Alternate Secretary

There is 1 Area motion and 3 Area Budgets and 1 Regional motion and 6 Regional budgets


October11, 2009


Gary B.. opened the meeting at 12:00 pm with the Serenity Prayer. Stewart read the Twelve Traditions. Katy read the definition of an ASC.

II.Open Forum New GSR’s are: Joe S for Sunset Recovery, Sasha S for Freedom in the Wind, Donna M Beginners on the Beach, Rocky H Sunset Serenity, Jesse M for Conscious Contact

  1. Roll Call
  1. Administrative Committees and Subcommittees (newly elected servants; first month of new term)

Admin. Committee / SEPT / OCT. / NOV. / Admin. Committee / SEPT / OCT. / NOV.
Chair: Gary B.
954/723-1503 / XX / XX / Activities Treasurer:
John A. 954/981-4026 / XX / OO
V-Chair: Forrest / XX / Activities Chair: Fred P.
954/562-9377 / XX / XX
954/662-2801 / XX / XX / Helpline/PR Chair: Barry S.
954/298-5971 / XX / XX
Alt. Sec.: open
Treasurer: Suzi J.
954/309-8908 / XX / XX / H&I Chair: Jereme S.
954/662-1301 / XX / XX
Alt. Treasurer:Frank A.954/261-3438 / XX / XX / Literature Chair: Melody
954/923-0748 / XX / XX
RCM:Robert H.
786/299-0762 / XX / XX / Newsletter Chair:
Open Position
Alt RCM:Jeff P.
954/850-0122 / XX / OO / Policy Chair: Duke S.
954/931-7083 / XX / XX
  1. Groups

Group / SEPT / OCT / NOV / Group / SEPT / OCT / OCT
10 p.m. Recovery / XX / XX / Spiritual Awakenings / XX / XX
A Burning Desire / XX / XX / *Spiritual Solutions / XX / OO
*Sunrise Serenity / XX / OO
A Shot of Hope / XX / XX
Back to Life we Live / XO / XO / Sunset Recovery / XX / XX
Beginners On The Beach / XX / XX / Sunset Serenity / XX / XX
Conscious Contact / XX / OX / *Take a Break / XX / OO
The Journey Begins / XX / OX
Free to Choose / XX / XX / Tuesday Night Men’s Group / XX / XX
Freedom in the wind / XX / Tuesday Night Shelter / XO
Friday Night Espresso / XX / XX
Friday Night on Foster / XX / XX / Under New Management / XX / XX
Hollywood Mon. Night / XX / XX
Let Go Let God / XX / XX / We have a Choice / XX / XO
Living Miracles / XX / OX / *Weekend Serenity / OX / OO
New Attitudes / XX / XX
Recovery On The Rez / XX / Welcome Home / XX
*Winds And Tides Of Change / XX / OO
*Road to Freedom / XX / OO / Women’s Meeting / OO / XX
  1. *These groups will be deleted from the roll call list if they are not represented at the next ASC.

Attendance Key: (x) present; (o) not present. Quorum was established at: 17 (22) (22).

Policy/Rcm Made a Motion to Amend order of business to handle V-chair at this time.

Intent to place a V-Chair immedelity. Passed 21-0-0

Nomination for V-chair Policy Chair/Free To Choose Which Groups had voted on him back in July. Forrest Passed 18-0-4

II.Reading of the second to the last paragraph of Prefix (page xvi) of Basic Text completed by:Forrest

III.Trusted Servants Presentation by: Joel

IV.Acceptance of last month’s Minutes by: Accepted as written,FTC/LGLG

V.Group Reports:

A Burning Desire – St. Boniface Church, 8330 Johnson St., Pembroke Pines. Joel B. 954/439-3701. Open meeting outdoors under a pavilion, we read from the Just For Today daily meditation. Smoking permitted.


A Day at a Time – 801 S. Douglas Rd. (SHARE Unit), Pembroke Pines. Norinne B. 954/483-8404. Good recovery message. Stop by after work. Trusted servants always needed

A New Way – 7676 Davie Road Extension (Faith Christian), Hollywood. Darren S.305/343-8557.

A Shot of Hope – 801 S. Douglas Rd. (SHARE Unit), Pembroke Pines. Steven R. 954/588-0785.

