Leaders of Highland

Responsibilities and Expectations


All adults are to have school identification in view or they will be asked to check in at the office.

GOAL: Students will play safely in all games and on all equipment.

  1. Rough play is not allowed on the playground.
  2. When the bell rings, students are to stop what they are doing and line up at the correct door.
  3. Students are expected to talk through and settle differences peacefully. An adult or Conflict Manager should be on hand to help to facilitate this if necessary.
  4. Students will show respect for each other and follow instructions given by staff.
  5. Students will stay outside at recess and during morning supervision unless they have a pass.
  6. Students will stay out of ditches, mud and puddles.
  7. Students will leave rocks, bark, sticks and other dangerous objects alone.
  8. Students will play on playground areas only.
  9. Students will show pride in their school by keeping it litter free.
  10. Students will take turns on equipment.
  11. Gum chewing is not allowed anywhere at Highland.
  12. Students may wear a hat to school. Classrooms may create individual rules around this. If a student is asked to remove a hat for any reason and s/he declines, that student will lose the privilege of wearing the hat. This will be communicated to all adults involved with the child.
  13. Students may not bring any unsafe articles to school. In addition, radios, CD players, hard balls and toys should be left at home.
  14. Students may not leave the playground area at any time without a pass.


  1. Verbal redirection.
  2. Students stay next to supervisor for two minutes.
  3. Time out against the wall.
  4. Loss of Pride Points.
  5. Office referral.


Staff will consistently encourage responsible behavior through positive interaction.

  1. Friendly interaction from playground supervisors
  2. Hornet Tickets for good choices.
  3. Visits to particular classrooms from the playground supervisor and the principal to compliment a class.


  1. All supervisors will circulate about the playground and avoid staying in one place.
  2. Supervisors will be visible and interact positively with many students by greeting students and engaging in short and friendly conversation.
  3. When a student violates a rule, supervisors will give a gentle verbal reminder of the rule first, using a firm and respectful voice: “Mike, we take our turn and share.”
  4. For subsequent infractions, implement as mild a consequence as reasonably fits the infraction.
  5. Use the office referral for illegal, physically dangerous or insubordinate behavior.
  6. CRISIS PROCEDURES: Use the walkie-talkie:
  7. Severe injury/medical crisis.
  8. Fights, physically dangerous acts, illegal acts, insubordination.
  9. Student leaving school grounds without permission.
  10. Unidentified adult on site.
  11. Report to duty on time with your whistle, fanny pack, notepad, tissues, bathroom passes (one/student...do not “double up”), latex gloves, Red Tickets and pen, umbrella.


During the first week of school and after every extended break, each classroom teacher will conduct a lesson on playground behavior and review the rules.

The PE teacher will teach game rules during class time and these rules will be posted and shared with all supervisors.

If we have problems with a number of students from any class, the classroom teacher will be asked to again share the rules and conduct a problem solving class meeting.


GOAL: The halls, activity areas and stairs will be a safe, quiet environment where people interact with courtesy and respect.

  1. Students are expected to walk in the halls/stairs at all times.
  2. Normal speaking voices will be used in the hallway.
  3. Students must have a pass when in the hallway.
  4. If an adult speaks to you, stop and speak to that person.
  5. No student will be in the halls prior to 8:25 a.m. unless escorted by an adult.
  6. Students will move through the halls without disturbing materials or people working.
  7. Students are expected to walk up or down the stairs, one-at-a-time.
  8. Materials on the walls are there for display and should not be touched.
  9. Hall stars should be given for following these rules.


  1. Initiate friendly interactions with students.
  2. Compliment individual students on their safety, courtesy and respect.
  3. Compliment a teacher (so students hear), citing examples of responsibility.
  4. The principal will write a compliment to a teacher on the class’ responsible behavior. Teachers should comment and display the note so all students can see it.


  1. Each teacher will meet their students at their door each morning and after each recess.
  2. While in the halls or doorway, adults will interact positively with students as they pass. Staff will be warm when supervising.
  3. If a student violates a rule, use a respectful, firm voice to inform the student of what s/he should be doing. Point out the appropriate behavior the student needs to exhibit.
  4. If a student refuses to follow your reasonable request, inform the student that s/he can choose to follow directions or have an office referral for insubordination. If this is done, escort the student to the office. If the student refuses, inform the office/principal.
  5. Support staff will assist in monitoring the halls but will not replace teacher supervision.
  6. Teachers will be responsible for escorting their students to and from music, PE, library, all assemblies and (after bus call) remainder of the class to the dismissal area. Teachers are to check in (on the sheet) with a bus supervisor when their class is at the bus area.


