. I also would be happy to give her a voice on my show. . .just as I have Jews, Muslims and Christians in the past..
The original speech I wrote for this talk before prohibited by the organizer from using the word JEW!
Déjà VuThe making of an American extremist
by Clayton R. Douglas
Clayton Douglas (The Free American) Speaks at
Tucson's Awake and Aware Meeting
Full hour and a half talk
Content of my E-mail and put up on my website:
Exactly how was thisa Racist Statement?
My talk was a little limited by the organizer's insistence that I could not talk about Jews. Out of appreciation for her efforts and invitation I honored her request. I do believe in Freedom of Speech no matter who it offends if my statements are born in Truth. Listen to the interview below with John Kaminski to get all of the information denied you at Awake and Aware. Her response to the talk:
Wednesday Dec. 7 John Kaminski
Marjorie’s reaction: You have been removed from Tucson, Awake and Aware.
The person who removed you said:
Your email this morning was extremely disrespectful to me, the moderator, and to our group in general. You also contained incorrect information about my request to you. It is clear that you have an inflammatory and disruptive intent by this morning's email. You are no longer a member of this group. We do not tolerate disrespectful behavior or racist language.
All the best to you in your future endeavors. Although I do strongly suggest that you update your language to be more accurate and less offensive by saying what you mean- "Zionists" and not offending all Jewish people. Marjorie
Sorry, Marjorie. Calling a Jew a Jew is not hate speech. Pointing out that Zionism is just another Jewish invention for controlling the Goyim like you, is not spreading hate!. Add to that growing list of controlling, Jewish organizations like the ADL, SPLC, AIPAC, ACLU, NAACP, DHS, FBI, CIA, MOSSAD and, of course the BATF. That was the agency that killed almost 100 Christians including 17 little Children in Waco, blew up OKCFederalBuilding and ran guns to Mexican Drug Dealers.
I am not saying all Jews are evil people. I know a lot of good men, like Benjamin Freedman, Aaron Russo and Gordon Duff who were/are honest, Patriotic Americans and tried to warn humanity about the dangers created my certain Jews..
For me to NOT talk about the Jews’ involvement in and instigation of the wars of the last hundred years and the civilian “collateral damage” would be a disservice to my readers, listeners and our grandchildren.
If I am pointing out criminality in high places, and that offends you, then you are most likelyto be one of the criminals are you are covering for them. The Jewish faith she speaks of is about as an Anti-Christ religion as you could imagine. Read passages of the Talmud which considers the White Race to be their cattle, or the part about having sex with children is OK. Could we be called Racists if we object to White
Catholic Priests molesting young white children?
Hear my show talking about the Catholic Jesuits here:
Monday Dec. 12 Chris Earl StrunkAssoc. for Sovereign Home Rule
Tucson Awake & Aware will not be a harbor for closet racists. I have extensively researched this topic and found that most of the time, when these often quite senior members of the truth movement are ranting about "Jews" what they mean is a small group of Mongolian origin who assumed the identity of Jewish people and later went on to become the global cabal we work so hard to expose. This has nothing to do with people of Jewish ethnic origin or of the Jewish faith. Margorie
I think it has everything to do with the Jewish people who provide cover for Criminals. I came to her group, not looking for a harbor, but to inform and educate as I have been doing for the past 40 years. Her calling me a racist shows how biased and misguided she is. The type in red is the E-mail I sent telling people about my next guests and informing MY audience, of my thoughts about her. There was no name calling and nothing was ever said by me that was racist.
Not everyone in Marjorie’s group feels the same way as she does. Dick was there:
Clay, thanks for the information you gave us at the library! I enjoyed listening to you. Will try to persuade Marjorie to eventually change her mind about the "Jew" word. What a hangup! She just doesn't have ENOUGH knowledge to grasp the reality. Her adamant position is going to repel those who know.
Too bad. But you were amazingly generous to her with what you said.
Dick Fojut[
Why is it important to talk about Jews? I have studied history written by the victims of the Real Holocaust in Russia. Read this to understand what is being implemented by the "Bolshvicks" in America. You might call them Neo-Cons. Click here to read if the truth does not offend you.
Why it is important to talk about Jews! CRIMES OF THE BOLSHEVIKS
Here is more of her raving. Notice that she says I honored her guidelines. What business is it of hers what I say on my radio show or in my articles? How does becoming a Zionist abolish someone’s race or religion or hide the creators of such an organization?
It has come to my attention that after speaking at our group (and honoring my guidelines to not use racist language) Clayton Douglas issued a racist email to his followers complaining about not being allowed to say the word "Jew". In 4 conversations prior to his speaking and also a 5th conversation where Clay had an outburst 20 min prior to speaking, I advised Clay to use the specific and correct term of "Zionists" as opposed to the all-inclusive, misleading and racist term,"Jews".
Clay, your email to your public is incorrect, i just re-read it. I did not ask you refrain from discussing the group you wanted to talk about...I asked you to use the correct and specific term for that group- Zionist, so as to not racistly condemn all Jewish people with your incorrect terminology. We have now had 5 conversations regarding this issue- sometimes in person and sometimes on the phone. What don't you understand about this? Because each time I have discussed with you, you claim to comprehend this point. Clay do you wish to remain a member of theTucson Awake and Aware group? Because your email this morning was both incorrect in what it said and disrespectful to me.
She never gave me a chance to respond. This diatribe demonstrates what may be a Liberal trait but can also be attributed to women in general. They do not know that a conversation is when you listen as well talk. She was angry because I failed to accept her narrow viewpoint and prejudiced outlook. As you can see by her own words I did what she requested of me! Do I wish to remain a member? I don’t think so. She continues with her threats and insults.
Many people as they age suffer memory problems. Do you suffer from one and is this why I have to keep re-explaining this point to you? Should I remove you from my membership or do you understand this point now? Its very important to me that my members understand and yet you repeatedly are demonstrating that you do not get it. Let me know. Because I have a zero tolerance policy for racist language. And by the way, I also require your respect as the organizer of this group. I found your email and your tantrum prior to speaking pretty darn disrespectful of all my efforts, work, and attempts to communicate this very important point to you.
peace, Marjorie
Interesting commentary from you Clay about my group's guidelines regarding racist language and the incorrect use of the term "Jews" when people mean "Zionist". Did you forget the 4 prior conversations I had with you clearly spelling out the rules of discourse in the Tucson Awake and Aware group? Why would you agree to these rules and then through a tantrum about them 20 minutes prior to your scheduled talk? And why would you issue an email to the public complaining about the rules you agreed to uphold many times prior to coming to talk? Do we have a memory problem to blame for this? Or something else? Please help me understand because your behavior regarding this one issue where I insist upon non-racist and specific correct terminology mystifies me. The days of racist language being accepted in the truth movement are over. Get current or become a dinosaur.
Unfortunately, the energy of hate and racism dies slowly. This appears to be quite true in the truth movement. People of my generation no longer accept racist and historically incorrect language in our truth movement. It is true that eventually those holding the older and historically inaccurate prejudices will eventually die off, leaving a racism free era of truth seekers. I do not condone the racist language that Clayton Douglas uses in his show at times. -Marjorie, group organizer
I don’t have a memory problem. I remember everything. I threw no tantrum. Dick was there and heard everything I said. And I don’t care in the least that Marjorie does not condone the truth or my language. You can explain to me all day long about YOUR views, but I do not have to agree with YOUR viewpoint. However, if I don’t, you start calling me names. I am not a racist. I believe all men are created equal. Then we choose which path we want to follow.