Back to Life/We Live –St Maurice Catholic Church, 2851 Stirling Road, Dania. Robert D. 954/812-2882.

Back to Reality- Restoration Outreach, 23 NW 8th Avenue, Dania, FL33004, Karen O.

We are in dire need of support. Potential for a great meeting place. Sunday at 5 pm.

Back to the basic 7020 pines blvd This is a closed meeting for addicts only. Ken D954/871-5123.

Beginners on the Beach Donna M. 954/548-9300

Conscious Contact – Hollywood, Jesse M 954/636-0093.

Free to Choose – HollywoodMedicalCenter, 3600 Washington St., Hollywood. Katy A. 954/632-8417.

Our group is doing well. We are varying meeting format with great support. We suggest you bring a photo I.D. since you are issued a pass to the auditorium.

Freedom in the Wind-Back on Track Clubhouse, 20377 NE 15th Ct, Miami, FL. Sasha S. 954/444-2598.

We meet every Wednesday night at 7:15 to 8:15pm in the big room. It’s a topic discussion meeting and we’re looking forward to seeing you there.

Friday on Foster – 416 N. 4th Ave., Hallandale, FL33020. New Group– needs support– Thanks. James W. 954/274-1477.

Friday Night Espresso –1700 NW 98 Ave. Pembroke Pines. Suzanne F. 954/394-9874. Please come and start your weekend with a great meeting.

Hollywood Monday Night – 2930 Hollywood Blvd (SW corner Hollywood Blvd and I95)Brian D 954/624-5803.

Kick-Ball Recovery– 15th Avenue and Jefferson St., Hollywood (JeffersonPark). Meets the third Sunday of each month at 4:00 p.m. Mike S. 954/551-8389.

Let Go, Let God- 816 NW 1st Avenue, Hallandale, FL33020. Tatiana B. 215/284-3950. Great group serving the Hallandale community. Small group that’s there for the addicts of this area.

Living Miracles – 1600 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood..Marsha K954/628-2666l.

Negative Thoughts Positive Reactions – 5960 SE 106 Ave., CooperCity (High Point). Gary B. 954/439-6042. This is a small group that covers the big “5”.

New Attitudes – 801 S. Douglas Rd. (SHARE Unit), Pembroke Pines. This meeting is a great way to end your weekend. Well attended meeting with many years of recovery. Carlos V. 305/409-7242.

One Step At A Time MiramarUnitedMethodistChurch 2507 Utopia Dr. Bobby D.954/445-1962.We are a small step meeting in need of support. We have a treatment Ctr. that comes regularly. It’s an awesome meeting on Tuesday evenings at 8:00 pm

Positive Choices- 1750 Buchanan Street, Hollywood. Dim light meetings, all are welcome. Yvonne L954/376-2954

Recovery on the Rez- 6330 Forrest St., Hollywood, Janice B., 863/447-1312. The meeting is at 6:30 p.m. on Friday and is between Stirling & Sheridan @ 4-way stop.

Reflections of Recovery – Hollywood Medical Center/Memorial South, 3600 Washington St., Hollywood in the Auditorium. Jamie 954/205-2822. Great woman’s meeting. Intimate women’s group, great place for women to share, we need support.

Road to Freedom – St. Bartholomew’s Church, 8005 Miramar Parkway, Miramar. Randi K. 305/333-2590.

Spiritual Awakenings- Share Unit 801 S Douglas RD. Start Sunday morning right. Great early morning

Meeting . Every addict seeking recovery is welcome Phil K 954/967-9609

S.T.A.R. Group- Back on Track Clubhouse, 20377 NE 15th Court, Ives Dairy and I95 behind BP Station.

David F. 305/333-7084.

Steps on the Beach –. Garfield St. & The Beach CLOSED TEMPORARILY.

Sunset Recovery – HollywoodMethodistChurch, Rm 217, 400 N 35th Ave., Hollywood. Joel S 954/274-9656. Please use North entrance and take stairs to the 2nd floor. Open discussion meeting come join us

Sunrise Serenity –Azalea Terr. & A1A Rocky H 954/864-9229. We welcome a lot of newcomers, we need people with some time for support.

Sunset Serenity –2020 Scott St in Hollywood Mon. thru Fri. @ 6:00 p.m. with a rotating format. We are in need of support.