At the beginning of the school year, there will be a short lesson on hallway expectations. These lessons should be conducted in a way that students learn why the rule was made (safety, respect, calm learning environment, etc.). Lessons should indicate that each staff member is working together. Young children should be given the opportunity to practice the procedures.

If there is a recurring problem, staff will address ways to improve the situation.


GOAL:The restrooms at Highland Elementary will be clean and safe.

  1. Use restrooms during recess, before the line-up bell rings. All playground supervisors will issue passes; no student is to be in the building without a pass.
  2. Each teacher will have a system so that no more than two students are in the restrooms at any one time (one boy, one girl).
  3. Use restrooms appropriately and leave them clean.
  4. Put toilet paper in the toilet and paper towels in the trash can.
  5. Flush.
  6. Leave stalls unlocked after use.
  7. Wash your hands.
  8. Pencils, pens, scissors and toys are not to be in the bathrooms.


When a student misbehaves, calmly and consistently implement the mildest consequences that are appropriate.

  1. Verbal reprimand.
  2. Inform classroom teacher.
  3. Detention to clean the restroom.
  4. Parent notification.
  5. Direct supervision of every restroom visit for one week.
  6. Principal referral for insubordination, dangerous behavior or destructive acts.


  1. When dismissing students for recess, have them use the restroom first. Remind students, “Restrooms will be clean and safe”.
  2. Teach the classroom system for bathroom passes/use to all students.
  3. If a student violates a rule, use a respectful but firm voice to inform the student of what s/he should be doing.
  4. If a student refuses to follow your directions or argues, calmly inform the student that s/he can choose to follow your direction or be sent to the office.
  5. If a student refuses to accompany you, make no attempt to physically move the student. Inform the principal or designee about the incident.
  6. During the first week of school, plan on walking students to restrooms prior to recess and state the restroom goals before students enter. Stand outside restroom doorway during class use. Plan on entering the restrooms at least once each day. Note the positive things to reinforce and the areas on which to improve. Discuss this with the class.
  7. Demonstrate to the entire class how the sinks operate. Show them how to wash/rinse/shake/dry. Emphasize that the sink is not a toy!


GOAL: The lunchroom will be a safe and clean environment where people interact with courtesy and respect. It is expected that students behave in our eating area as they would in a public restaurant.

Coming to Food Lines:

  1. While in line, students will keep hands, feet and objects to themselves.
  2. Students will use quiet voices in the lunch line.
  3. Students will buy all lunch, milk and food items before sitting down.
  4. Condiments will be made available to each student. All condiments will be received prior to the student sitting down.
  5. If students wish to purchase juice from the juice machine, they will do so, leaving the can closed until they are seated at the table.

Eating Procedures:

  1. Students will remain seated as long as they are eating or drinking.
  2. Students will use quiet voices while eating.
  3. Students will not wear coats or gloves while at the table.
  4. Behaviors will be established to ensure good manners and respect.


  1. Students will clean up their own area.
  2. All students will take their tray/sack/garbage and place it in the appropriate container when they have finished eating their meal.


When a student misbehaves, calmly and consistently implement the mildest consequence that might be appropriate.

Misbehavior in the lunch line: Have the student go to the end of the line.

Inappropriate behavior will result in loss of recess or special seating arrangements.

Encouragement Procedures:

Staff will consistently encourage responsible behavior through positive interactions. The lunchroom will be a focus for the student body with themes developed, special recognition, etc.

  1. Initiate positive and friendly interactions.
  2. Provide verbal praise for following rules and expectations.
  3. Make eating a relaxing, enjoyable time for all members of the class.

Supervision Responsibilities:

  1. The building principal will take the responsibility for teaching the students the appropriate behaviors.
  2. At the beginning of each year and after long vacations, students will review the rules and expectations.
  3. Expected behaviors will be posted as a reference tool.
  4. Problems can also be addressed through in-class social skills instruction and Student Council.


Goal: Students will arrive and depart school in a safe and organized manner.

  1. Walkers who eat breakfast should not arrive before 8:25 a.m. If students arrive before this time, they will be kept outside under the covered play area until 8:25 under the supervision of adults.
  2. Students cannot play on the playground equipment prior to the start of school. There is no supervision provided in these areas.
  3. No students should be in front of the school building in the morning unless they are walking or being driven to school.
  4. All students disembarking buses will go to the covered play area and stand with their classmates prior to entering the building.
  5. Students that are lined up and quiet will be dismissed to enter the school.
  6. Staff must provide a note to any student in the building prior to 8:25 a.m.
  7. All staff members will be available to greet students and speak in a positive, reinforcing manner.
  8. All students will walk in a quiet and orderly manner to their rooms.
  9. When exiting the building after school, students will walk with their teacher to the covered area.
  • Bus students will go to their bus lines.
  • Bikers will wait until buses have left the parking lot.
  • Walkers and student pick up will go to the front of the building, through the kindergarten doors.
  • Kindergarten students will be dismissed 3-5 minutes prior to other students.
  1. While waiting for buses, students will stand in orderly lines.


