Hajdúhadház, Hajdú-Bihar County, Hungary
Business address: 2. Sámsoni Str., Hajdúhadház, H-4212
Contact information:
+36(52) 583076
Persons engaged in managing the enterprise:
Managing Director: Dufla Ferenc Mr.
Sylvicultural Deputy Director: Igor Nagy Mr.
Number of employees:38 person + 50-100 person seasonal worker
Annual turnover:About 312 million forints.
The Nyírerdő Corporation is one of the largest companies in East Hungary strong in capital, which ensures jobs for almost 400 people and families. Our main activity is the traditional forest management and the trade services relate to it. We pay attention to take care of hunting traditions, which make a national name for ourself and to make our services popular and developed.
The Nyírség Forestry Corporation transformed into state-owned forestry corporation in 30 September in 1994. as an the legal successor of FEFAG Corporation, which has decided by the owner, the ÁPV. Corporation.
The head office of the company is in Nyíregyháza, in Kótaji street 29. We take care of 61.000 hectares of forest in two counties, Hajdú-Bihar and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, according to the provisional trustree contract, which was made with the Treasury Property Management.The treated area is more than 1.200.000 hectares in two counties, which are located scattered. The forest area which is construct from field of activity is almost the third part of the two county’s forest.
Our company carries out its trustee duties through the head office of the company and the 9 independent forest management units.
The Hajdúhadház Forestry of the Nyírerdő Corporation is characterized by the structure of the field of activity and the diversity of the site and wild life. The forestry’s 6307 hectares of district is close to 17 village border, which are located in forest regions of Nyírség, the Nagykun-Hajdúhát, and the Tisza-Bodrog-Sajó_Hernád and Maros inundation area.
The climate is uniformly dry -rainfall is under 550 mm annually- the site is very diversity due to the many kinds of soil type. There are the weakest sandy soils and the brown forest soils, the Hortobágy sodaic soils and the very good nutrient supplied flood plain soil of the Tisza’s flood area. Aside from the diversity of the site, the plant and the forest population’s diversity is very nice. Thanks to the varying site within little distance as a mosaik- get on well with each other- the sandy deserted lawn and the lily of the valley oaks, field white alkali desert and the flood area hard broadleaved groveforest.
From the point of view of management the forest which are native tree species and the domesticated tree species complete each other. The main tree species are the Robinia and the peduncular oak, but there is significant amount of poplar and other broadleaved tree species, as well as the scotch pine and the black pine.
The nursery in Hajdúhadház is the largest pine producer nursery in this region.
To satisfy the changed former’s demands we have to racionalize the seedling utilization. In the course of it we just grew black pine and scotch pine seedlings in the past but nowadays we produce Robinia and pedunculate oak. Beside the traditional forest plant rearing we grow christmas trees, deciduous and evergreen shrubs and trees, as well as great open-rooted seedlings and container truck trees and saplings.
The nursery satisfies its own needs, as well as the other forestries’ needs and the foreign companies and export partners’ needs.
16.000 m3 net volume of wood are exploited annually and the biggest part is sold in Hungary and to export, and less part of it we use in our own sawmill.
Main woodproducts:
- sawlogs,
- cutting (Robinia, oak, poplar),
- poles (Robinia).
Our Forestry operates two factories, one in Tiszacsege and one in Hajdúhadház. In our factories we process the own and bought raw materials (cca. 3500 m3). Mainly we produce sawn vine products (vine poles, vine stakes).
We have also edged and unedged sawn timbers, various sawn mining products, parquet fries, poplar pallet elements and Robinia poles too. Our Forestry has got a determining buyer position in this region. Beside primary forest products we want to strength our market position with commerce of wood simply marked and reproductive materials.
The forests, managed by the Forestry, take place around and in the surroundings of three towns, so those who live there can spend their spare time in variable environment.
In the Hajdúhadház Park forest is the so called Sillye memorial place that traces back to the history of late-XVII.-century Hajdúhadház. It was erected in honour of Sillye Mátyás, who belonged to the ancient section of the last police superintendent and died here.
The sepulchre is reachable on the red tourist path that lasts from Bocskaikert to Téglás railway station, which is a beloved excursion place.