GSR: Bruce R., 954/832-7040..

Take a Break – St. James in the HillsChurch, 3329 Wilson St., Hollywood. Oliver 954/513-0432. All is well.

The Journey Begins – Faith Christian Church, 7676 Davie Road Extension, Hollywood. Maria R. 954/559-3051 Well attended meeting on steps 1,2&3, Mondays 7-8PM.

The Way Back – 2303 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood. Meeting is new to this Area, formerly Gold Coast Area. Great meeting room with good location on Hollywood Blvd. (office bldg. just East of Burger King). Michael F. 754/273-4440.

Tuesday Night Men’s Group– Faith Christian Church, 7676 Davie Road Extension, Hollywood 7-8 pm Tuesday speaker meeting, step meeting, and traditions meeting Jorge S. 305/796-2860.

Tuesday Night Shelter –. Azalea Terr. & A1A Come out and join us. Cookout on business meeting night at 7:30 Tuesday before Area. Julia C 954/394-8537

Under New Management – Davie Park Recreation Center, Room #3, 108 N. 33rd Court, new meeting 6-7 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Lots of service positions available. Strong home group Evelyn J 954/232-8808

We Do Recover – Sat. night meeting. We meet at 7:30 pm every Sat. night. We need support and Trusted Servants. Frank A. 954-261-3438

We Have A Choice – 7676 Davie Road Ext., Hollywood, Michael A. 954/822-2302. Speaker-step meeting Thursday at 8:30PM.

Weekend Serenity –113 S. Federal Hwy, Mt. Sinai Methodist Church, Hollywood, Stirling & Federal/enter in rear of church. Philip N. 954/557-4046. Meeting is in need of support.

Welcome Home – Jefferson Park, Corner of Jefferson Street and 15th Avenue, Hollywood. Meets Mondays at 8:30pm and Thursdays at 8:30pm. The group is growing very well. A great outside meeting. ILS, Adam N 954/513-5036

Winds and Tides of Change – Azalea & A1A behind Cultural Center., Hollywood. Karen C. 954/793-9892. Check out our new location. Still on the beach

Women’s Group –501 N. 14th Ave., Hollywood. Julie 786/514-3392. An awesome woman’s meeting!

VI. ASC Chair Report-

Hi I am an addict 2 named Gary

First off I want to apologize for the mishap with the minutes this last month. I want to entertain a motion to hold all the voting for this month so all groups will have a say. I have been in contact with the secretary and will be helping him with the minutes this month, so this does not happen again. I have also been in contact with the sub-committee chairs to help them with there budgets for this coming yearILS Gary2.

VII ASC Vice Chair Report -.

I met with only 3 sub-committee Chairs Helpline, H&I, and Lit. All is well at those sub-committees. As per policy there is a sub-committee 11:30 an on the day of the ASC. I would like to try and meet with all sub-committee Chairs prior to the ASC. The website domain registration is due I will be submitting a check request to the ASC Also I am having terrible issues with the current host and will be submitting 3 bids on hosts I would like to move the website too.

ILS Forrest

VIII. Secretary’s Report– No written report submitted.

IX. Treasurer’s Report –Sept Treasurer’s Report was accepted as written.

BD/FTC See Octobers report attached at end of minutes.

  1. RCM Report-

Good morning family I am an addict, my name is Robert

Last region was held in Boca Raton and was well attended. On Sat. all regional sub-committees held their respective meetings.

Both Jeff and myself were able to attend and participate in the discussions. Jeff has relayed to me that will be unable to attend

Today, and I will read his report. I personally attended both the public Relations meetings as well as the Newsletter meeting.

Public Relations did a presentation for all to see what a panel would do during one of its presentations, and some of the possible questions that could arise. Barry represented NA admirably. At both PR and the Newsletter as discussion began regarding the possible future use of a website that could be able to dispense information to any and all interested parties by the use of a newsletter. All in all region went will . The vote on the regional newsletter was defeated, and I bring back several motions to be voted on by our next area. If there are any questions I will do my best to answer them all. ILS Robert H

  1. Alt RCM –

RCM Alternate Report 10-11-09

I’m sorry I am not able to be at this ASC meeting, but I’m at my aunt’s 90th birthday party today, and my life as I know it would be over if I failed to attend.

