Washington State Department of Agriculture

PO Box 42560

Olympia WA 98504-2560

(360) 902-1976

The Northeast Washington Wolf-Livestock Management

Grant Application

Purpose of the funding

To create a community-based approach to provide assistance with nonlethal management methods to reduce livestock depredations by wolves in four Washington counties, Okanogan, Ferry, Stevens and Pend Oreille.

Who’s Eligible for Funding?

Nonprofit community-based collaborative organizations that have advisory boards that include personnel from relevant agencies including, but not limited to, the U.S. Forest Service and the WashingtonState Department of Fish and Wildlife, or to individuals who are willing to receive technical assistance from the same agencies.

General Requirements

  • Expenditures may be used only for the deployment of nonlethal wolf deterrence resources, including human presence, and locally owned and deliberately located equipment and tools, in any Washington county east of the crest of the Cascade mountain range that shares a border with Canada.
  • Projects must demonstrate there is a need and will clearly impact them.
  • Projects will be no more than two years in length

Note: The Washington State Legislature appropriated $300,000 in the 2017-19 biennium and the establishment of the Northeast Wolf-Livestock Management Grant. It is the intent of the Washington State Department of Agriculture to ensure there is geographically equitable distribution of grant funds within the four eligible counties.

Grant Application Submission

Grant applications must be submitted using the WSDA Application Form at the end of this document.

The completed application must be submitted in Microsoft Word formatvia email to: .

Evaluation and Selection Process

Any and all applications must be reviewed and approved by the Wolf-Livestock Management Grant Advisory Board. The four member advisory board will advise WSDA on the expenditures of the grant. The members must be knowledgeable about wolf depredation issues, and have a special interest in the use of nonlethal wolf managementtechniques. The board members areappointed by the WSDA Director in consultation with each applicable conservation district and the legislators in the legislative district from the following counties:

  • One Ferry county conservation district board member
  • One Stevens county conservation district board member
  • One Pend Oreille conservation district board member and
  • One Okanogan conservation district board member

Note: If no board member qualifies under the above requirements, the WSDA Director will appoint a resident of the applicable county to serve on the board.

Project Deliverables

Grantees will be required to submit a final performance report at the end of the project. Additional details concerning reporting requirements will be included in grant agreement. The grant recipient will be required to report the following:

  • Describe the background and goal(s) behind your project and the specific issue or need that was addressed by your project.
  • Summarize the activities or tasks achieved.
  • Describe any unexpected outcomes or results that were an effect of implementing your project.
  • If your goal(s) were not achieved, identify and share your lessons learned.

The Northeast Washington Wolf-Livestock Management

GrantApplication Form

Application deadline for first round of grants: Friday, December 15, 2017- 5:00 PM PST
Instructions:Complete each section of this form. There is no limit on the length of each section.With the exception of adding information within each section, do not alter the form in any way. The form should be submitted in a Microsoft Word format. Submit your completed application to .

Individual/Organization Name:

UBI #:







County in which the project will take place:

Geographical area where the project will take place:

Contact Name:



Board of Directors List and Affiliations:




Grant Request:$

Certification: By submitting this application:
  • The person named below certifies that to the best of their knowledge the information in this application is true and correct and that they are legally authorized to submit this application on behalf of this organization, which is legally eligible to enter into a grant agreement.
  • The grant funds received will only be used for nonlethal management methods to reduce livestock depredations by wolves.

Printed Name of Authorized Applicant / Title

AGR 202-1139 (N/10/17) Page 1 of 4


Project Purpose-The following questions should be addressed in this section:

  • What is the specific issue, problem or need that the project will address? Why is the project important and timely?
  • Howwill the project address the issue, problem or need?
  • Indicate geographic project area and packs involved.
  • Description of related activities within the geographic area and how this effort will be coordinated with existing projects.

Work Plan –The following information should be included in this section:

  • Identify the activities necessary to accomplish your project.
  • Indicate who will do the work of each activity.
  • Include the timeline for accomplishing each activity. Include start and end dates.

Attach additional pages if more rows needed.

Project Activity / Responsible Party / Timeline
Provide project methodology or additional details in narrative form here:


Fill in each applicable budget category below and indicate the total for each budget category requested, providing sufficient detail to demonstrate that costs are reasonable and adequate for the proposed work.

Supplies:This section should contain anything with an acquisition cost under $5,000 and could be anything from office supplies and software to educational or field supplies.

  • Provide an itemized list and estimated dollar amounts for each item.

Total: $

Equipment:This category includes items of property having a useful life of more than one year and an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more per item. (If the cost is under $5,000, include these items under “Supplies.”)

  • Provide a list of equipment purchases or rentals, along with the cost of each and a brief narrative on the intended use of each item.

Total: $

Contractual: For each anticipated contract, provide the following information:

  • Describe the services that the contract will cover and how those services relate to the project.
  • List the general categories of items that the contract will cover such as airfare, lodging, supplies, etc. and the total amount of each.
  • Has the contractor already been selected? If so, describe the procurement procedures followed.
  • If the contractor has not been selected, described the procurement procedures you plan to follow.
  • State of Washington applicants must follow State procurement procedures. Other applicants must follow their own procurementprocedures.

Total: $

Travel: Describe estimated travel costs here. Travel rates may not exceed the reimbursement rates allowed by Washington State and the federal government. For these rates, click here. (Travel costs for contractors should be included under “Contractual.”)

  • Provide an estimated breakdown of the following costs, as applicable: destination; purpose of trip; number of trips; number of people traveling; number of days traveling; estimated airfare costs; estimated ground transportation costs; estimated lodging rates and costs; estimated meal rates and costs; estimated mileage rates and costs.

Total: $

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