Next to the car resting place, English Garden Inn, near to the main road No. 4, there are tourist paths, clearings for picnic, and open air barbecue place in the English Garden.
The surroundings of hunting lodges are convenient for youth and child groups.
The forestry’s nature reserves are the Ohat forest, the Margita forest, the English garden and the Hajdúböszörmény lily of the valley oaks. The Hortobágy National Park controlls these areas’ forest management activity.
Vinca minor
The NYÍREDŐ Corporation practices game management in north-eastern Hungary, on 29.000 hectares. In the trading hunting area a significant quantity exists of almost all useful huntable species. The estimated game population at the Lónya, Gúth, Ömböly and Haláp fields:
- red deer (230 pieces),
- fallow buck (1280 pieces),
- roe deer (1300 pieces),
- wild boar (800 pieces).
As well as in great amount can be found:
- brown hare,
- pheasant,
- partridge.
As a result of professional game management, protection of genetic values and constant care evolved a world known game population. The annual shoot of animals in the NYÍRERDŐ Inc territories:
- red deer (4 pieces),
- fallow buck (340 pieces),
- roe deer (310 pieces),
- wild boar (470 pieces).
More and more foreign and Hungarian hunters visit the area rich in game since these trophies are rightly tempting. The area is often called as the Mecca of Nimrods. The Committee of Trophy Judges has awarded the excellent red deer and roe deer trophies of Lónya with many gold, silver and bronze medals. For the conscious and high-class forest and game management, as well as for the conservation and environment protection the hunting area in Nyíradoyn-Gúthpuszta of NYÍREDŐ Zrt. is awarded with Elmond Blanc prize by the International Hunting and Committee, the C. I. C. The big game management of Gúth forestry has also been prized internationally. The trophies of fallow bucks brought down here are on the 1st, 2nd and 7th places of the world list.
The NYÍRERDŐ’s forestries have three high standard hunting lodges satisfying for all needs. The ones in Lónya and Gúth are easy to approach, and excellent hunting hunting guides are at the guests’ disposal everywhere. Truly Hungarian hospitability guarantees an unforgettable experience. This is why many Austrian, Italian, Swiss, American and Germen hunters look up gladly our forests and return year by year. In the spare time besides hunting, the visitors can see the scenery rich in natural values, visit folklore and architectural memorials representing artistic values. The hunting lodges are suitable for family vacations and business meetings as well.
Nr. / Date / Place of bagging / Country / Hunter / Weight (kg) / CICvalue / Exhibited
1. / 2002 / Gúth / H / K. H. Spitzer / 5.00 / 237.63 / Guth-2003
2. / 1991 / Gúth / H / R. Korz / 5.80 / 233.11 / Guth-91.
3. / 1999 / Podcejk / CZ / J. Simonek / 4.97 / 227.27 / LnL-2000
4. / 1994 / Termanec / CZ / I. Visnak / 4.92 / 224.18 / Ny-95.
5. / 2001 / Szakcs / H / L. B. Tiefoldt / 4.95 / 223.19 / La-2002
6. / 1972 / Gyulaj / H / J. Kádár / 4.44 / 220.31 / To-73.
7. / 1993 / Gúth / H / W. Eder / 4.75 / 219.41 / Asz-93.
8. / 1991 / Prace / CZ / M. Krejci / 4.45 / 219.22 / Márki-92.
9. / 1999 / Zd'árka / CZ / J. Hanák / ? / 218.42 / LnL-2000
10. / 1970 / Gyulaj / H / F. Tolnai / 5.15 / 217.25 / Bp-71.
11. / 2002 / Újpetre / H / O. Palotai / 4.51 / 216.96 / Guth-2003
12. / 2001 / Szakcs / H / C. Haagensen / 5.17 / 216.22 / La-2002
13. / 1982 / Palárikovo / SK / J. Janik / 4.32 / 215.80 / Br-85.
14. / 1984 / Taegersborg / DK / P. Henrik / 4.75 / 215.10 / Nü-86.
15. / 1969 / Gyulaj / H / L. Fehér / 3.85 / 214.99 / Bp-71.
