The origin of the Castro Laboreiro has long been forgotten though it is considered one of the oldest breeds of the Iberian Peninsula.
Like its cousins, the Serra da Estrela and the Rafeiro do Alentejo, it is thought to descend from theTibete Dogue which spread to the rest of the world from the Himalayasaccompanying emigrational movements that took place over time and lead to the development of the molossos and other mountaindogtypes.
The home(?) of this breed is situated in the region from which it is named – Castro Laboreiro, in the north-west of the peninsula, between the PenedaMountain range and the Castro Laboreiro plateau. Judging from the oral accounts and some written records, itsdistribution in the past might have even reached the Soajo mountain, but it should not be confused with the sabujo which existed in this same region. With the passing of time, its distribution became circumscribed to the Castro Laboreiro area, a very closed isolated location, enabling it to maintain its unique characteristics. Since the 60’s, significant immigration which affected the region, and an improvement of roads, lead to the entry of new breeds such as the Pastor Alemão among others, which gave rise to the degeneration of the breed due to crossbreeding. Another factor was the abandonment of herding, giving rise to a great reduction of numbers and bringing the breed to the brink of extinction. However, the determined action of the local minister, father Aníbal Rodrigues, and the support of some local inhabitants maintained some specimens alive, avoiding their disappearance. Some specimens were also kept in the Lisbon areawhowere mainly responsible for the creation of the Castro Laboreiro Dog Club. Supported by the C.P.C, the uninterrupted holding of the traditional annual competition since 1954 on the 15th of August in Castro Laboreirohas also aided their survival. What is more, according to recent findings, this competition has been held since the 1920’s which makes it one of the oldest in the country.
The region of Castro Laboreiro is situated at an average altitude of 1000m, making it ideal for grazing which has always been the main resource of this area, with herds of cattle, and flocks of sheep and goats. Moreover, there are also predators in this area, mainly the Iberian wolf. Shepherds have always required means of defence, the main being the Castro Laboreiro dog. This keeper of herds par excellence, always ready to defend its territory, valiantly facing the wolf without fear, is a faithful and dedicated guardian. It remains close to the flock, even when the shepherd is absent undertaking other activities, it is very well adapted to the region’s harsh climate and ,even at night when the flock sleeps, it remains alert and on guard.
It is a race that has a strong independent character, very friendly with its owner and the people with whomhe deals, including children. It is always ready to play, if it is encouraged to do so. In the case of strangers, it is wary even in the presence of the owner. When he is absent, it does not allow anyone to enter its territory, as when it is with its flock, stopping anyone from coming close. Due to its strong dominating character, it requires great discipline from an early age. In the case of the male, it will not normally willingly accept the presence of other males in its territory. When out on walks it does not usually seek fights, but if provoked, defends itself aggressively, even unto death. The bitch also normally presents a dominant character but it is more tolerant towards other females.
It learns well, as can be understood by its adoption by the marines and the P.S.P police force. It is also used to hunt big game, in packs with other breeds, mainly wild boar and with excellent results.
It is a breed which does not bark much, but it is always alert.It tends to bark when it is not well and does so in a characteristic and unique fashion, loudly, starting off in a deep note it ends in long high pitch howl like sounds.
Specific requirements
It is a breed which does not require special care, as it is resilient and rustic, essentially requiring some space and exercise. A periodic brushing to remove dead hair is sufficient.
Advantages and disadvantages
It a perfect watch dog. It is affectionate towards its owners, calm and peaceable, that is, an excellent companion. It handles out door life very well, both with low and high temperatures. It is a dog which seldom barks and only in specific circumstances.
Its rearing must be firm, as it has a very independent character.