Council Meeting

June 15, 2017

Council Mission Statement: “We exist, with God’s help, to provide leadership for the Salem Lutheran church congregation.

Present: Pastor Mike Briggs, Lynn Hansen, Randy Holmvig, Sherri Godfrey, Meriellen Pisarek, Cecil Schmidt , Kris Schmidt, Paul Tesdahl, Di Hein, Ken Stebbins

The meeting was called to order, by president Lynn Hansen.

Pastor Mike opened a devotion from Embracing Stewardship, chapter 6, Conduct an Excellent Annual Response Program.


MOTION: to approve the minutes from council meeting, May 18, 2017. MSC


-Giving was down for May, with a $6134.81 shortfall to cover expenses.

-Operating budget balance is $23,424.25


-TGIW/Confirmation: Feedback on TGIW service has been positive. May tweak times to better accommodate confirmation.

VBS- Going on this week, has been fun and exciting.

-Flag ceremony: There has been a request to have a flag ceremony at beginning of church service for 4th of July weekend. Positive feedback regarding placement of flags in front of sanctuary over Memorial Day weekend.

MOTION: to have the Deerwood Legion perform a flag ceremony at the beginning of the 8:15 worship service on July 2, 2017. MSC


-Accepted from Greg and Connie Lou.


Received from Memorial, Salem West, Worship and Music, Social Outreach

-Facilities: Discussion of eventually replacing existing table and benches with concrete version which will require less maintenance. This will be added to “wish list”.

-Social outreach: Final cleanup of vacant Salem West lot has been completed.

Salem West should be operating out of new location by Monday, June 19.

-Capital Appeal- Congregational interviews are complete.


-Audio Fetch (Assistive Listening Device for Sanctuary): System is here, installed and tested. Sound booth volunteers will assist members as needed.

- $3 buck supper compensation: Discussion and MOTION: $200 from the fees collected from the $3 buck suppers will be used to compensate Kathy Schultz for her additional time. MSC.

- Higher Call concert event: Dates for this fall to be determined.

-Quarterly Report: Pastor Mike has put together a quarterly report in narrative form, describing ministry activities at Salem. This will be new format for reports during worship. Quarterly budget updates will be available that same Sunday in the Narthex for those who want them.

-Counter coordinator- Pat Sylvester has agreed to co-ordinate the offering/money counters.


-Upcoming staff evaluation

-Summerfest:Council members sign up for serving ice cream during Summerfest.

-Need to think about Fall Worship and Education Schedule for next year. Decision should be made at July council meeting.

-Food distribution Program: There is interest in participating with “Ruby’s Pantry” food program as possible new ministry. Pastor Mike will collect more information.

-Sound Booth Technician Policy-Request to amend sound booth technician requirements to include confirmation students. MOTION: to amend the control booth technician policy to included “You must be in confirmation OR 14 years and older to work as a technician”. MSC





Sunday October 15th is reformation Sunday. It is the 500th anniversary of the reformation. There will be special program at 2:00 that Sunday at 1st Lutheran Church in Aitkin and also on Saturday October 14, 3:00-5:00, same location.

Meeting adjourned and closed with the Lord’s prayer.

Respectfully submitted, Kris Schmidt