Rector Letter
The New Organ is here at Grace…
Most of you have heard the story… Ken Brown, the organist from the Maryland Cathedral of the Incarnation, came to see the organ as he had agreed to play during my ordination (Julia had a prior engagement). His hand rested on the key board and he played three notes, turned to me and said “I am bringing my own organ.” I have never heard of an organist bringing his own instrument, but it did arrive and was left at Grace for two weeks. Julia was so happy playing this instrument. During the 10 am service, I looked at her and found her beaming from ear to ear. When I asked her if she liked that organ, she said she loved it and asked hesitantly if it was within the financial reach of Grace.
Thus began the process of seeing if we could afford the organ. It turned out it is not only the least expensive of the new organs, but is a quality instrument. It was made for a church about the size of ours. While a pipe organ has a superior sound, the amount of money to buy and install was prohibitive. So Julia, the vestry and I decided this was the one for us. It is a church organ. This means that all the recordings are church music as opposed to the current organ which has about five church recordings and the rest are for playing non liturgical music. This organ will last us for at least 50 years.
The Anglican Tradition is rich with music being gifted with outstanding composers over the ages. We use ancient chanting from Syria that came to us as Gregorian Chants during the time of Pope Gregory as well as plainsong from the 1500’s. Our Communion prayers have musical settings as well as the canticles of our daily prayers. Hymns are rich with talented writers such as George Herbert (the great Anglican Poet), Isaac Watts (the Father of English Hymnody) and saints like St. Francis of Assisi. Music has been composed by talented composers throughout the ages such as Thomas Tallis who composed for Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth I to the more contemporary sound of Taize. We have the 1982 Traditional Hymnal, but have supplements for LEVAS and Wonder, Love and Praise that bring us music with many different styles- a Lakota Indian Hymn, African-American Hymns, and favorite hymns from other denominations such as the Lutherans and Methodist. The Episcopal Tradition of music is rich.
The instrument will need some work, not even the most talented organist can play without some practice. Julia will be working with Ken Brown on Monday, so our Sunday service will not be the sound after Julia has worked with this Roland Classic. This summer we will have a dedicatory concert.
Come and rejoice in our newest cause of celebration.
The Reverend Sharon L. Watts
Helping Hands for May
To serve in any of these ministries, please contact the Parish office at 301-865-3270 or .
Date / Book Bearer / Crucifer / Torch Bearer / Torch BearerMay 4, 2014 / Shelby Morgan / Alexa Moran
May 11, 2014 / Connor Furlong / Roanan Furlong
May 18, 2014 / Patrick Baer / Millie Ransohoff
May 25, 2014 / Shelby Morgan / Megan Baer
Date / Altar Guild / Chalicists / Lectors / Ushers / Coffee Hour
May 4, 2014 / Carol Glasby / Randy McCue / Nancy Smith / Scott Baer
Debbie Montuori
May 11, 2014 / Trish Holahan / Steve McDonald / Seth Tolson / Randy Kraft
Randy McCue / Mother's Day Brunch
May 18, 2014 / Debbie Montuori / Seth Tolson / Meaghan Holahan / Scott Baer
Bill Ransohoff / The Ransohoff Family
May 25, 2014 / Kathleen Baer / Kathleen Baer / Eric Parris / Betsy/Jerry Hopson
Debbie Montuori / The Holahan
Altar linens for May – Anne Tolson
Heavenly Father, we thank you for your servants who willingly serve you during our weekly church services. Amen
Healing Service
Healing Prayers and Holy Unction will be offered on May 4th and May 18th immediately following the 10:00 service. All those wishing to receive prayers for healing, please come forward following the service and sit in the front row.
Thursday Services in May
Holy Eucharist services will be offered at noon on May 1st, May 15th, May 22nd, and May 29th. There will NOT be a service on May 8th. All are welcome to join us for these mid-week services.
Crafting Fellowship
Wednesday, May 14th at 6:00 p.m.
We hope you will consider joining us, bring your own crafts, and have a great time working on your crafts and visiting with your fellow church members. We hope you will come check it out! Please contact Violet for further information.
Annual Parish Yard Sale
May 17, 2014
9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Help is also very much needed for the following:
1. Finish pricing and set up. This will be Friday May 16, 6p.m. - until.
2. Day of the yard sale we'll need lots of help with set up at 7 a.m. and clean up at 2 p.m..
3. Need volunteers to "monitor/work" the yard sale, both inside and out for five hours.
Please consider helping, if it's just for one hour.
Call Carol 301 - 668 - 7997 when you decide when and how you can help.
All proceeds will go to the new organ fund.
Acolyte Car Wash
May 24, 2014
10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Go get your cars, trucks, and campers really dirty and then
bring them to the Acolyte Car Wash on May 24th.
This is a free-will donation and ALL donations go directly to the acolyte program at Grace.
Please mention to your friends, family, neighbors, and whomever else may
have a vehicle in need of a good wash.
May Birthday and Anniversary Celebrations
We wish all of you a wonderful celebration!
Do you have a birthday or anniversary this month and you are missing from this list? If so, please contact the church office at 301-865-3270 or so we can be sure to add you to our list. Thank you.
Outreach at Grace
What are you passionate about?
What do you support for your own personal Outreach?
What would you like me to investigate as a possible project(s) for Grace?
Are you interested in serving on the Outreach Committee?
Newest Project
We are now offering support to the Orthodox Nuns at St Nina’s in Union Bridge Maryland.
There is a box in the Outreach Corner in the Narthex, along with their needs list, for donations. If you want to contribute large items or make a cash donation, please contact Freida Pryor or Angela Furlong.
Angela will be periodically taking donated items to the monastery.