When a student misbehaves, calmly and consistently implement the mildest consequence that is appropriate.

Verbal reprimand

Positive practice

Notify the student’s teacher

Contact parents

For repeated infractions, talk to the principal

Supervision Responsibilities:

  1. Teachers will share the dismissal supervision process on a scheduled basis.
  2. Teachers on duty will have a buddy teacher supervise their classroom.
  3. After the first six buses are called, remaining classroom teachers will walk the remaining students to the bus lines.


Goal: Student will get home on the bus in a safe and orderly fashion, ensuring the bus and bus lines are a safe place just as we expect our school to be.

It is expected that students will stand in line with hands and feet to themselves. Students should be taught that their behavior is to mirror the behavior we see in stores or movie theatres: no cuts, pushing, taking the belongings of others or swinging backpacks. Hornet PRIDE should be in place here as well as in the classroom and all common areas.

Students who take cuts will be sent to the end of the line.

The expectation is that Highland students behave on the bus as they would while at school. During the first week of school, a staff member will be asked to board each bus to go over the expectations for Highland PRIDE, waiting until the students are seated and calm before leaving. This teaching behavior will take place after vacations and on buses where behavior is unacceptable.


GOAL:Highland students will demonstrate respectful behavior during assemblies by listening, participating and following directions. Students are expected to demonstrate respect, responsibility and polite behavior.

SEATING:Flags will be put up again this year and follow much the same format as last year.

All teachers should have their classes ready to go on time so other classes do not have to wait. Bathroom needs are to be met prior to assembly arrival. Please take the time to teach your students that at no time should they leave while someone is speaking or performing. Please monitor your students diligently and take care of problems immediately as they arise.

Please also explain/teach your students the expectation for behavior during the flag salute. All hats must be removed at the presentation of the flag, the Pledge of Allegiance and the retiring of the colors.


  1. When the leader goes to the microphone and says, “May I have your attention," please stop talking and look at the person standing at the microphone.
  2. Students will follow their teacher’s directions regarding where to sit (flags will mark).
  3. Quiet talking will be allowed until the program is ready to begin.
  4. Only give appropriate responses.
  5. At the end of the program, the leader will conclude the assembly by thanking the performers.
  6. Students will remain seated until the teacher gives them the signal to stand and follow the teacher from the assembly area.
  7. When signaled by any adult to come to them, the student will do so.
  8. All assembly attendees will attend to bathroom needs prior to the assembly – students should not leave the performance area during any presentation except for emergency.


  1. Non-verbal warning.
  2. A quiet, proximate verbal warning.
  3. Quietly remove the student from the assembly.
  4. Booing is automatic removal, loss of Pride and an office referral for disrespect.

Encouragement Procedures:

  1. If the student body was respectful and followed the rules, the principal will verbally praise the appropriate behavior during the closing comments.
  2. After the class returns to their classroom, teachers should give positive feedback to students who followed the rules.
  3. Compliments given to the student body by a performer will be shared with the school via the ALL CALL.

Supervision Responsibilities:

  1. All teachers will attend the assembly unless prior arrangements have been made with the building principal. Classroom teachers should attend with their classes. All specialists should be distributed throughout the audience to assist the classroom teachers with supervision.
  2. Model appropriate behavior for your students – no talking while the assembly is in progress, clap at appropriate times, etc.
  3. If a student (any class) is misbehaving, give the student a non-verbal signal to stop.
  4. If necessary, go to the student and give a verbal warning. Try to be as unobtrusive as possible.
  5. If a student is to be removed, escort the student to the office.
  6. The principal or designee will introduce and close the assembly.

Teaching Responsibilities:

  1. Every classroom teacher will be given a handout the day before each assembly*. This handout will include:
  2. Style of assembly (entertainment or content focused)
  3. Agenda (times, objectives, etc)
  4. Learning activities to use before or after the assembly (when appropriate)
  5. Prior to each assembly, teachers will discuss the agenda and review the assembly rules as specified in this document and practice how to show appreciation.
  6. If possible, classroom teachers will have a follow-up lesson shortly after the assembly to discuss the content of the assembly.
  7. After each assembly, teachers will discuss student behavior at the assembly with their class.
  8. Each teacher will be sure that their students have used the restroom.

*This will be the responsibility of the person or persons scheduling the assembly. The person or persons scheduling the assembly also must submit the assembly checklist to the office at least one week prior to an assembly.