The next vestry meeting will be on Thursday, March 9, 2017, at 7:00PM

St. Simon’s Episcopal Church

Vestry Meeting Minutes ~ February 16, 2017

Present:Elizabeth Jameson, Stephen Smith, Dave Zuehlke (Jr. Warden), Beth Carter, Tom Fitzgerald,Steve Hallier, Mike Krause, Cynthia Leonard, Rick Lussenhop,Michael Medsker, Louise Retzer,Kate Rickard andPat Engbrecht (Clerk)

Absent:Charles Duncan (Sr. Warden),Joe Hume and Ben Witt (Treasurer)

7:03 PMElizabeth Jameson called the meeting to order and led us in prayer.


Elizabeth asked us to reflect on ‘what does the mission statement mean to you personally, what is the pain in our world and what are the possibilities’?




Elizabeth reviewed ‘how vestry works’.

She then reviewed the Vestry Book at a high level. More time will be spent on it at the retreat. She talked about our church’s organization moving toward the following model:


Hosts/hostesses are needed for coffee hour to bring treats, setup and clean up. She suggested that Vestry consider doing it for the next couple of months to help shift the dynamic, reducing the problems and offering an alternative model that is more sustainable going forward.

Elizabeth is aware of three families who have voiced concern about our interfaith relationshipsand our initiatives with Asylum Seekers. She has assured them that while these ministries will continue to be a part of our ministries here at St. Simon’s, there are many other ministries we are already committed to and will be exploring that will help us live into our identity statement going forward. At the same time, there has also been a very enthusiastic response of the parish overall for these same ministries. Our desire and commitment is to have room at the table for everyone.

Beth Cartermade a motion to approve the Consent Agenda includingfinancial report, treasurer’s report and minutes. Tom Fitzgeraldseconded.Motion passed. Rector, Associate Rector, Treasurer, Worship, Youth, Music, Pastoral Care, Parish Life, Outreach, Membership (new members) and Building and Grounds reportswere received.


Beth Carter passed a signup sheet for the Vestry dinner on February 24th.

Some members would like larger print for the bulletins.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Pat Engbrecht, Vestry Clerk