The Northside Spirit

March, 2015

“STICKY Teams”

The New England Patriots, the New York Yankees, the Duke Blue Devils. These are some of the greatest teams in sports history. They are very successful organizations that know how to win. So what makes a great church? Will Willimon, professor at Duke Divinity School, has written about this in his book, A Will to Lead and the Grace to Follow. He says effective congregations:

1.Love their communities.

2.Rise above mere contentment with things as they are and do what is necessary to expect and welcome change, disruption, and movement, similar to those of the risen Christ.

3.Find a way to welcome the stranger and practice radical hospitality in the name of Jesus Christ. They find a way to be as interested in those who have yet to join the church as in those already in the church.

4.Have a clear sense of their primary purpose and keep focused on their primary God-given missions.

5.Enable lay leaders to lead, not just manage. The lay leadership feels a strong sense of responsibility for the future of its congregation.

6.Have strong, change-oriented, and gifted leaders.

7.Make growth a priority and figure out how to grow. Keep focused upon Jesus Christ as the originator of and the purpose for the church (rather than church as just another human-oriented institution).

These are all compelling ways to be more effective and faithful as a church. I think we are doing some of these things, and we can always improve. Another way to put it is being a “STICKY” Team--Sacred, Transformative, Innovative, Christ-like, Kinetic, and Yielding. In this time of transition we have the time and freedom to be creative and think outside the box in order for us to be an even more effective congregation here at Northside. It’s a time for new things to be planted and to start to blossom. I’ve seen that with some of our new leaders stepping up to lead our teams, and some of the new programs occurring at the church like our Outreach Team. (By the way, I like that word “team” rather than “committee” because it conveys the idea of taking action.)

Sometimes a good team has to get back to the basics in order to remember who they are and how they got where they are. So as a congregation, as a team, we are entering the season of Lent--a time of going deeper, a time of turning back to God, a time of going back to the basics. In our spiritual life Lent is a good time to take inventory of our faith journeys—where we are, where we’ve come from, and where we’re going. Usually at the Ash Wednesday service we say, “Remember you are dust and to dust you shall return,” during the imposition of ashes, but I love the alternative phrase, “Repent and believe the gospel.” Then we are marked by the cross. This is a gut check time for us as a church to remember why we are following Christ. Is it just for ourselves or do we want others to come to know the grace and saving love of Jesus Christ? Do we want to be an effective congregation and a “STICKY” team? May we truly believe this gospel, the Good News, that Christ died for us and calls us to take up our cross and follow Him fully.

Lenten Peace,

Pastor Matthew

From Your Assistant to the Pastor

A season that calls us to spiritual renewal is once again upon us! On Ash Wednesday the church gathered to humble ourselves in a corporate time of repentance and seeking God’s grace. This service was held to not only acknowledge the beginning of the journey of Jesus to the cross but to give rise to individual repentance as well. The call to confession and repentance is foundational. Our goal, however, during Lent is much more than “giving up” certain practices, foods, or behaviors. Our goal is for greater spiritual union with Jesus Christ.

The scripture directs us to “put on” the Lord Jesus Christ, to clothe ourselves with humility and love, and to be filled with the Holy Spirit. This is the goal of Lent. This is our holy ambition not only during this sacred time, but should be our goal every day. However, these goals are too lofty to achieve by mere human effort and discipline, and so a brokenness of spirit is necessary. That being said our gift of grace surfaces and our spiritual hunger for a deeper relationship with Christ becomes more relevant and important to our daily walk with God. All of this is incredibly significant because when we hunger or are in a personal crisis it’s only throughout these experiences that we find it often necessary to move our comfortable souls to a level of uneasiness where God brings about transformation. This call to spiritual renewal is an opportunity for us to embrace this transformation; however we must realize that it will not be taken seriously by some.
But if we do not embrace this opportunity now, then when will we? There is a time for the blind to see. The Physician comes to the sick, not the well. If we say we have no need of Jesus today, then our faith is about the past and not the present. So how will we respond to the call to spiritual renewal? My suggestion is to begin by asking God for a new hunger for Him. Begin to confess and repent of all that distracts from that hunger. Spend time with God in prayer and study scripture. Worship weekly with all of us at Northside. Look for God’s interaction daily in your life. Seek to be a servant of God to others. Give yourself to God and you will receive back a new person. This idea is truly Ministry 101, which not only begins within ourselves but it also involves meeting people where they are. I pray we all take this opportunity to allow God into our hearts so that we may be transformed, and I pray that we may be the disciples God has called us to be so that we may not only answer but fulfill the calling He has given each of us.

