January 2018
Dear Friends:
The older I become the more quickly the years seem to pass. It seems like only yesterday I was writing you about the start of a new year, and in the blink of an eye it’s what I find myself doing today. How time flies when you are having fun!
Looking back over the year it’s what I hope you’ve had. While it’s true the year has been marked with experiences we would rather have not had and were anything but fun, the good news is even those God promises to use for good. Here’s the promise: “All things work together for the good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28)
Part of the good God brings about through our experiences in life is to make us more like Jesus. Becoming more like Jesus is also God’s will for our life. The Bible expresses God’s will for our lives this way: “It is God’s will that you should be sanctified …”. (1 Thessalonians 4:3) To be “sanctified” is to “be made holy” like Jesus is holy.
It is also God’s will we become a people who prayed like Jesus prayed. Paul writes in a later chapter in the first of his two letters to the Thessalonians:
“Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances,
for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)
As God’s people we are to be a people who pray. As the New Year begins it’s what I invite you to join me in doing. This is my prayer. The prayer is one of several found in a book of prayers and devotions entitled “The Valley of Vision: A Collection of Puritan Prayers and Devotions” edited by Arthur Bennett. The prayer is entitled simply “New Year”. Pray it with me:
New Year
Length of days does not profit me
except the days are passed in thy presence,
in thy service, to thy glory.
Give me a grace that precedes, follows, guides,
sustains, sanctifies, aids every hour,
that I may not be one moment apart from thee,
but may rely on thy Spirit
to supply every thought,
speak every word,
direct every step,
prosper every work,
build up every mote of faith,
and give me a desire
to show forth thy praise,
testify thy love,
advance thy kingdom.
I launch my bark on the unknown waters
of this year,
with thee, O Father, as my harbour,
thee, O Son, at my helm,
thee, O Holy Spirit, filling my sails.
Guide me to heaven with my loins girt,
my lamp burning,
my ear open to thy calls,
my heart full of love,
my soul free.
Give me thy grace to sanctify me,
thy comforts to cheer,
thy wisdom to teach,
thy right hand to guide,
thy counsel to instruct,
thy law to judge,
thy presence to stabilize.
May thy fear be my awe,
thy triumphs my joy.
May it be so!
With faith, hope and love in the New Year and always,
Mike Milinovich1/20Rachel Carlson1/3
Karen Vanderhoff1/14
Linda Cordle1/15
Nancy Starr1/19
Julie Judy1/25
Sarah Roddy1/4
Levi Judy1/12
Jeremy Vanderhoff1/27
Larry & Joyce Wiltrout1/26
Ed & Nancy Hanley1/26
Prayer Request:
Linda Arbogast of Oak View UMC requests prayer for her son, Quentin. He can no longer stay in the hospital. He needs dialysis and has a “trache” tube and the only facilities willing to take him are in Ohio and Sewickley. The prayer is that God will bring him home to be taken care of by family. Please also prayer for God to strengthen and encouragement the family.
Greene County Hymn Sing: Jan. 14, 2018Spraggs UMC7PM
SPRC Training:
There will be Staff/Parish Training on Saturday, February 10th at First Washington UMC. There will be two sessions available-9am-12pm and 1-3pm. The subjects to be covered are:
Sexual Ethics
Safe Sanctuaries
2018 Pastor Evaluations
More information to be announced.
Washington District UMW:
UMW Gears Up for Assembly:The Power of Boldis the theme for the 19th quadrennial Assembly of United Methodist Women, set for May 18-20, 2018, in Columbus. Regular registration is $330. Includes two healthy lunches.Registration closes April 9, 2018.Learn more Watch video. The speakers will include Michele Alexander, author of The New Jim Crow, and LeymahGbowee, who won a Nobel Peace Prize in 2011. The Conference UMW has arranged for a block of rooms at Assembly if you are interested. Learn more and Register at umwassembly.org
Get Conference UMW planning form.
See Diane Miller’s Assembly Update
Friday Faith Café:
7:00-9:00pm. Doors open at 6:30. All ages. Free admission, refreshments, family-friendly. 625 Fayette Street, in Washington's West End, one block off of West Chestnut street, at the top of the hill, behind West Washington United Methodist church.
2018 Annual Conference: Wednesday, June 6 – Saturday, June 9, 2018. (Not on Sunday)
New- The 6th Annual Faith Night will be held on Friday, July 27, 2018 following the Pirates-Mets game at 7:05 p.m. Enjoy discounted tickets for the Pirates-Mets game and stay after the game to hear Manager Clint Hurdle and your favorite Pirate players and coaches share their personal experiences with how their faith has impacted both their lives and their careers in baseball specifically.
Being that Faith Night is being held on a Friday for the first time, we expect the event to be even more popular than ever! Therefore, it is highly recommended securing seats with a deposit. Groups of 15 or more can secure a block of seats with a deposit, then will have until June 11 to give your final ticket count and pay the balance.Contact Chad Glover at or 412-325-4756.
Final Day to Submit 2017 Connectional Apportionment is Tuesday, January 16, 2018. Any money received after this date will be applied to your 2018 Connectional Apportionment, even if you mail it prior to January 16th.Money received that is not clearly marked for 2018 will be applied to your 2017 Connectional Apportionment if it has not been paid in full. Do not combine 2017 and 2018 money in one check.
Go here to check the most current 2017 apportionment report. 2017Remittance forms can be found here.
Remember that following your charge conference,your officers and committees must be updated on the dashboard. If you do not, your church leaders will not receive conference and district information. Brad requests that you complete this as he will use the database to send out emails to leadership.
EZRA Statistical Reports Webpage is NOW OPEN
Please complete by Jan.31st
ID – The Church NUMBER (Remember the leading zero)
Password – umchurch
NOTE: Some questions have been changed. You will not be able to use previously saved blank tables. Print out a new set of tables for committees to complete. If you need any help with ID numbers call/e-mail me.
2018 Lectionary: Discipleship Ministries offers a two-page listing of Revised Common Lectionary (RCL) readings and liturgical colors for 2018 Sundays and Special Days. Download
Hi Everyone,
At our recent Cluster Conferences several persons asked about training local churches and congregations on how to guard against or protect against an active shooter. At today’s Cabinet meeting I’ve found other Superintendents had similar experiences, especially since the tragic events in Texas recently. While I wish it wasn’t necessary and pray the day will come when it won’t be, as an Annual Conference we are in the process of coordinating three training events to be held in the first 6 months of 2018 in locations throughout the Conference. I’ll make sure you are aware of the dates and locations as soon as they are determined. Please watch for information from me.
In the meantime, please pray and exercise good common sense. Please also be aware of circumstances that may lend themselves to the kinds of behavior we are trying to prevent and guard against. Additionally, please go to churchmutual.orgwhere you can find articles and information you and your local church will find helpful. When you are on the website click Risk Control.Click Trending Topics.Scroll down to Armed Intruder.
With faith, hope and love in Christ,
Preparing for an Active Shooter
Program:9:00AM - 4:00PM
420 CaliforniaDrive
Coal Center,PA15423
Toregistergo to:
Staying Safe at Church: Safety is becoming more and more of a concern at places of worship. What can church members do to help keep your church safe, yet still welcoming?See some recommendations. Watch video
Church Mutual Insurance Company offers several valuable online resources for safety and emergency response. Look under “Trending Topics” atchurchmutual.com.
Orientation to Ministry, sponsored by the Conference Board of Ministry will be held on Saturday, January 6, 2018 at Christ UMC, 1135 Buffalo Street, Franklin from 9:30 am – noon. The Orientation is a requirement for anyone pursuing licensed or ordained ministry. However, this initial gathering is open to anyone who would like to learn more about the various types of set-apart ministry that exist within the United Methodist Church. Information will be presented about the broad range of opportunities including Certified Lay Minister (CLM), professional certification, local pastor, and ordained ministry.
Registration is required.Register There is no registration fee. Send questions to Rev. Janet Lord, Coordinator of Ministerial Services .
Save the Date for Clergy Ethics Training: Save one ofthese dates to attend clergy ethics training that will be held around the Conference. The training is valuable and required by the Book of Discipline.All clergy will be expected to attend a full training at any one of the five sites. There will be a small fee to cover a book and lunch.Get details.
- Saturday, January 27- 9:00-4:00, Avery (Washington)
- Monday, January 29- 9:00-4:00, Dutilh
- Friday, February 9- 9:00-4:00, TBA (Erie vicinity)
- Saturday, February 10- 9:00-4:00, Warren: First
- Saturday, February 24- 9:00-4:00, TBA (Indiana area)
Camping and Retreat Initiative Update: Conference Camping and Retreat Ministry leaders are moving forward toward the 2018 official launch of the capital campaign to raise $5 million to support and improve our facilities and make programs available to all. Consultants have determined that raising $2.5 million is well within our capacity and the total goal is feasible. Leaders for various aspects of the campaign are being recruited.
Small-Membership Church Camping Grants: Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi has invited churches with an average worship attendance of 50 or less to apply for grants to fund a new, creative program related to camping and retreat ministries. The Keystone UM Federal Credit Union, the UM Foundation of Western PA and the Bishop provided funding for the grants. The deadline to apply is Feb. 15.Get details.
2018 Love & Respect Marriage EnrichmentRetreat at JumonvilleFebruary 9-11, 2018. It starts on Friday at 7pm and ends on Sunday at 11am. It is open to all husbands and wives of any Christian faith. The cost is $375 per couple. This includes a two-night stay in either the Inn or Washington Lodge, four meals, snacks, time in the adventure center, and your workbook. We will be using the study by Dr. Emerson and Sarah Eggerichs from their Love & Respect Marriage Conference. Jumonville office: 724-439-4912. Register
Clergy Retirement Seminar
For Clergy retiring in 2018 on Tuesday, April 10from 9 am – 4 pm at theUnited Methodist Center - Hickman Room, 1204 Freedom Rd, Cranberry Twp., Pa. 16066. Contact Alexis Soohy at .
ini Mission u
from Sunday, April 15 to Tuesday, April 17, 2018at Olmsted Manor, 17 E Main St, Ludlow, PA 16333. Spiritual Growth Theme – Living as a Covenant Community. Leader: Rev. Lisa Grant. Contact Diane Miller or Dara Sterling . Details to be announced
Poverty Summit: Several Conference teams are collaborating with the Poverty Team to plan the blockbuster anti-poverty event plannedrSaturday,April 21, 2018.
PA Council of Churches, Chaplains in the Parks program is seeking individuals to fill our paid Part-time and Full-time Chaplain slots for Summer 2018. Chaplains need only be a Christian with a heart for serving God who want to bring worship services, provide a listening ear and visit with people from different religious traditions. Students, retired, laity and clergy are all welcome to apply.More information.
Fellowship of Associate Members and Local Pastors: The National Association has a new website with membership forms, proposed legislation, disciplinary changes affecting local pastors, and upcoming events.
Like to Read, Pastor? Join a clergy book group! Manyare about to kick off their year, so it’s a great time to get involved.Thegroups listed at wpaumc.org/GrowthOpportunities would welcome new members. Or start one yourself and let Susan Moudry know about it. with details.
A new mini-edition of our clergy recommended reading list is focused specifically on leadership books because this year'scontinuing education focus area is leadership. Both business classics, as well as church specific readings, are highlighted. Pick out one and make a commitment to read it this fall. Let’s pray that our collective reading strengthens our work in ministry. See the list.
DIVERSITY/Dismantling Racism
Human Relations Day Sunday, on Jan. 14is an opportunity for the denomination to come together to help the people Jesus called “the least of these” — those living in the margins of society. Worship resources, infographics, social media assets and videos are available to help you promote this important Sunday of giving. Get resources.
Race and Faith: On Jan. 13, 2018, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary will host the Fourth Annual Community Conversation on Race and Faith and the Kelso Lecture featuring the Rev. Dr. Kelly Brown Douglas, Dean, Episcopal Divinity School at Union Theological Seminary. Get details. Human Relations Sunday: On Jan. 14,2018, United Methodists will celebrate God’s call to empower those struggling to thrive and equip change agents to transform the world. Download resources from the Human Relations Day leader and pastor’s kit .
Undoing racism: What white clergy can do to help The Rev. Clayton Childers of Church and Society interviewed the Rev. David Billings: a United Methodist clergyperson who has spent his career working to undo racism. He is also the author of “Deep Denial: The Persistence of White Supremacy in United States History and Life.” Read more
Toolkit to Address Hate, Violence: After “Unite the Right” rallies in Charlottesville and other cities, white supremacy, nationalism, violent extremism, and hate in America have been laid bare. Church leaders have spoken out against it and the General Commission on Religion and Race has compiled a toolkit of resources that may be useful for individuals, a small group, or congregation on the themes of white supremacy, hate, and violence post-Charlottesville.gcorr.org/toolkit-for-ministry-post-charlottesville/
WPAUMC Anti-Racism Resources: In response to a request from Bishop Moore-Koikoi, the Conference Anti-Racism Team (ART) compiled a list of suggestions for Western PA churches to address racism. It can be downloaded from the Conference website Discussing Racism page.
Living Together Well in Diverse World: How can United Methodists can lead in living together well in an increasingly diverse world. Five leaders offer some way to do it. Read more.
United Methodists seek racial justice:We recognize racism as a sin and seek to eliminate it.
As followers of Christ,we embrace love and affirm all persons as equally valuablein the sight of God and therefore work toward societies in which each person’s value is recognized, maintained, and strengthened.
Click here to find stories, resources and tools to learn more about the issue of racism and the ways you can advocate for the fair treatment of all people. Topics include:
- Ways United Methodists can take a stand against racism
- Five tips to help address racism with children
- At Sunday worship, pastors decry racism
- Rights of Racial and Ethnic Groups
- White Privilege in the United States
- Global Racism and Xenophobia
Anti-Racism Grants:The General Commission on Religion and Race (GCORR) is eager to provide grants to engage UMC teams with strong, diverse community partners who together will change racist and xenophobic systems, policies or practices in their communities. The application for 2018-2020grants is online now. Learn more.
Leading Public Prayer for Lay Leaders: February 5-16, 2018.Led by Rev. John Zimmerman.This course follows the required text,Let the Whole Church Say Amen!by Laurence Hull Stookey (Abingdon Press, 2001). Each participant will need a copy of this workbook and should obtain it well before class begins. The book is not included in the course fee. You will be expected to access the online workshop daily and stay current with the assignments. Therefore, obtain, read, and complete the workbook prior to the start of the course for better time management when the course begins. You will also need access to a United Methodist hymnal during the course.
This class has been approved by Discipleship Ministries (formerly the General Board of Discipleship) as an advanced course in Lay Servant Ministries, and is the “prayer” class required for Lay Speaker certification. One (1) CEU for clergy and staff is also available. This course is eligible for 1.0 CEU. Price:$70.00 Enroll now
New!-Mark your calendar now! For the Washington District Spring Lay Servant Ministry School begins on Sunday, February 18th and runs through Sunday, March 18th. Classes will be held at First Washington UMC. Classes will be: Basic, go Preach, Youth Focus, Prayer, Social Justice and The Spirit and Art of Conflict. Details to be announced.
New-Mark your calendar now! For the BUTLER District Spring Lay Servant Ministry School on February 18, 25, March 4, 11 & 18, 2018. Classes: Basic Lay Servant, Preaching and Leading Worship, Discovering Spiritual Gifts, Evangelism and Pastoral Care. Details to be announced.