Current Projects and Project Managers
Food Bank (The Baer Family)
The cart to collect food for the Frederick Food bank has been emptied and is in need of refilling. Just one can or box per week per family could fill the cart weekly
Heartly House (The Glasbys)
We are asking that donations to Heartly House be in the form of Gift Cards. I'd like to add that everything that has been donated is very much appreciated and also plead for small denomination gift cards to Wal-Mart, Target, Sheetz, etc. These really help us stretch things and give the clients a little sense of empowerment by being able to buy their own things or put gas in their car to go to a job interview. However, there is also a needs list by the Heartlly House box at the Outreach Corner in the Narthex.
Ronald McDonald Tabs (Carol Glasby)
Poptops are coming in slowly. Please don’t forget to bring them in.
I am asking for ANY suggestions for projects both community and worldwide. We are now considering two organizations: Companions For Heroes( United States) and Food For the Poor,(International).
For His Sake,
Freida Pryor
Parish Prayer list
Please let us know if you wish a name added to the prayer list.
WE PRAY FOR THOSE IN NEED OF HEALING, ESPECIALLY: Brooke Arnold; Sherri Bachmann; Bonnie Baer; Mark Ballard; Beswick family; Brengle Family; Brent Blickenstaff & Family; Mildred Burton; Bobbie Carrasco; Chuck Causey; Sheri Clemente; Phyllis Colbeth; Candy DeForest; Brad Duggan; Harry & Ann Duggan; Connor Furlong; Cleo Goss; Scott Gove; Noah Hackett; Bill Hall; Paul Hill; Tom Holt; Christa Hoover; Mary Hopson; Kit Kindred; Kevin King; Dick Kline; Beth Kokajko; Edward Kroh; Marie Kuehne; Carrie & Tom Kurdt; Nancy Jones; Shawn Lyles; Clayton & Nancy Magee; Sally McClain; Roy Meachum; Tyler Minushkin; the Minushkin family; Mark Nestlehutt & Family; Paul Nicholas; Kevin Oyler; the Oyler Family; Patricia Parris; Cassy Perry; Jane and John Power; Freida Pryor; Meredith Ransohoff; Richard Sarver; Jacob Shumaker; Liz Sponseller; Keith Sutphin; Blanche Tyree; Bettye & Robert Wiand; Mary & Marc Kevin Wiand; Sissy & Jerry Wickline; Tom Wortman
FOR THOSE SERVING OUR COUNTRY IN MILITARY AND CIVIL SERVICE, ESPECIALLY: Brandon Acoveno; Tyler Blackledge; Patrick Carter; Rob Hancock; Daniel Helt; Jonathan Hernandez; Gregory Hicks; Caitlyn Holahan; Coree Jones; Brendan Kinna; Chase Long; Roberto Mas; Randy McCue III; Ted Nunamaker; Carlos Perez; Rob Smallwood; Edward Skabisky; Michael Stachowski; Zachary Strausbaugh; Seth Vaughn
Daughters of the King
The regular monthly meeting of the DOK will be held on Thursday, May 15th, at 7:00 p.m. in the Brinkley-Gove Chapel.
All ladies of Grace are welcome to become a member of the Daughters of the King. If you are not a member of the DOK but are interested in joining, please contact Trish Holahan at . We hope you will consider joining us.
Coffee Hour Hosts
We have had donations from two parishioners for coffee hour. We are in need of some people willing to take on buying the cookies (for which you would be reimbursed from these donations) and putting on the coffee hour. We have Sundays in May and many throughout the remainder of the year available to do this. If you are able and willing to do this, please let the church office know at or 301-865-3270. Thank you.
The MOMS Club of Mount Airy will meet here on Wednesday, May 21st at 10:00 a.m. All parishioners with children under five years of age are welcome to attend the meeting.
Altar Flowers
The sign-up sheet for the altar flowers for 2014 has been posted in the narthex of the church. If you would like to donate altar flowers, please sign up and drop a check in the offertory plate the next time you are here. Flowers may be given in thanksgiving for, honor of, memory of, or celebration of someone or something. All donations are tax deductible and will be acknowledged by Grace. Thank you.
Thank you to EVERYONE who contributed in any way to help make the Holy Week events and services successful.
Spring Clean-Up
Dust off your tools and gardening tools. Spring Clean-up at Grace will be held on June 8th immediately following the 10:00 service. Many hands make light work. Please put this on your calendar and plan to come and help out. If you know of any projects which need attention, please let Rev. Sharon or the parish office know. Thank you.
Senior League
The Senior League will meet in May on Thursday, May 22nd, following the noonday service. A light lunch will be provided. For more information about this meeting, please contact Phyllis Colbeth at or 301-831-9329.
Congratulations to Senior Girl Scout Emily Hager, who earned and received the "Silver Trefoil" award from the Girl Scout Council of the Nation's Capital (GSCNC). To earn this award, Emily worked and tracked volunteer hours over several years (including 2 hours supporting Grace's VBS in 2011). She met the requirements for a mix of local, National, Global, multi-cultural, and Girl Scout service, for a total of 172.5 volunteer hours served. The Silver Trefoil is special to GSCNC, and is awarded at the prestigious annual Gold Award ceremony. Way to go Emily!
Emily's sister Amy was the first scout in her troop to earn the Silver Trefoil in 2013.
Congratulations to Joanna Rodriguez, who is graduating from Law school Mother's Day weekend. Good luck with the Bar Exam.
Do you have somebody you would like to send a shout-out to for a job well done? Please forward them to the parish office and we will print them as space permits.
Children's Page
The Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ: The Ascension occurred on the 40th day of Easter and falls on a Thursday. It celebrates the day Christ was taken into heaven in the presence of his apostles. We remember the ascension when we recite the Nicene and Apostle Creeds.
Money Matters
(YTD as of 31 March 2014)
Year to Date Year to Date