Blessings on this Journey,

From Your Director

Of Children and Youth Ministries

7th-12th Grade Ski Trip: Friday February 27th to March 1st!

Bus Stop Ministry: interested in providing a snack for the fabulous young people? Please see Evy. Snacks should be individually wrapped, please avoid peanuts, juice boxes are perfect and they are quite fond of fruit snacks! We need coverage too, interested in covering for an afternoon to run the bus stop when Evy has the day off? It’s about a 40 minute commitment. Please see Evy to make arrangements! Thank you for supporting our Bus Stop Ministry!

Do you like to make quilts? Interested in making a Prayer Quilt for one of our 6 graduating Seniors this year? We will be giving our High School Graduates each a prayer quilt this coming Children’s Sunday in June and are in need of some seamstresses. We have all of the fabric, plenty of squares and the pattern to follow. If interested, please see Evy. We only need one more volunteer!

Youth Group Hang Out Night: For our 7th-12th Graders on Friday March 6th, come for an evening of food, fun and fellowship from 5pm-7pm. We’ll be having Quesada’s for dinner! Make sure to sign up on the Sunday School Bulletin Board and let us know what you will be bringing to share! Invite a friend!

Youth Street Reach: Homeless Overnight in Hyannis: Youth Street Reach is a program of the Cape Cod Council of Churches and on Friday March 27th to Saturday March 28th we will be having an overnight at the Federated Church of Hyannis on 320 Main Street. During the overnight we learn about homelessness by working with the homeless. We will be passing out items that they are in need of. Interested in making a donation? Please see Evy. The event is for our 7th-12th Graders, make sure to sign up on the Sunday School Bulletin Board, fill out the permission form and don’t forget your payment of $30.00!

Youth Mission Trip Fundraiser for March: Flocking Flamingos are BACK! Pink flamingos will soon be flocking the Northside neighborhoods, and there is no telling where they may end up! They could come to your house. You will need insurance, if you don’t want to wake up one morning with bright pink flamingos covering your front lawn in the month of March. Fortunately our youth will be doing a Fun Fundraiser where they will be selling Flocking Flamingo Insurance on the Sunday’s of the end of February and the month of March starting on February 24th after church.Insurance for Flocking Flamingos is $10.00, and if you purchase the insurance you will not have to worry about finding the Frolics in the morning.

However, if you do not purchase Flocking Flamingo Insurance, you may find them covering your front lawn in the morning, and you will need to give us a call and we will come and take them away for a fee of $10.00 within 24 hours. You can also pay $10.00 for another home to be flocked! You can make your purchase in the Narthex after church. You can check out photos on Facebook!

Healing Service: on Sunday March 15th we will be dismissing the Sunday School Wing early from class to join their families in church to participate in the Healing Service. The routine will be just like a Communion Sunday.

Youth Mission Trip Team: Your next payment of $100.00 is due on Sunday March 22nd.

Easter Egg Hunt: After church on Sunday March 29th we’ll be having an Easter Egg Hunt for our little ones through 6th graders! Make sure to bring your Easter Basket! Friends are welcome! Sign up on the Sunday School Bulletin Board today so we know how many eggs to prepare!

Palm Sunday: March 29th, when our Sunday school Families get to church, please walk your children to their Sunday school classroom. They will be starting the service with Pastor Matthew as they walk down the aisles waving their palms. All of our Sunday School Teachers will be in the classrooms with the kiddos.

Young Adult Ministries: Check out our events online at

Thank you to our Church Family: Thank you so much for supporting our youth this year by helping them fundraise for their Youth Mission Trip this summer to Pocahontas, Virginia. Without your support and love with your financial gifts and gifts of prayer, we wouldn’t be able to go. Thank you for loving our youth so much and for encouraging to share their talents in gifts in Mission.

March Quote

“Believe in yourself a little more.” ~unknown

With Peace and Love to fill your hearts,

Evy Nickerson

Parish Health & Christian Education

There is a link between memory loss and depression. This can be lessened by noting signs of depression and obtaining treatment to delay depression, especially when people are presenting memory problems. Early treatment is key to improving quality of life.

Lenten Studies—”Who is This Man” by John Ortberg at 10:00AM starting March 3rd offered by Pastor Matthew. Also “ABCD’s of Christianity” offered by Pastor Matthew during Lent at the Thrift Shop on Wednesdays beginning February 25th time 4-5pm.

Who Are Those Helping Hands?

