First Name
/ SurnameCompany
Tel No / Fax No
Mobile No / DD Tel No
Area of Business (Please tick where appropriate):
AgencyOut of TownManagementDevelopment
ProfessionalInvestmentShopping CentresOther (specify) …....
Geographical Area (please tick where appropriate):
Central LondonNorth EastScotlandEast Midlands
West Midlands South East East AngliaS West/S Wales N West/N Wales South UK Ireland
EuropeOther (specify) ………………………………
Membership Incentives applicable only at renewal time before 1st May 2017:
Up to five Members join/renew @ £78 per person inc VAT (£65 plus VAT)
Additional five join/renew@ £72 per person inc VAT (£60 plus VAT)
Further fivejoin/renew@ £66 per person inc VAT (£55 plus VAT)
All further Members join/renew @ £54 per person inc VAT (£45 plus VAT)
To apply for new membership, please complete the above details and forward with payment to:
Louise Oliver, SAS Membership Secretary, SR Events, The Dolls House,Audley End Business Centre, Wendens Ambo, Saffron Walden, Essex CB11 4JL
We can accept payment by Credit Card or Debit Card and the following surcharges apply:
After VAT, please add 2.25% if paying by personal or business credit card; 50p if paying by debit card. If you wish to pay using either of these methods please complete and return the credit/debit card payment form; we will provide a printed receipt.
Cheques should be made payable to ‘Shop Agents Society’
If you wish to pay by BACS, please use the following details Barclays Bank, Shop Agents Society
Account No: 50778605, Sort code: 20-71-74.
An invoice can be requested at renewal time by emailing or alternatively, a receipted invoice will be sent to you on receipt of payment. Please note that your membership will only be activated on receipt of payment.
Terms and Conditions of SAS Membership: The SAS Subscription Year begins on 1st April and ends on 31st March of the following year. Members may join SAS at any time during the subscription year, however the following must be noted: membership becomes renewable on 1st April each year regardless of joining date; pro rata membership rates are NOT offered for those joining late in the subscription year; refunds are NOT given to members who choose to leave SAS during the course of the subscription year.
Transferring SAS Membership: Providing that the membership subscription payment has been made for the current subscription year,members who leave one company and join another (SAS eligible) company may transfer their membership.
VAT No: 527915524