North Leverton with Habblesthorpe Parish Council
Clerk: Sara Stilliard
the old milking parlour, cottam road, South leverton, Retford, DN22 0BU
Tel:01427 881582
MINUTES OF THE MEETING held on Monday 4thDecember2017
Present:Cllr M Ferguson (Chair),Cllrs A Conn, S Ferguson; P Dadd; C Overend, G White; B Coultate;
C ErridgeClerk: Sara Stilliard
Members of the Public: One
Guests:PCSO Dave Airey; CCllr John Ogle; DCllr Hugh Burton
Declarations of Interest – Planning Meeting – none
Applications – to be considered by the Parish Council –
Demolition of Existing Dwelling and Outbuildings and Erection of 13 Dwellings
The Cottage Main Street North Leverton Nottinghamshire DN22 0AN Ref. No: 17/01305/FUL | Received: Wed 27 Sep 2017 | Validated: Tue 21 Nov 2017 | Status: Awaiting decision
The PC objects to the application and made the following comments:-
- Houses too densely packed on the site
- All 3 and 4 bedroomed homes with no smaller affordable houses which is what the village needs most – with this number of houses on one site there surely must be the provision of a number of affordable homes
- The numbers of houses proposed will put considerably more strain on the school and doctor’s surgery which are already over capacity
- The sewage and drainage systems in North Leverton are already under strain so the infrastructure will not be able to cope with another 13 houses
- There will be issues for refuse vehicles and emergency vehicles getting into and out of the site due to the layout
All the above points are supported by the Sturton Ward Neighbourhood plan policies as follows – none of which seem to have been considered within this application:-
Policy 1.2 – scale and sustainability
Policy 2b – new smaller homes are required not more of the same
Policy 3a – layout and access needs to be in keeping with the village
Policy 3b – character of the village housing to be preserved – not putting large houses in a small space
Policy 9.1 – affordable homes are needed to allow younger people of the village to stay there
Policy 9.2 – affordable houses should be integrated within any development
Policy 10.1 – should be mixed housing types to respond to needs
Policy 12.1 – surface water infrastructure needs to be considered
Policy 12.2 – drainage infrastructure needs to be considered e.g. permeable drives
Policy 12.5 – sustainable drainage techniques should be incorporated in new housing
Action Clerk to pass these comments to BDC planners
Prior Approval for the Change of Use of an Agricultural Building to One Dwelling (Class C3) Habblesthorpe Grange Magpie Lane North Leverton Retford Nottinghamshire DN22 0AJ Ref. No: 17/01503/PDN | Received: Thu 02 Nov 2017 | Validated: Wed 08 Nov 2017 | Status: Awaiting decision
The PC supports this applicationAction Clerk
Applications – awaiting decision by Bassetlaw DC / Notts CC / Planning Inspectorate –
Erect Two Storey Detached Four Bedroomed Dwelling with Detached Garage Block, Construct New Access and Associated Landscaping Design (Resubmission of P.A. 16/01651/FUL) Land To The East Of Fingle House Fingle Street North Leverton Retford Nottinghamshire Ref. No: 17/01286/RSB | Received: Fri 22 Sep 2017 | Validated: Fri 22 Sep 2017 | Status: Awaiting decision
Change the Use of Land and Buildings from Contractors Plant Yard to B1 (Business), B2 (Industry) and B8 (Warehousing) Quantum Farm Infield Lane North Leverton Nottinghamshire Ref. No: 17/01195/COU | Received: Wed 06 Sep 2017 | Validated: Wed 06 Sep 2017 | Status: Awaiting decision
Decisions – made by Bassetlaw DC / Notts CC / Planning Inspectorate –
Install Side Hung Timber Doors to Existing Detached Garage 1 Prebendary Farm Habblesthorpe Road North Leverton Retford Nottinghamshire DN22 0NA Ref. No: 17/01049/HSE | Received: Mon 07 Aug 2017 | Validated: Mon 11 Sep 2017 | Status: Granted
Removal of Condition 1 on P/A 35/09/00022 - Retrospective Application for the Erection of a Maintenance Shed, Storage Shed and Associated Car Parking in Connection with Construction Services Business Quantum Farm Infield Lane North Leverton Nottinghamshire Ref. No: 17/01194/CONR | Received: Wed 06 Sep 2017 | Validated: Wed 06 Sep 2017 | Status: Refused
Removal of Condition 5 on P/A 35/09/00019 - Retain Building for Use as Offices and Storage Quantum Farm Infield Lane North Leverton Nottinghamshire Ref. No: 17/01193/CONR | Received: Wed 06 Sep 2017 | Validated: Wed 06 Sep 2017 | Status: Refused
Other planning matters
Feedback by Cllr Conn from meeting with Luke Brown of BDC on SWNP amendments
There was acknowledgement that BDC have made errors in allowing the SWNP to be unspecific about housing and sites etc. since they were the ‘guinea pig’ in the process of developing a Neighbourhood Plan. BDC would like Sturton Ward villages to redraft the existing plan to be much more specific about allocated sites and types / sizes and numbers of houses which can be built over the next 15 years, working with landowners where possible to ensure that this is delivered. If this is not done it could be a ‘free for all’ when the new BDC Local Plan is introduced in 2019. Funding is available to redraft the plan so will not cost Sturton Ward anything but it will have to driven by the communities not just the PCs.
This will give the villages the basis for control / rejection of the wrong type of housing which is currently being passed by the planners. The PC agreed unanimously to pursue a redraft of the existing SWNP and meet again with those villages that vote the same way in the New Year. Action Clerk to coordinate the meeting in January
12.17.01. Apologies for absence.–There were apologies from Cllr S Moirwhich were accepted by Council.
12.17.02 Declarations of interest – Parish Council meeting–none
12.17.03. Chairman’s remarks on the Agenda
Addition of correspondence at point 14
12.17.04. Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 6th November 2017
The minutes of the above meeting were approved by Council and signed by the Chair as a true record of the proceedings.
12.17.05. Matters arising – Non-agenda items
Council noted that the actions on the Clerk haveall been completed and she will collect rejected archive material at her convenience.
Cllr White had received the rubber matting for the playing field and will lay this when the weather is better with Jack Foster’s help
A Poppy wreath was laid on behalf of the PC by Cllr Overend and the Chair thanked her for doing that
The Xmas tree is up and decorated and thanks were expressed to the Highfields who again generously sponsored the tree. Letters of thanks will be sent to all those helping to decorate the tree and the Royal Oak for hosting it Action Clerk to send letters when the tree comes down
12.17.06. Police Report.
PCSO Dave Airey reported 1crimefor North Leverton in November – the theft of a motor vehicle. Overall there has been about 1 crime per parish per month over the last year (across the 6 parishes in the beat area) which is very low compared to some in the region. Dave took the opportunity to warn residents about what they put on social media over the festive season, especially if they are likely to be away from home – announcing this can increase the chance of being burgled.
Dave thanked the Parish Councillors / Clerk and District and County Councillors for their help and support during 2017 and thanked residents for reporting crimes . He wished everyone a happy Christmas which was reciprocated by the Chair.
Dave’s full report can be seen on-line and an extract from it follows:-
While you are out with your list shopping for gifts, consider your personal safety and the security of your property.Whilst it is lovely to arrive home to your Christmas tree in the window, piled high with gifts, it is also very attractive to a thief.Close your curtains once it is dark. Put your lights on a timer so it looks like someone is in even if you are still at work, and do not leave valuables, including keys and shopping bags, on display in your homes or cars.A number of these 24 hour plug- in segment timers are available free of charge from the local SPAR store at Clarborough, the general store and Post Office at North Leverton and the general store and Post Office at South Wheatley.