For those new to Northside UMC, Helping Hands is a committed group of 7 men who form the ministry dedicated to helping the members and friends of Northside, as well as their friends outside the church, who are in need of assistance or advice to stay in their homes. We minister specifically but not exclusively to single women, single mothers, elderly and those in financial need. We also reach out to aid those who find that local contractors will not

respond to their needs for whatever reason. Our abilities are almost endless in responding to home upkeep. We average about 70 homes a year and have done just about everything imaginable in home care, large or small. If you need assistance or advice contact Pastor Fred—508-385-5407


Sunday, March 15, 2015, 11:00 AM

An All-Church Conference session will be held Sunday, March 15, 2015, for the purpose of approving a compensation package for Pastor Bob Schneider who will begin his ministry at Northside on July 1, 2015. The meeting will begin in the sanctuary immediately following the worship service, Rev. Fred Yarger will preside.

Karen Schrader, Chair

Administrative Council

Spiritual Life Groups

Crossroads-Monday, March 16th, 2014 at 7pm at a location to be determined
Crossroad’s is a group that is open to any adult who is interested in exploring their spirituality through every day experiences and seeing where faith and life intersect. Each time we meet we gather for fellowship, great food and wonderful conversation. So join us for an amazing evening and get to know others in our church better! Please RSVP with Kate LaCroix prior to March 13th if you would like to join us!

Outreach Committee

. In 2015 Northside will be “Feeding Hearts, Minds, Souls, and Stomachs!” There are many ways in which everyone can participate in outreach opportunities and we hope you will join us in making a difference and changing lives! Various events and up-coming dates that are happening at church and in the community will be on the new bulletin board so stay tuned for details!

In March we continue with our Healing Hunger ministry and will prepare, provide and serve a meal at Champ Homes on the fourth Monday of the month. Through this ministry we have an opportunity to meet and touch the lives of 30 to 40 individuals in our community in Hyannis by bringing them a warm meal. Additionally, we will continue with our “Red Wagon” ministry on the second Sunday of the month. On the second Sunday of the month as the children go to the front for the Children’s Message they will walk up the aisles with the wagon collecting donated canned goods or non-perishable items for the food pantry from all of you. So instead of placing your donation in the brown box in the hallway by the offices before the service, hold on to your items and when the Children’s Message happens in the service, hand your items to a child. Our goal is to fill the Red Wagon every month! These items will be added to the brown box and be brought to the local food pantry at the end of the month. Thank You!!! Also in March we will host a Community Connection Night on Tuesday, March 17th from 5 to 7 p.m. We will provide a free dinner at Northside and have a movie playing in the library for the kids so that after they are done they can enjoy a movie while we have fellowship. This is open to everyone in the church and in the community! Our hope is that everyone can feel fed by our church in multiple ways and a free will offering will be accepted. We look forward to having you join us in sharing God’s love with our neighbors and community!

Our food focus this month at the Yarmouth Food Pantry is Breakfast Foods such as Oatmeal, Cereal, Coffee, Tea, or Pancake Mix. If you are able to provide any of these items the panty would be grateful as they are in short supply of these items right now. If you are interested in participating in this ministry please bring your donated items on Red Wagon Sunday or anytime to church and place the items in the brown box by the church offices. Thank you for making a difference! Alongside these opportunities is the Changing the World Loose Change Outreach Project. March’s focus is Bread for the World. By bringing your loose change and putting it in the collection plates on Sunday mornings you are making a difference and showing that you care about feeding those in our community and around the world! Another wonderful way to participate in outreach is to remember to purchase DY-ECH Cards before you go shopping at Stop and Shop! All cards are sold after the service in the fellowship hall. A portion of the sales is donated to preventing homelessness on Cape Cod. Thank you again for your continued support!

From Your Thrift Shop

Transportation is provided to and from Sunday Worship

for those who meet at the Thrift Shop at 9:30am.

The Northside Thrift Shop has completed its 23rd year of operation. Last year the Thrift Shop moved to a brand new location not far from the old one, and we thank all those who helped with the move. We are now located in a smaller location at 18 Hall Street in Dennis Port that is more manageable but not able to hold as much furniture as in our previous

location. Volunteers have worked hard at maintaining the appearance of the store, and we continue to recruit new workers for the shop and for pick-ups of donations. Terry Currey has taken over the role of Volunteer Coordinator. Please call her if you can dedicate some time to help out—508-430-7252.

The Thrift Shop Committee is pleased to announce that the shop contributed $23,750 to the work of Northside UMC in 2014, our first year in our new location. Thank you to all the volunteers who helped make the new shop a success.

The Northside Thrift Shop stresses the importance of our outreach program by donating goods to those in need, as was evident last year when we donated clothes to victims of a devastating Dennis Port fire that affected many individuals and families, and we also