The Nuclear Power Plant in Cartoons

=00 Kovynev Alexey

=01 Cover

=02 Introduction

=03 Technical introduction


  1. The planet Earth
  2. Shiftturnover
  3. Themanagement 1
  4. Thestruggleofclasses
  5. The road to the NPP
  6. Twosides
  7. Short-sightedness
  8. Thesmellofradiation
  9. Themanagement 2
  10. Playingcards
  11. Thestrictlycontrolledentrance
  12. Securityforce
  13. The roundabout way
  14. Theemergencyexit
  15. Therudedisplay
  16. Caught in a trap
  17. Strict control
  18. Animpressionableoperator
  19. Themanagement 3
  20. Theinnerinspection
  21. Thescales
  22. Afterahurricane
  23. The monument 1
  24. Thenightsurveillanceroute
  25. Dreams and reality
  26. Thepyramid
  27. The birds are flying
  28. Anemergencyconditioninthereactorroom
  29. Anemergencyconditionintheturbinehall
  30. Anemergencyconditioninthecontrolroom
  31. Anemergencyconditionintheunit
  32. Twodiagnoses
  33. Demonstration 1
  34. Themanagement 4
  35. Funnyparameters
  36. One road - two ways
  37. The monument 2
  38. Threeshifts
  39. Thewarandtheunit
  40. Therats
  41. Crushed by the panel
  42. Incaptivity
  43. Thoughts at shift
  44. Emergency thoughts
  45. Nightthoughts
  46. Theproduction conference
  47. One minute until explosion
  48. To hang oneself in the turbine hall
  49. Gossiping
  50. The monument 3
  51. Theinsufficientsign
  52. Arabiantales
  53. Theplaceforsmoking
  54. Ahistoricalmonument
  55. Late for work
  56. Thephantomplant
  57. Tightrope-walker
  58. Personnel briefing
  59. The monument 4
  60. The reactor manual
  61. Thecrazyalphaparticle
  62. Theair-catastrophe
  63. The Great Flood
  64. Swimming underwater
  65. The disappeared door
  66. The long pipe
  67. The wedding
  68. Glassesforthenightshift
  69. Theendlessshift
  70. Coldwater
  71. Thenightlight
  72. Ablackout
  73. Afterthenightshift
  74. Thank to Allah
  75. Thenest
  76. Theheavypipe
  77. The monument 5
  78. Childrendraw
  79. Thehardhat-jacuzzi
  80. The inflatable unit
  81. The inflatable unit
  82. The inflatable unit
  83. In the mountains
  84. Themanagement 5
  85. Nosneezing
  86. Theplowman
  87. Night time at the unit
  88. The shop for hardhats
  89. At sea
  90. Fresh air
  91. Awoman’stouch
  92. The nuclear suitcase
  93. Thenuclearmaterialaccounting
  94. Thecleaners
  95. Atmedicalexamination
  96. In the museum of abstract art
  97. Thelumberjack
  98. Thelumberjack
  99. The cow
  100. A damned switch
  101. Amanometer
  102. Achange
  103. Flooding
  104. Awrench
  105. Famousblindman
  106. The archaeologists
  107. Beyond-designsubsidenceoftheunit
  108. Thephasesofemergencysituation
  109. Demonstration 2
  110. Professional humor
  111. Theoff-normalsituation
  112. Thebestgift
  113. Alcoholconsumptioncheck
  114. The monument 6
  115. The optimizer
  116. Sauna in the turbine hall
  117. Beyondthedesignbasisaccident
  118. The view from space
  119. Atcarnival
  120. The return
  121. The crack in the reactor
  122. On the horse
  123. The pneumatic test
  124. Themanagement 6
  125. Fishing
  126. Aftertheunitshut-down
  127. Demonstration 3
  128. Theanti-awards
  129. Adesignerror
  130. The monument 7
  131. Thestrangerope
  132. The vocabulary out of norms
  133. Theroutineoperationsurveillancerouteoftheunit
  134. Astrangenoise
  135. Conscientiousguys
  136. Jaminthepipeline
  137. Theprison
  138. Lifeextension
  139. Readingatnight
  140. The nightmare
  141. Unitstart-up
  142. The monument 8
  143. Theunitcontrol
  144. Thefamilyportrait
  145. Thetestofnominalpower
  146. The radioactive fence
  147. Atightvalve
  148. Thedefectivestack
  149. ThesafestNPP
  150. Twohardhats
  151. In cinema
  152. The head
  153. Mineralwater
  154. TheBickfordcord
  155. On the beach
  156. The shut-down of the unit
  157. Demonstration 4
  158. Restingaftertheshift
  159. Winter
  160. Inthepool
  161. Thefairy-tale
  162. Dangerousradiation
  163. Attheladder
  164. The stage setting
  165. Thelavatory
  166. The work order
  167. Darkness
  168. Aseriousinterdiction
  169. Atrailer
  170. The drug-store
  171. Thepsychiatricexchange
  172. Inclineoftheunit
  173. Inthetrain
  174. Thehydraulictests
  175. Demonstration 5
  176. Standardization
  177. The side wind
  178. Nuclear numismatics
  179. Aftertraininginthesimulator
  180. Theshiftfloats
  181. The view from the left eye
  182. Thedefectinthekitchen
  183. The lifting jack
  184. Awalk
  185. The big washing
  186. Sport - boxing
  187. Sport - a tug of war
  188. Sport - checkers
  189. Sport - chess
  190. Sport - The swimming
  191. Sport - armwrestling
  192. Sport - weight-lifting
  193. At the exhibition
  194. The awards
  195. Basicinstinct
  196. The bestseller
  197. The strange fence
  198. Theair-incident
  199. Farewell

=04 Autograph

=05 Content