Super Heroes Unite
The Battle of the Books
has arrived!
Books, books and more books! It is time to get reading! We are ready to start the third grade Battle of the Books. This is a chance for ALL third graders to challenge themselves in reading! There are 7books and about 7 weeks to read. The books that have been chosen for the battle incorporate a variety of reading levels, interests and genres. The Battle will take place on March 26, 2015, in the morning. More information will come home soon about parent participation opportunities.
Here is how you get to be a part of the battle:
- You must be a Beverly Elementary Third Grader.
- You must read at least 4 books and complete journal entries on the 4 books you have read.
All Battle Participants need to:
- Check out a battle book from your teacher during battle check-out times! You can keep your book for up to one week.
- Read as many books as you can before the battle.
- Keep notes in your journal to help you remember the important details and to help you during the Battle.
Battle of the Books
Battle Points
There are many ways you can earn points for your team. Every point is important! Try hard to earn as many as you can!
Before the Battle:
- 1 point for every book that has a completed Battle Journal page.
During the Battle:
- 4 points for the correct answer of a battle question.
- Partial points can be earned for answers as well!
- You may earn BONUS points for cooperating, patience and a great attitude!
There are rewards for being part of the battle. Everyone will learn a lot by reading each of the books! There are a few other rewards you should know about.
1st Place Team Members
$5.00 Spring Book Fair Gift Certificate
Pizza Party with Ms. Palmer, Ms. Freedman, and Mrs. Knoper
Free Homework Coupon
2nd Place Team Members
Pizza Party with Ms. Palmer, Ms. Freedman, and Mrs. Knoper
Free Homework Coupon
3rd Place Team Members
Pizza Party with Ms. Palmer,Ms. Freedmanand Mrs. Knoper
All Participants will receive an
Award of Participation and Effort
Third Grade Battle
Book List
The Chocolate Touch
By: Patrick Skene Catling
Who Was Franklin Roosevelt
By: Margaret Frith
By: Sara Pennypacker
The Big Blueberry Barf- Off
By: Dan Gutman
The Case of the April Fools Frogs
By: Nancy Star
The Bears on Hemlock Mountain
By: Alice Dalgliesh
Super Sniffers
By: Dorothy Hinshaw Patent
Battle of the Books
Books, books and more books! When you have finished all of the Battle books, you have a chance for a bonus to your battle fun! There are 3 bonus books that you can enjoy. There will be a bonus round after the regular battle.
Here is how you get to be a part of the bonus battle:
- You must be a Beverly Elementary Third Grader.
- You must complete 1 journal page about each of your regular battle books. Read as many of the 3 bonus books as you can and complete a journal page for each book.
Bonus Battle Books:
The Homework Machine
By: Dan Gutman
Ten Days: Abraham Lincoln
By: David Colbert
Mush: Sled Dogs of the Iditarod
By: Joe Funk