The Nuclear Power Plant in Cartoons
=00 Kovynev Alexey
=01 Cover
=02 Introduction
=03 Technical introduction
- The planet Earth
- Shiftturnover
- Themanagement 1
- Thestruggleofclasses
- The road to the NPP
- Twosides
- Short-sightedness
- Thesmellofradiation
- Themanagement 2
- Playingcards
- Thestrictlycontrolledentrance
- Securityforce
- The roundabout way
- Theemergencyexit
- Therudedisplay
- Caught in a trap
- Strict control
- Animpressionableoperator
- Themanagement 3
- Theinnerinspection
- Thescales
- Afterahurricane
- The monument 1
- Thenightsurveillanceroute
- Dreams and reality
- Thepyramid
- The birds are flying
- Anemergencyconditioninthereactorroom
- Anemergencyconditionintheturbinehall
- Anemergencyconditioninthecontrolroom
- Anemergencyconditionintheunit
- Twodiagnoses
- Demonstration 1
- Themanagement 4
- Funnyparameters
- One road - two ways
- The monument 2
- Threeshifts
- Thewarandtheunit
- Therats
- Crushed by the panel
- Incaptivity
- Thoughts at shift
- Emergency thoughts
- Nightthoughts
- Theproduction conference
- One minute until explosion
- To hang oneself in the turbine hall
- Gossiping
- The monument 3
- Theinsufficientsign
- Arabiantales
- Theplaceforsmoking
- Ahistoricalmonument
- Late for work
- Thephantomplant
- Tightrope-walker
- Personnel briefing
- The monument 4
- The reactor manual
- Thecrazyalphaparticle
- Theair-catastrophe
- The Great Flood
- Swimming underwater
- The disappeared door
- The long pipe
- The wedding
- Glassesforthenightshift
- Theendlessshift
- Coldwater
- Thenightlight
- Ablackout
- Afterthenightshift
- Thank to Allah
- Thenest
- Theheavypipe
- The monument 5
- Childrendraw
- Thehardhat-jacuzzi
- The inflatable unit
- The inflatable unit
- The inflatable unit
- In the mountains
- Themanagement 5
- Nosneezing
- Theplowman
- Night time at the unit
- The shop for hardhats
- At sea
- Fresh air
- Awoman’stouch
- The nuclear suitcase
- Thenuclearmaterialaccounting
- Thecleaners
- Atmedicalexamination
- In the museum of abstract art
- Thelumberjack
- Thelumberjack
- The cow
- A damned switch
- Amanometer
- Achange
- Flooding
- Awrench
- Famousblindman
- The archaeologists
- Beyond-designsubsidenceoftheunit
- Thephasesofemergencysituation
- Demonstration 2
- Professional humor
- Theoff-normalsituation
- Thebestgift
- Alcoholconsumptioncheck
- The monument 6
- The optimizer
- Sauna in the turbine hall
- Beyondthedesignbasisaccident
- The view from space
- Atcarnival
- The return
- The crack in the reactor
- On the horse
- The pneumatic test
- Themanagement 6
- Fishing
- Aftertheunitshut-down
- Demonstration 3
- Theanti-awards
- Adesignerror
- The monument 7
- Thestrangerope
- The vocabulary out of norms
- Theroutineoperationsurveillancerouteoftheunit
- Astrangenoise
- Conscientiousguys
- Jaminthepipeline
- Theprison
- Lifeextension
- Readingatnight
- The nightmare
- Unitstart-up
- The monument 8
- Theunitcontrol
- Thefamilyportrait
- Thetestofnominalpower
- The radioactive fence
- Atightvalve
- Thedefectivestack
- ThesafestNPP
- Twohardhats
- In cinema
- The head
- Mineralwater
- TheBickfordcord
- On the beach
- The shut-down of the unit
- Demonstration 4
- Restingaftertheshift
- Winter
- Inthepool
- Thefairy-tale
- Dangerousradiation
- Attheladder
- The stage setting
- Thelavatory
- The work order
- Darkness
- Aseriousinterdiction
- Atrailer
- The drug-store
- Thepsychiatricexchange
- Inclineoftheunit
- Inthetrain
- Thehydraulictests
- Demonstration 5
- Standardization
- The side wind
- Nuclear numismatics
- Aftertraininginthesimulator
- Theshiftfloats
- The view from the left eye
- Thedefectinthekitchen
- The lifting jack
- Awalk
- The big washing
- Sport - boxing
- Sport - a tug of war
- Sport - checkers
- Sport - chess
- Sport - The swimming
- Sport - armwrestling
- Sport - weight-lifting
- At the exhibition
- The awards
- Basicinstinct
- The bestseller
- The strange fence
- Theair-incident
- Farewell
=04 Autograph