16. / 2000 / Szőreg / H / T. Kiss / 4.05 / 214.74 / Nk-2000
17. / 1997 / Gúth / H / J. Rektor / 4.60 / 214.61 / Kh-97.
18. / 2002 / Gúth / H / K. H. Spitzer / 4.68 / 214.50 / Guth-2003
19. / 1995 / Gúth / H / W. Eder / 5.00 / 214.49 / Kr-96.
20. / 1991 / Lábod / H / Anonymus / 4.60 / 213.98 / La-2002
21. / 1974 / Gyulaj / H / J. Kalauz / 4.10 / 213.76 / Ny-90.
22. / 2003 / Kisherend / H / L. Bozó / 4.56 / 213.00 / Guth-2003
23. / 1980 / Gyulaj / H / E. Hackstein / 5.15 / 212.70 / Pl-81.
24. / 1995 / Podcejk / CZ / J. Cerny / 4.15 / 212.69 / LnL-96.
25. / 1995 / Sarkadremete / H / R. Collong / 3.95 / 212.53 / Kr-96.
26. / 2003 / Gúth / H / T. Pompiliu / 4.67 / 212.35 / Telki-2004
27. / 1965 / Gyulaj / H / L. Fehér / 4.30 / 212.12 / NS-67.
28. / 1993 / Petrovec / SK / O. Stancek / 4.27 / 212.09 / Ny-95.
29. / 1988 / Svodin / SK / I. Kondel / 4.65 / 211.95 / Ny-90.
30. / 1967 / Gyulaj / H / Anonymus / 4.50 / 211.92 / Bp-71.
31. / 1995 / Kalinovo / SK / J. Zarnovican / 4.11 / 211.67 / Ni-2000
32. / 1970 / Gyulaj / H / F. Szűcs / 4.12 / 211.52 / To-71.
33. / 2000 / Mályvád / H / P. Debreczeni / 3.70 / 211.35 / Nk-2000
34. / 1984 / Taegersborg / DK / T. Christiansen / 4.00 / 211.10 / Nü-86.
35. / 1997 / Lovasberény / H / Anonymus / 4.75 / 211.00 / Kh-97.
36. / 1992 / Gúth / H / E. Perri / 4.30 / 210.98 / Márki-92.
37. / 1994 / Termanec / CZ / H. Jacobsen / 4.45 / 210.92 / Ny-95.
38. / 1989 / Svodin / SK / J. Chabada / 4.50 / 210.88 / Ny-90.
39. / 2003 / Gúth / H / R. Spitzer / 5.50 / 210.50 / Telki-2004
40. / 1974 / Gyulaj / H / S. Tóth / 4.30 / 210.34 / CsB-76.
41. / 1997 / Lábod / H / Anonymus / 4.30 / 210.30 / Kh-97.
42. / 1985 / Taegersborg / DK / K. Sorensen / 4.18 / 210.12 / Nü-86.
43. / 1986 / Gyulaj / H / Anonymus / 4.70 / 210.04 / Ny-90.
44. / 1986 / Svodin / SK / P. Krajniak / 4.65 / 209.88 / Ny-90.
45. / 1923 / Gyulaj / H / P. Rimler / 3.84 / 209.60 / Bl-37.
46. / 1974 / Gyulaj / H / L. Fehér / 4.35 / 209.28 / Pl-81.
47. / 1981 / Ilok / HR / J. Bilic / ? / 209.22 / NS-85.
48. / 1978 / Gyulaj / H / J. Szirmai / 4.20 / 208.87 / Pl-81.
49. / 1984 / Voden / BG / T. Zsivkov / 3.99 / 208.59 / Br-85.
50. / 1977 / Gyulaj / H / L. Faluvégi / 4.36 / 208.45 / Pl-81.
•Szabolcs-Szatmár-BeregCounty:10 %
• Jász-Nagykun-SzolnokCounty: 1,12 %
• Hajdú-BiharCounty: 17,6 %
• Bács-KiskunCounty: 0,83 %
•Győr-Moson-SopronCounty: 2,4 %
• BaranyaCounty: 7,78 %
• VasCounty: 1,8 %
• VeszprémCounty: 1,4%
The importance is the other raw materials, the product and the customer’s requirements. The most frequently assortments are the following: vine stakes raw material, vine poles, round poles, pile wood, Main tree specie is the robinia.
The importance is the other raw materials, the product and the customer’s requirements. The most frequently assortments are the following: vine stakes raw material, vine poles, round poles, pile wood, Main tree specie is the robinia.
In the conversion into assortments of panel log we use the MSZ 13307 hungarian standard, as an the nation standard. But for the previous ask of customer we can turn aside from it. We produce these assortments from oak, robinia and poplar tree species.
In the conversion into assortment of sawlog we use the hungarian standard the MSZ 45, as an the nation standard. Accordingly we can distinguish the I. II. and III. classes. But for the previous ask of customer we can turn asside from it. We produce these assortments from oak, red oak, black walnut, robinia, ash, other hardbroadleaved trees, poplar, domestic poplar, other soft broadleaved trees, and coniferous.
In the conversion into assortments of pitwood we use the hungarian standard the MSZ 3084 as an the nation standard. But for the previous ask of customer we can turn asside from it. We produce this assotment from hard broadleaved trees and coniferous.
In the conversion into assortments of round pitwood we use the hungarian standard the MSZ 8892, as an the nation standard. Accordingly we can distinguish debarked and without bark , thick and thin assortments. Fot the previous ask of the customer we can turn asside from this. We can produce this assortment from hard broadleaved tree species except the hornbeam.
In the conversion into assortments of mining pier we use the hungarian standard the MSZ 3085 as an nation standard. For the previous ask of the customer we can turn asside from this. We produce this assortment from hard broadleaved trees.
In the conversion into assotrment of cutting we use the hungarian standard the MSZ 44 as an nation standard. For the previous ask of customer we can turn asside from it. We produce this assortment in bark from oak, black walnut, ash, and other hard broadleaved trees, poplar, poplar, other coniferous, and without bark from robinia .
In the conversion into assortment of pole we use the hungarian standard the MSZ 6795 as an nation standard. We produce in bark and debarked assortments. For the previous ask of customer we can turn asside from it. We produce this assortment:
- in bark from hard and soft broadleaved tree species and coniferous
- without bark from Robinia tree species.
The importance is the other raw materials, the product and the customers’s requirements. The most frequently assortments are the following: vine stake raw material, vine poles, round poles, pile wood. Main tree specie is the robinia.
In the production of thick firewood, like forest assortment, we use the hungarian standard the MSZ 1220, like home standard. For the previous ask of customer we can turn asside from it. We produce this assortment from oak, robinia, hard and soft broadleaved trees and coniferous.
The importance is the other raw materials, the product and the customer’s requirements. The most frequently assortments are the following: vine stakes raw material, vine poles, round poles, pile wood, Main tree specie is the robinia.
The solid wood parquet is made from wood appropriate for floor laying. We produce it according the MSZ 20321standard.
Length: Length from 250 mm to 400 mm stepping with 50 mm.
Width: from 35 mm to 65 mm stepping with 5 mm.
The most frequent sizes are the following: 300 x 45 x65 mm, and 250 x 45 x 65 mm
Tree pecies and Quality
Oak, Red oak
I. „N”, II. „Cs”, III. „R” grade, and under standard
I. „N”, II. „R” grade and under standard
Robinia, beech, hornbeam
I. „N”, II. „R” grade and under standard
Black walnut and honey locust
I. „N”, II. „R” grade and under grade
It is appropriate for covering the flooring which is made from wood.We produce it according to the MSZ 56-82 standard.
Standing side’s height: 20 +/- 1,0 mm
Lying side’s width: 27 +/-1,0 mm
Angle is:110+/-5,0°
Length: from 1 m jump 5 cm , +/-1 cm
Tree species and quality
Oak I. „xx”, II. „x” grade
Robinia, beech, turkey oak, ash: uniform classes
We produce the 4 side sawn poles according to the technological description. For the previous ask of customer we can turn asside from it. We can distinguish pointed and not pointed products. We produce this assortment from robinia.
Stage: Basically healthy timber. As well they are corresponding to size requirements the earlier produced sawn timber is allowed too, without restriction. Cracks and discoloration caused by the store are not considered as a wood-defect. Agricultural quality: every kind of wood defect, which does not influence the strength of the product, are allowed.
Barking: If there is wane we will bark by hand it.
Formulation: Square cross-section stake made with four side straight, parallel, perpendicular lengthwise saw cutting. Healthy pith is allowed without restriction. Wane is allowed till the 25 % of the product with not bigger width than the 25 % of the edge. (for example: If there is 40 x 40 mm, the width will be 10 mm )
Size tolerance:
In cross-section: saw-fresh +2/+3 mm, air-dried 0/+1 mm
Length: +/-10 mm till 150 cm, if the sawn timber is longer: +/- 20 mm
The stakes have to suit to the ordered sizes in the time of using.
Pointing: The stakes are pointed bluntly from four side on one end. The length of pointing is 15-25 cm, the ending is c. a. 1 x 1 cm. The stakes which are shorter than 150 cm the length of pointing is 12-15 cm, ending is c.a. 0,5 x 0,5 cm. The circle pointing is accepted equivalently.
Curvature: The degree of curvature is maximum 1 cm / runnung meter .(for example the string’s height of curvature of the 2 m length pole is max. 2 cm.
Length: According to the order with –1/+3 cm tolerance. The faces of poles have to be cut parallel to the lineshaft.
Knots: Healthy knots are allowed without limitation. Elements with rot or black knots are allowed till 2 cm diameter . Packing: The product has to arrive to the customer in undamaged, suited stage for loading with forklift.
The stakes are packed into packages with cross-section gross 115 x 115 cm, one way palette its lower element guarantee 10 cm free-height, its length goes on the length of product.
We put the following number of pieces from the cross-section into the unit-packages what have the same height.
Diameter (mm) / Pieces
22 x 22 x 1000 / 1500
28 x 28 x 1000 / 1225
30 x 30 x 1200 / 1225
For different sizes there is need to check.
We produce it with parallel cutting with lengthwise. We produce it according to standard MSZ 08-0588 and to the technical description which is in the link. We use it as an nation standard.We can distinguish debarked , without bark and pointed nad not pointed products. For the previous ask of customer we can turn asside from it. We produce this asssortment from robinia.
Technological description
Stage: Basically healthy timber. Wood-defects that do not influence the strength of the product are allowed without restriction. Cracks caused by the sun and discoloration are not considered as a wood-defect.
Barking: Partically debarked to white, knots are cut back up to the surface of the pole.
Formulation: The end of the pole is crowned if it is need and here we give the named diameter ( such as 8-10 cm9 from the diameter measured before crown.
Size tolerance: in length: +/- 10 mm till 150 cm, longer: +/- 20 mm. The poles have to suitable to the ordered size in the time of using.
Pointing: It depends on using. Generally, the ticker end has to be pointed from four sides in c.a. 12-15 cm length so that the size of the top is 5 x 5 –10 x 10 mm.
Curvature: The degree of curvature is max. 1 cm / running meter. ( for example the string’s height of curvature of the 2 m length pole is max. 2 cm ).
Length: According to the order with –1/+3 cn tolerance. The faces of poles have to be cut parallel to the lineshaft.
Knots: Healthy knots are allowed without limitation, Elements with rot and black knots are allowed till 2 cm diameter.
Packing: The poles are packed into packages that can be moved with a fork-lift ( size: 110 cm wide x 110-120 cm high with a 8 cm high foot under the package).Different dimensions are selected in different packages.
The pieces are the following in the pallets:
Diameter (cm) / Pieces
5-7 / 150
6-8 / 150
7-9 / 100
8-10 / 100
9-11 / 70
10-12 / 70
11-13 / 50
12-14 / 50
14 fölött / 25
In the packages the first half part of the poles point in the same direction and in the upper part of the package the point of the poles change in the opposite direction.The package is fixed on three places: at the bottom, in the middle (where the direction of the points change ) and at the top.The package is fixed with galvanised wire or plastic band. Besides the vertical elements,the whole packege is fastened with an elastic, plastic band that can be retightened if it gets loose.
For different sizes it is need to check in every disposition.