At the last RSC, I attended the H&I, PI, Newsletter and Literature Subcommittee meetings, although, I was the only one in attendance at Literature.

I would like to report on the schedule for the Conference Agenda Report (CAR) and the Conference Approval Track (CAT) items. These are the items that get voted on at the World Service Conference in late April, early May of 2010. Our region determines its group conscience by holding a GSR Assembly, where each groups vote gets counted. This GSR assembly will be held on March 20, 2010 on the Saturday of that RSC weekend, which is scheduled be held in the North Dade Area.

The CAR is scheduled for release on November 25, 2009. There is supposed to be a single Regional CAR workshop held for all the Broward County areas and the Midcoast Area. I would suggest, that if we would like to have this workshop held in our area, that arrangements be made to find a location. One CAR workshop has already been announced, and that is one to be held in Miami Beach on January 16, 2010 at 6701 Collins Ave.

The CAT is scheduled for release on January 25, 2010. These items are the bulk of the New Business items that get dealt with at the World Service Conference. They are really not intended to be voted on by the groups directly. We still have the option to give our RD our groups conscience on these items. We will need to determine if we wish to do so. If we do, I would suggest we hold a CAR/CAT joint workshop sometime in early February. That will give all groups until their March business meetings to vote on the WSC items, to be brought to the GSR assembly on March 20.

Also, there is a Zonal CAR workshop that gets held in Atlanta (or Macon) in February. No date has been set for this as of now. But, the region gets a van for anyone on the east coast of our region (as well as one for the west coast) along with male and female hotel rooms for this event. I will report back on this as soon as further details are announced.


Jeff P

RCM Alternate

XII. Subcommittee Reports:

Activities -Hi from Activities

I'm an addict called Fred

All is well with activities, but as always we welcome any new members. We attended the last Regional weekend and I'm proud to say all our events have been put onto the regional calendar for 2009/2010. South Broward was the only area that was represented at the meeting.

Halloween is our next upcoming event, come out in costume and join us. October 24, at the VFW on Dixie highway, see flyers for more detail.

We are requesting an e-mail list of groups GSR's from area to be able to send info or last minute changes to any event.


Thanks and enjoy your recovery.

ILS Fred

Activities Treasurer – No written report submitted.

Helpline/Public Relations – members present 12

Open forum: A question about referrals when answering helpline calls was discussed.

Public Relations: South Broward ASC has changed this subcommittee name from helpline/public Information to Helpline/Public Relations

Shifts are all covered with 4 hour main shifts and 3 backups. System is still one box.

Old Business: Portuguese Helpline; they still have to meet with Forest to tape the Portuguese message.

Barry has tickets for the bonfire/hayride at Oleta River State Park on November 21, 2009

New Business: None

Next meeting to be held September 17, 2009 ILS AFL Barry

H&I- Greetings from H&I Sub Committee:

Our last meeting was at 6:30p.m. on Tuesday September 15th, 2009 at St. Johns Church, 1750 Buchanan St. Hollywood. We will meet at the same location on October 20th. H&I’s budget will be submitted next month. I apologize for the delay

We currently have 25 H&I meetings in 12 facilities..

Institutions that have openings or no meetings at this time:

1.Paul Rein Detention Facility D-5: Monday at 7p.m. (needs co-chair)

2.Broward Outreach: Monday at 7:30p.m. (needs chair, and co-chair)

3.Hollywood Work Release: Wednesday @ 6:30p.m. (needs chair and co-chair)

4. Paul Rein Detention Facility C-7 (Women): Friday @ 7 p.m. (needs co-chair)

5. Share Detox: Sunday @ 8p.m. (needs co-chair)

6. Highpoint Adolescent (Women): Sunday @ 6 p.m. (Needs chair and Co-chair)

7. Broward outreach: Sunday @ 3:00 pm (needs co chair)

We welcome new members that are interested in doing H&I work. In loving service Jereme S. Chairperson 954-662-1301 –

Literature Distribution – The meeting lists are now .14 since we had anincrease in price. Please make the change on your orderforms for next month. We will try andmake allcorrections for the next printing.We gave away 2 starter kits last month for a totalof $130.10.We have also located 5th editions soft covered BasicText for $9.00. These would be a great savings for those

groups that give away a Basic Text at their meeting orfor H and I.We need to report that the green tri-plates have beendiscontinued. I know this is a bummer but they do havepurple now.All IP are ordered in 5's or 10's.

