Excel beyond the Bell-San Antonio (EBBSA) Collective Impact Memorandum of Understanding

Our Vision:
We envision San Antonio as the top U.S. city for youth to learn, grow, and thrive.
By 2024, EVERY CHILD has access to the Out of School Time enrichment he or she needs to become a healthy, resilient and engaged member of our community
  1. Overview & Purpose of Document

Excel beyond the Bell-San Antonio (EBBSA) is a network of collaborating nonprofit and public agencies providing Out-of-School Time (OST) or related services to youth and their families. Its purpose is to pursue avenues for joint action and planning among these and other willing partners to communicate, cooperate,coordinate and collaborate in pursuit of our shared vision for San Antonio youth.

The collective impact initiative undertaken by EBBSA strives to meet the five conditions of collective success: common agenda, shared measurement systems, mutually reinforcing activities, continuous communication, and backbone support organization.

To this end, EBBSA has a common agenda focused on four keyimpact areas:

Youth Development

Educational Success



A working group comprised of representatives of EBBSA member agencies coordinates each impact area. Two additional working groups, Data Coordination and Engagement, provide coordination of cross-initiative backbone functions and a CEO Roundtable directs the work of the whole.

The purpose of this document is to articulate the commitments for collaboration, operation and governance of the EBBSA Collective Impact Network. Those agencies signing this Memorandum of Understanding formally recognize their roles and interests in joining the network to share in the responsibility for carrying out the common agenda and working to help San Antonio become the top city in the United States for children to learn, grow and thrive.

  1. Levels of Participation

There are three levels for formal agency participation in EBBSA: Collaboration, Coordination, and Cooperation. Requirements for and benefits of participation in each level are outlined as follows and summarized in Table 1.

Requirements / Benefits
table / Working
Groups / Events / CEO
Network / Share
Data / Joint
Raising / Joint
Messaging / Website
Platform / Scholar-
ships / Events / Prof.
Table 1: Participation Levels - Requirement & Benefits
(Black – Full Access; Grey - Opportunities access will vary by participation level)
  1. Collaborating Agency

The most engaged level of participation, organizations that become collaborating members, share in the authority and oversight of the coalition as well as the work efforts to shape the collective impact initiative. In return for their investment of time and energy, they also enjoy the most benefits.


  1. CEO has a voting seat on the CEO Roundtable and must attend at least 80% (4/5) of convenings each program year – 1 Fall CEO Retreat, 3 Roundtables and 1 Spring Summit. Should necessity require a CEO to anticipate incurring an absence that would exceed the maximum of one per fiscal year, then he/she must notify the members of the steering committee in advance of the absence with an explanation.

When a CEO of a member agency who has a voting seat on the CEO Roundtable vacates (planned or unplanned) the CEO position of their agency, the CEO and/or interim leadership for the member agency will work with the Steering Committee to facilitate a mutually smooth transition for incoming leadership and EBBSA. Provided that the member agency is in good standing in all other requirements and its designated representatives are participating fully at 80%+ (see Item 2), the Steering Committee will work with that CEO to make a determination on continuation of their voting status. The Steering Committee reviews CEO attendance twice a year. The program year follows the academic calendar.

  1. CEO must appoint one named agency delegate who serves on one of the working groups. Delegates must attend at least 80% of meetings (monthly except December & July). The Steering Committee reviews working group attendance twice a year.
  2. As data collection efforts start, agency must participate in data collection and reporting, subject to parameters as voted on by CEO Roundtable.
  3. Agency must be willing to permit use of their brand/name/logos in EBBSA communications activities pursuant to standards established and voted on by CEO Roundtable.


  1. Access to CEO network and membership in EBBSA CEO Roundtable
  2. Shared data and data tools
  3. Access to joint funding andfundraising
  4. Exposure through coalition-branded messaging and EBBSA website as additional platform for promoting member agency
  5. Opportunities for scholarships and professional development as well as invitations to special member-only events
  6. Coordinating Agency

Organizations that participate as coordinating members share in the work effort that shapes the San Antonio OST sector.


  1. CEO appoints a named delegate with 80% or higher attendance actively participating in one or more working groups.
  2. Agency must be willing to permit use of their brand/name/logos in EBBSA communications activities pursuant to standards established and voted on by CEO Roundtable.
  3. Consistent participation for a full program year as a Coordinating Member creates eligibility to request becoming a full voting Collaborating Member agency.


  1. EBBSA website as additional platform for promoting member agency
  2. Opportunities for scholarships and professional development and most special events
  3. Cooperating Partner

Organizations that participate as Cooperating Partners agree in spirit to the EBBSA collective impact initiative but are not ready to commit to full participation at Coordinating or Collaborating levels.

Requirements: Active participation in special events, help promoting opportunities to participate in collective impact initiatives

Benefits: Opportunities to participate in open professional development opportunities andspecial events, participation in the annual EBBSA summit held each spring

  1. Working Groups
  2. The collective impact effort is supported by six working groups addressing four impact areas and two umbrella support functions: Youth Development, Educational Success, Excellence, Reach, Engagement, and Data. Working groups develop and implement a plan of action and communicate their activities with EBBSA members. Each working group is chaired by a member of the CEO Roundtable and a non-CEO co-chair drawn from the committee membership.
  3. Each member of the CEO Roundtable must serve on or designate an individual -- preferably a subject matter expert -- to participate on at least one working group. Working group membersinclude OST staff and other stakeholders with an interest in the OST collective impact.
  4. Working group Chairs are selected by the CEO Roundtable. Initially, the Excellence, Engagement, and Youth Development Chairs will serve one-year terms while others will serve two-year terms to allow for staggered rotation and avoid all working group chairs rolling off at once. Thereafter, Chairs serve two-year terms.
  5. Each working group meets monthly except for the months of December and July.
  6. Working Group Co-Chairs record and submit member attendance and meeting minutesto the backbone staff, which are reviewed by the Steering Committee twice a year.
  7. CEO Roundtable
  8. The CEO Roundtable consists of CEOs of nonprofit agencies that provide OST services. The Roundtable creates the common agenda for the collective impact effort, sets the strategic action framework, and oversees the progress of the initiative.
  9. Membership is open to CEOs and CEO-level individuals who have the authority to allocate resources, make decisions, and speak on behalf of their respective agencies. The Roundtable meets bi-monthly (September, November, January, March, May) except for the months of December and July. The annual summit and the CEO retreat will act as the March and September meetings, respectively.
  10. Voting rights are restricted to ensure consistent participation, shared agency commitment to decisions, and structure to provide for meaningful and productive progress toward the goals set by the group. To be eligible for voting rights on the CEO Roundtable, participants must:
  • Lead organizations enrolled at the Collaboration level
  • Attend at least 80% of the CEO Roundtable meetings
  • Serve on or designate an individual, preferably a subject matter expert, to participate on at least one working group who is accountable for attending at least 80% of working group meetings.
  • Participate in data collection and reporting activities
  • Participate in joint communication and branding activities
  • Casting Votes/Decision making

During the course of the year, issues or proposed actions will arise that require authorization from the CEO Roundtable. Given the infrequency of CEO Roundtable convenings and the fact that some decision points can be regarded as having greater or lesser consequence/risk to the members, provisions will be made for two forms of voting:

  1. Low-Concern Items: Items that arise in the course of executing the work plan for the year approved by the voting members.
  • These items do require go/no go approval from CEO’s but are not expected to be of high concern
  • Low-Concern Items will be voted upon electronically on a rolling “as-needed” basis after 7 days from notification to allow for deliberation by email
  • A 2/3 affirmative vote will pass provided there is a quorum. Items receiving less than 2/3 will pass to “High-Concern Items” unless withdrawn. A quorum is one half of the voting membership.
  1. High Concern Items: Items that can be considered substantial, new or sensitive.
  • These items present a material change to the existing work plan, involve an element of unplanned risk, cost or are likely to have strategic consequence to multiple members of the network.
  • High Concern Items will be reserved for CEO Roundtable convenings in order to create space for deliberation, exchange and consensus building prior to voting
  • These items must be voted on in person by a quorum of voting members, electronic votes will not be permitted.A quorum is half of the voting membership
  • In the event that a High Concern Item occurs between convenings, the Steering Committee will call a special meeting to allow members to vote. Special meetings may be held in person or by conference call.
  • A Steering Committee comprised of working group Chairs that are Roundtable CEOs will serve as the executive committee of EBBSA and will guide the processes of the collective impact undertaking to ensure active participation and timely progress on the network’s business. The Steering Committee drafts the agenda for the CEO Roundtable meetings, EBBSA summits, and other events. The Steering Committee meets bi-monthly except for the months of December and July in advance of the CEO Roundtable meetings. While the Steering Committee plays a critical coordinating function, operational decision making is reserved for the full CEO roundtable as described in the preceding section.
  1. Funding & Fiscal Agency
  1. The activities agreed upon will be subject to the funding and staff available. Each member agency will cover its own costs except in cases where special funding is available for collaborative activities. In such cases the terms of such funding will be developed and approved by the CEO Roundtable prior to commencement of such activity.
  2. As a non-incorporated entity, the EBBSA Network designates the San Antonio Area Foundation as its duly authorized fiscal agent charged with managing, collecting, disbursing, accounting for, auditing and reporting on any funds received for collaborative or backbone activities.
  3. The fiscal agent will receive administrative direction from the Steering Committee of the CEO Roundtable and will provide quarterly reports on the status of all network funds and liabilities to the full CEO Roundtable.A final report will be submitted to the fiscal agent no later than January 20th of each year.
  4. EBBSA shall submit a full and complete report to the fiscal agent for each year ending December 31.The initial report shall be submitted by no later than January 20, 2016, and subsequent reportsshall be due on the anniversary date of the initial report. The report shall describe the charitable programs, activities and accomplishments conducted by EBBSA, the expenditures made and on EBBSA's compliance with the terms of the Fiscal Sponsorship Agreement.
  1. Terms of this Memorandum of Understanding

The signatory agencies agree that

  1. This MOU neither expands nor limits those authorities vested in the signatory agencies by their respective governing bodies and articles of incorporation to conduct their affairs and carry out their programs.
  2. This MOU in no way restricts the signatory agencies from participating with other public, private or non-profit agencies, organizations or individuals.
  3. This MOU is neither a fiscal nor funds obligation document for the signatory agencies.
  4. Any data, information, logos or endorsements provided by the member agencies to the network and its agents is to be held as confidential and not for external use except as agreed to by the CEO Roundtable and authorized by the respective agency CEO.
  5. Modifications to this MOU shall be made by mutual consent of [2/3] of the voting members in good standing of the CEO Roundtable. Written modification shall be provided to all voting members at least 30 days prior to being subjected to a vote.
  6. Any of the signatory agencies may choose to withdraw from the MOU by a 30 day written notice at any time before the date of expiration.
  7. This agreement and its amendments may be extended in three-year increments by the voting members in good standing on or prior to the date of expiration.
  1. Dissolution
  1. The signatory agencies may terminate the MOU by mutual consent of [2/3] of the voting members in good standing of the CEO Roundtable. A motion to dissolve shall be provided to all voting members at least 30 days prior to being subjected to a vote.
  1. In the event that EBBSA membership falls below 15 Collaborative-level OST agencies, EBBSA will be dissolved.
  1. In the event of dissolution, any funds held by EBBSA will be used to resolve any outstanding debts, liabilities or obligations. Any funds received from a private or public foundation for a designated fund will be returned. Funds remaining thereafter will be donated to the San Antonio Area Foundation for distribution to a nonprofit organization(s) providing Out-of-School Time services after the appropriate due diligence is conducted.
  1. Contacts

All notices, communications and coordination shall involve, at a minimum, the following individuals or their successors and/or designees as follows:

  1. Official Name of Collaborating Agency ______
  1. Address of Record: ______
  1. Collaborating Agency Chief Executive Officer or Approved Equivalent



  1. Collaborating Agency Designated Working Group Delegate



  1. Duration of Agreement & Signatures

The signatory agency is bound to this MOU as of the date of the last signature, and it will expire three years from that date unless extended or terminated at an earlier date as provided in section (6) above.

COLLABORATING AGENCY Chief Executive Officer

