The New Seven Wonders of the World

Group Members ______

CATEGORY / 4Exemplary / 3Accomplished / 2Developing / 1Beginning
Travel Brochure / The directions for the brochure were followed correctly and it is very well organized. The Travel Brochure has great information pertaining to the location and the Wonder. Students would have all the information needed to travel to the location. / The brochure was organized, but the directions on the handout were not followed. The content of the brochure is good, there is information about the Wonder, but little information about the location and travel information. / The organization is developing as described in the directions handout for the Travel Brochure. The content is somewhat complete. There is little information about the wonder and the location in the brochure. / There is very little organization in brochure and it is hard to follow. The content of the brochure is poor and does not give information about the location or the Wonder.
Journal Entries / Journal Entries are complete and are focused on the Wonder and the location chosen. All group members participated and the entries are complete. They were used to help write the brochure. / Journal Entries have some information about the location and the Wonder. They need to be more focused on the Wonder and location. All group members participated. / Journal Entries are complete for half the group members. The Journal Entries have some information about the location, but do not focus on the vacation. / Journal Entries are not complete for each of the four group members. There is little to no content in the Journal entries and they were not used to write the Travel Brochure.
Notes and Group Work / Great notes were taken that really helped focus the Journal entries and the Travel Brochure. Group work was completed and turned in on time. Students used group work days for their benefit. / Notes were taken to improve group work. Could have been in more detail and more focused on individual tasks. Group work was turned in, but late, or missing some pages. Class days were used. / Very few notes were taken during researching time. Class time was wasted and not used to the best of groups’ ability. Very little class work was done and turned into teacher. / No notes were taken in class while researching. Group work was not competed and turned into teacher. Students did not work during assigned class days.
Working Cooperatively with Others / Students worked well as a group and got their work done efficiently and correctly. Jobs were completed and communication was used. / Students worked as a group, but did not communicate ideas to one another effectively. Student’s jobs were completed. / Students did not work as a group for the majority of the time allowed. Group work was done, but not completed. / Students did not work as a group. Tasks were not finished and jobs were not complete.
Itinerary / Itinerary is complete and the locations and times run smoothly together. Student’s time is not wasted and they have several full days of travel. / Itinerary is complete, but the content is weak. There are locations and times listed, but the times do not match up or work with each other. / Itinerary is incomplete. There are some locations and times shown, but it was not finished. / Itinerary is incomplete and not clear. There is not a specific time or location for when and where activities will take place.

Total Score ____/20 x 5 =