The control room continue to receive reports from community members of sightings of suspicious persons, vehicles and activity across the beat area. These calls are important to us all and do help in keeping reported crime figures relatively low across the beat area.
Some of you will be aware that PC Darren Hayes was introduced as being the replacement beat manager for PC Bill Bailey, who has retired from the Force. PC Hayes has, at relatively short notice, left the Force also. PC Jason Fellows has now been announced as the covering beat manager for this beat area.
My contact number is 07525 226838 and my E mail address is PC 3258 Jason FELLOWS has a contact number is 07525 226893 and his E mail address is Please do not use these telephone numbers to report incidents and/ or crimes. Our works numbers should only be used for non-urgent matters – including seeking advice and/ or information.
As this is the last Police report before the Festive season, may I take this opportunity to thank you all for your interest and support in the last year, wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
Confirmation of the Police contact numbers are as follows: - Notts Police – Non-Urgent – 101. Notts Police Urgent – 999. Mobile numbers for other non-urgent matters: PCSO Dave Airey – 07525 226838; PC Bill Bailey – 07910 336884.
12.17.07. Community Speedwatch and Traffic Calming Group
Community Speedwatch
Cllr S Ferguson reported that the cost of servicing the speed gun used by the speedwatch team will be £306 inc VAT / delivery etc. A new speed cameral would cost £2k for an approved device. No response as yet from Misterton re sharing the cost.Cllr John Ogle kindly offered some financial support for the servicing and Council voted to have the camera serviced Action Cllr S Ferguson
The next speedwatch survey will be during 11th – 15th December.
Traffic Calming Group
The Traffic Calming Group met Joanne Horton on November 29thand Cllr White attended on behalf of North Leverton and gave feedback as follows:-
Jo suggested that villages could share interactive speed units to reduce the cost and also by moving them around avoid the wallpaper effect of drivers ceasing to notice them.
The group discussed the options open to it which realistically are:-
- Rumble strips
- 30 MPH signs and SLOW signs painted on the road
- Temporary interactive signs
- Painted triangles – entry treatment – at the entrances to villages
Physical speed reduction tools such as speed bumps / village gateways and chicanes are only considered if there has been a serious accident in that area and Highways all over the country are taking out speedbumps (at resident’s requests often) rather than putting them in.
Jo suggested applying for funding and is sending the relevant forms for some capital funding available – applications to be in by January. If that is not successful she could put some money towards a scheme and we could try to raise other funding from EDF and Tarmac etc.
Another meeting of the group to be arranged before Xmas after discussions with the PCs to take instructions from the CouncilsAction Clerk to coordinate this
12.17.08. District and County Councillors Reports.
CCllr Ogle said that the County Council is shifting the emphasis for elderly care into looking after them in their own homes, to stay semi-independent, rather than in residential homes
John confirmed that Bothamsall has worked with Vi,a which has the highways contract, and will be a case study for interactive road signs. There will be £2.3m spent on roads and highways safety issues and the budget for next year will be £5m
John acknowledged the part that the Parishes played in replacing Bill Bailey and now lobbying for a new PC and having made representation to the Chief Constable and Police Commissioner a replacement for Darren Hayes has been agreed along with some new 4x4 vehicles for some of the force
CCllr Ogle thanked the PC for their support and lobbying during the year
The Chair thanked both Councillors for their efforts on the village’s behalf during 2017 and wished them a very Happy Christmas and New Year
12.17.9. Highways, Footpaths and Public Safety Street LampsSigns and Street Furniture,
The following street lights are not working
No 9 on Main Street
No 4 on Southgore Lane
No 1 Ferns Meadow
There is also a street sign ‘Main Street’ by the war memorial on Main Street which has been dislodged and needs to be repositioned
Action Clerk to report these issues Other issues / matters to report
A bin is needed between the School and Fingle Street to catch litter from children leaving school etc. Action Clerk to request a bin from BDC or investigate the cost to the PC if necessary
The road repair following a burst water main is still not done – Action Clerk to chase this
Cllr Coultate asked whose responsibility it is to allow very large trucks to pass through the village. CCllr Ogle replied that Power Station or Quarry traffic could be restricted but not local business traffic e.g. agricultural vehicles. The PC could ask for a survey of large vehicles but must have an objective. PC to decide whether further action is required Action Cllr M Ferguson
12.17.10. The Lengthsman Report / Village Handyman report
The Lengthsman report
All going well – Jack doing a great job and very willing to do anything for anyone. He will help Cllr White to lay rubber matting in the playing field. Cllr M Ferguson actually cleared up glass mid PC meeting rather than asking Jack to do it
Handyman report
Nothing to report
Cllr White to ask John Taylor to move the bin near the shelter so that children cannot use it to climb on the roof Action Cllr White
12.17.11. Reports from Outside Bodies.
The Clerk attended a data protection course and it was suggested that the PC registers with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) which will provide help and advice if the PC ever needs to use the limited amount of personal data it holds e.g. lists of people on the emergency plan Action Clerk to register at a cost of £35
12.17.12. Financial Matters. Bank Reconciliation
The Bank Reconciliation to 20thNovember2017 was presented to Council and approved. Expenditure.
The following payments (for the previous month unless stated otherwise) were noted and approved by Council. Action Clerk.
Sara Stilliard – salary and expensesJack Foster – lengthsman services
North Notts Training Group
John Taylor – handyman services
Holmes Groundcare – churchyard grass cut
Payments made during November
Polymax – rubber matting
Doddington Hall – Xmas tree / 312.69
300.00 Closing Building Society account
The Chair signed a letter requesting that the account be closed Invoice for Xmas Tree
An invoice for the generous sponsor of the Xmas tree (Highfields) will be sent – the bill has been paid by the PC
The budget papers were also distributed to Councillors by the Chair ready for the meeting on December 11th
12.17.13. The Blacksmiths Playing Field. Weekly Inspection Report
Cllr White reported that there is very little rubbish in the playing field this month The Memorial garden
Jack Foster has made a very good job of trimming shrubs in the Memorial garden although there are still a lot of leaves on the walkways. Jack to continue with this work Action Cllr Erridge to instruct Jack
Volunteers are still needed for the annual maintenance of the Memorial Gardens Action Cllr S Ferguson to add to the next newsletter
A resident had asked Cllr Erridge if the shelter canopy could be extended at the back but it would be a complicated job – no action at this time
12.17.14. Correspondence.
The following items of correspondence were received this month for circulation:
- E-mail correspondence between John Strawson / Ian Davies about the beck clearance which is scheduled for the New Year
- Letter informing the PC of an increase to £16 in the cost of meetings held at the Methodist Chapel
12.17.15. Parish Council Newsletter and website Council Newsletter
The Winter newsletter is scheduled for January and will include articles about the Xmas Tree; volunteers needed for the annual tidy of the Memorial Gardens; the Wednesday Club ; Police Report ; Speedwatch; an article about the Preschool. Cllr Coultate said she had not received the last newsletter (Sturton Road) Action Cllr Dadd to ensure that they are delivered there Website
Nothing to report. Statistics will be available for the January PC meeting
The Chair closed the meeting at 8.34 pm and thanked all Councillors for their attendance during the year and wished them a Happy Christmas
12.17.17. Date of next meetings
Themeetings of the Parish Council will be held in theMethodist Chapel, starting at 7.15pm on the following dates.
Dec 11th (budget meeting), January 8th / February 5th / March 5th / April 9th / May 7th / June 4th/ July 2nd / September 3rd/ October 1st/ November 5th/ December 3rd
Sara Stilliard – Clerk, tel. 881582
NB. Minutes subject to approval at the next meeting
Distribution: All Parish Councillors, CCllr John Ogle, DCllr H Burton, PC Bill Bailey, PCSO Dave Airey, S Rockcliffe, Notice Boards, & File