That's all I got.

Thanks for this opportunity to be of service,

Group literature order was $781.45

H & I literature order was $54.50 (included in the group literature order)

Misc. Sales $0

Order to RSO $1709.09

Last month’s shipping $61.80 (included in total amount from RSO)

Meeting list and supplies $163.49 ILS Melody

Newsletter – No report

Policy Committee–No written report submitted.

  1. Elections/Nominations:

Newsletter chair:

I am an addictand my name is Adrian. I have a sponsor, I work the steps and Traditions with my sponsor and with my sponsees. I try to carry the principles of our program throughout my daily life. I have been GSR of my home group in s. Broward for the past year plus. I have previously been the Editor of the Gold Coast Area newsletter, the bottom line, for a period of 5 years. I have also performed as the editor of outside newsletters. My clean date is Dec. 6 1989. On the group level, I have served as Alt GSR, GSR Secretary, Treasurer, Chair, member of H&I and the Graphics Committee Chair. On the regional level, I have been RCM, MAL, Activities Co coordinator, Secretary Vice Chair and Chair Thank you Adrian Sue

(954-657-1730 ) Aka Yo Adrian


Alternate Secretary: Position open

  1. Old Business:

G Motion #03-09-09Passed 22-0-0

G Motion #04-09-09 Passed 17-1-0

GMotion: #05-09-09 Failed 5-11-1

XNew Business:

Area Motions:

GMotion #02-09-09Tabled to go back to groups

Maker: Literature Chair/Winds and Tides of Change amended SA/FTC

Motion to Read: All groups on our meeting list are suggested supply area with two contacts with working phone numbers to be maintained by ASC Chair or Vice-Chair.

Intent: In the event of meeting closures or weather changes it will aid help line in sending addicts in need to active meetings.

G / ACTIVITIES / NAME / 08-09 / 09-10
OCTOBER / HALLOWEEN / 1,000.00 / $1,000.00
NOVEMBER / THANKSGIVING / 1,000.00 / $1,000.00 / 12 HR ROOM
DECEMBER / CHRISTMAS/EVE / 1,000.00 / $1,000.00 / 18 HR ROOM
DECEMBER / NEWS YEARS EVE / 1,500.00 / $1,000.00 / 12 HR ROOM
FEBRURARY / VALENTINES / 1,000.00 / $1,500.00
APRIL / ANNIVERSARY PIC NIC / 1,000.00 / $1,200.00
JUNE / BOWLING / 300.00 / $300.00
JULY / 4 JULY PICNIC / 1,000.00 / $1,000.00
AUGUST / $300.00
SEPTEMBER / spag cook off / 600.00
MISC./FLYERS / 250.00 / $250.00
T/SHIRTS / 300.00 / $750.00
RENT / 300.00 / $300.00
STORAGE / 600.00 / $600.00
TOTAL / 9,850.00 / $10,700.00
G / LITERTURE / 08-09 / 09-10
Oct / $2,000.00 / $2,000.00
Nov / $2,000.00 / $2,000.00
Dec / $2,000.00 / $2,000.00
Jan / $2,000.00 / $2,000.00
Feb / $2,000.00 / $2,000.00
Mar / $2,000.00 / $2,000.00
Apr / $2,000.00 / $2,000.00
May / $2,000.00 / $2,000.00
Jun / $2,000.00 / $2,000.00
Jul / $2,000.00 / $2,000.00
Aug / $2,000.00 / $2,000.00
Sep / $2,000.00 / $2,000.00
supplies / $600.00 / $600.00
TOTAL / $24,600.00 / $24,600.00
G / HELPLINE / 08-09 / 09-10
RENT / $120.00 / $120.00
BEEPERS / $948.00 / $1,224.00
BELLSOUTH / $276.00
TRAVEL / $170.00 / $170.00
INTERNAL / $150.00 / $200.00
EXTERNAL / $200.00
WEBSITE / $150.00 / $150.00
TOTAL / $2,014.00 / $1,864.00

Regional motions: