Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport they offer. This means that you should use the Primary PE and Sport Premium to:
•developoraddtothePEandsportactivitiesthatyourschoolalready offers
•buildcapacityandcapabilitywithintheschooltoensurethatimprovementsmadenowwillbenefitpupilsjoiningtheschoolinfuture years
Please visit gov.ukfor the revised DfE guidance including the 5 key indicators across which schools should demonstrate an improvement. This document will help you to review your provision and to report your spend. DfE encourages schools to use this template as an effective way of meeting the reporting requirements of the Primary PE and Sport Premium.
We recommend you start by reflecting on the impact of current provision and reviewing the previous spend.
Under the Ofsted Schools Inspection Framework, inspectors will assess how effectively leaders use
the Primary PE and Sport Premium and measure its impact on outcomes for pupils, and how effectively governorshold them to account
for this.
Schools are required to publish detailsof how they spend this funding as well as on the impact it has on pupils’ PE
and sport participation and attainment.
We recommend regularly updating the table and
publishing it on your website as evidence
of your ongoing review into how you are using the money
to secure maximum, sustainable impact. To see an example of how to complete the table please clickHERE.
Key achievements to date: / Areas for further improvement and baseline evidence of need:Academic Year –2015/16 –School Games Gold Award
Academic Year –2016/17 –School Games Gold Award / All members of staff confident in teaching REAL PE and using the wheel as an assessment tool.
Wider range of sports available to all children.
Increase the number of PP children attending clubs and competitions.
Meeting national curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety / Please complete all of the below:
What percentage of your Year 6 pupils could swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres when they left your primary school at the end of last academic year? / 100%
What percentage of your Year 6 pupils could use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke] when they left your primary school at the end of last academic year? / 100%
What percentage of your Year 6 pupils could perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations when they left your primary school at the end of last academic year? / 87% - 6 out of 45 pupils did not achieve this.
SchoolscanchoosetousethePrimaryPEandSportPremiumtoprovideadditionalprovisionforswimming but this must be for activity over and above the national curriculum requirements. Have you used it in this way? / Yes
Financial Year: 2018/19 / Total fund allocated: £18,763 + £3,010 carry forward from previous year. / Date Updated: 8/3/18
Key indicator 1: The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – Chief Medical Officer guidelines recommend that primary school children undertake at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day in school / Percentage of total allocation:
School focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils: / Actions to achieve: / Funding allocated: / Evidence and impact: / Sustainability and suggested next steps:
Change4life club in breakfast club is now open to more disadvantaged pupils to attend school earlier and get involved in activities. Cyclical over 2017-18 and 2018-19.
Introduce the daily mile to get ALL pupils undertaking at least 15 minutes of additional activity per day.
Playground leaders introduced –year 6 children and 5 x MDA’s trained to lead active lunchtimes. Cyclical over 2017-18 and 2018-19. / -Training for change4life champions and 2 members of staff.
-Introduce activities in the hall which all pupils can be involved in.
-Identify course for daily mile on the field.
-Year 6 children attend playground leader training. / Supply cost for 2 x TA’s - £176.00
Additional track required =
£10,000 –money to be acquired over 2 years through sport premium.
£90.00 - Supply cost for half a day for teacher.
£30.00 - Costs for mid-day assistant’sovertime.
£200 for additional resources / equipment.
Total = £10,496.00 / Increase in the number of pupils attending breakfast club.
ALL children involved in 15 minutes of additional activity every day.
Children work with every year group throughout school on a rota throughout the week. Fewer boredom issues at lunchtimes. / Increase numbers in breakfast club and target any children who do not take part in any sporting activities throughout school.
Daily mile firmly embedded in the school day.
Year 5 children trained in the summer term 2017/18 ready to take over in the Autumn term 2018/19.
Key indicator 2: The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement / Percentage of total allocation:
School focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils: / Actions to achieve: / Funding allocated: / Evidence and impact: / Sustainability and suggested next steps:
Sports crew to be trained and report on sporting activities and competitions to be published on the school newsletter. Produce termly Sport and PE newsletter.
Have a designated Sport and PE section on the website –separate to classes where all achievements and photos can be displayed. / Sports crew to be trained –16 x year 5 children.
Roles to be allocated.
Subject leader to monitor and oversee this. / £180 for 2 x half day supply.
Supply costs for 3 x full days –£435.
Total = £615.00 / More sporting focus on the school newsletter.
More parents seeing the benefit and profile of PE.
More parents seeing the benefit and profile of PE. / Ensure that every sporting event / competition is given full coverage through school newsletter and photos go on the website.
Ensure that every sporting event / competition is given full coverage through school achievers newsletter and photos go on the website.
Key indicator 3: Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport / Percentage of total allocation:
School focus with clarity on intended
impact on pupils: / Actions to achieve: / Funding
allocated: / Evidence and impact: / Sustainability and suggested
next steps:
-Subject leader to embark on Level 6 qualification–Autumn 2018
-Subject lead to have time out of class to undertake lesson observations and teach alongside other teachers where required. Cyclical over 2017-18 and 2018-19.
-Find relevant coaching courses for TA’s to attend to help them deliver PE and run clubs around school. / -Ensure time is included for school based working.
-Ensure that the delivery of PE throughout the school is of a high standard. Ensure that all children are active throughout their PE lessons.
-Staff questionnaire to see where CPD needs are.
Look for courses for staff to attend. / Supply costs for 4 days - £580
Total = £2,236.50 / Increased confidence and better subject leadership skills to lead professional learning for all staff.
Subject leader more confident when undertaking lesson observations / team teaching –able to provide effective feedback and lead discussions.
Increased confidence and quality of teaching.
Increased confidence and quality of teaching. / TA’s more confident when teaching PE and lead lunchtime / after school clubs.
Key indicator 4: Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils / Percentage of total allocation:
School focus with clarity on intended
impact on pupils: / Actions to achieve: / Funding
allocated: / Evidence and impact: / Sustainability and suggested
next steps:
Additional achievements:
Enter a Go-Tri event to give year 6 pupils the experience of a triathlon event. Within 2018-19 academic year.
Orienteering for year 5 and 6 pupils.
Have a Sports week where children take part in sporting activities they may have never tried, e.g./Hoola hoop fit by Hoola Nation. Cyclical over 2017-18 and 2018-19.
TA’s to oversee after school clubs to ensure safety and high levels of participation for all pupils attending. / Enter Livewire Go-Tri event.
4 days run by specialists –lessons will incorporate PE, geography skills and maths skills.
Contact companies to arrange for coaches to come in and do taster sessions throughout the school.
Pay overtime to TAs to cover all sporting after school clubs throughout the week. / Supply costs - £290.
Coach - £80.00
Total = £3,070.00 / All children gain enjoyment from experiencing an event that they would not normally have the opportunity to experience within school.
All children enjoy taking part. Increased activity levels in all children. Increased confidence and skills in geography and maths. All upper KS2 pupils take part in intra-school orienteering competition.
Children experience new activities and sports. Hopefully children will then go on to find local clubs that train in these areas.
Children experience new activities and sports. Hopefully children will then go on to find local clubs that train in these areas. / Encourage children to have a go at new activities / sports. Direct children to local clubs who train for Triathlons.
Regular yearly event.
If successful make this a regular yearly event.
TAs gain experience in running clubs and will then go on to lead clubs themselves at lunchtimes or after school.
Key indicator 5: Increased participation in competitive sport / Percentage of total allocation:
School focus with clarity on intended
impact on pupils: / Actions to achieve: / Funding
allocated: / Evidence and impact: / Sustainability and suggested
next steps:
Enter more level 2 competitions with the hope of getting through to level 3 competitions.
Successful Orienteering teams. / -Enter as many WASSP competitions as we can –mixed football, sportshall athletics, cross country, netball and quicksticks hockey already booked.
-Enter regional orienteering competitions. Begin with year 6, then train up year 5. / £1495.50
£2,500–transport and external leadership costs.
Total = £3,995.50. / Increased participation in competitive sport.
Increased confidence in pupils and better concentration levels in class.
Increased confidence in teamwork, map reading skills and fitness. / Wherever possible enter 3 x teams. Aim to get through to level 3 competitions.
Funding to cover transport and external leadership costs.
Other indicator identified by school: Additional Swimming.
-All remaining non-swimmers achieve their 25m thus meeting the statutory requirements of the national curriculum for PE. Cyclical catch up 2017-18 and 2018-19 as required. / -New swimming venue sourced for catch up sessions –smaller pool to increase confidence. / £750 for venue and transport.
Total = 750.00 / Increased percentage of pupils increasing their distance swimming by 10 metres.
100% of pupils being able to swim 25 metres at year 6. / Get governors to agree to ensure that they will ring fence funding to ensure the maximum amount of pupils leave the school being able to swim 25 metres.