The New Deal Welfare Program
Veronica Horton
MHS 514
Professor Sanders
In 1933, when Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected President, he quickly set forth a dramatic plan to change the federal policy on social welfare. The New Dealwas enacted to in belief that a standard of living was a right and not a privilege (Martin, 2014, p. 30). During his first 100 days, 13 acts would be passed and 15 federal programs were part of the New Deal; some that are still present today (Martin, 2014, p. 30). Two of the created programs still active today are the Social Security and the Federal Housing Administration.
On August 14, 1935 President Franklin D. Roosevelt created the United State’s first federal system of social welfare (Martin, 2014) and signed into law the Social Security Act to give protection to 30 million citizens; proving them with benefits through unemployment compensation and old-age (The Helping Hand, 1984). Today, social security matters and remains a valuable resource for millions of people with a range of services in over 1400 offices as noted by The United States Social Security Administration (n.d.). In my opinion, the social security act has been successful as 80 years after it was signed into law it still remains in existence and depended on by millions. I think that there are times of uncertainty about how long providing social security benefits will last but I do believe that it does say something about the program and the longevity of its survival to still be present, 80 years post creation.
According to The Helping Hand video (1984) President Roosevelt’s mother was very proud of her son and backed his decision in helping families have housing. She believed that were families lived provided happiness and the ability to have a house would bring additional prosperity and happiness. The National Housing Act was established which insured mortgages for monthly payments of a time span of 20 years (The Helping Hand, 1984). Today it is known as the Federal Housing Administration is one of the largest mortgage insurers in the world; contributing to growth and preservation of healthy communities, providing homeownership opportunities, stabilizing credit markets in financial disruptions, functions with high accountability, and appreciates and values their customers, staff, partners, and constituents (HUD – About Housing, n.d). In my opinion, I think that when people can own a home and provide a place to grow and raise their families it helps to better communities. People generally gain a sense of ownership for where they live and take pride in it. The FHA is providing more than just a house, they are providing ownership and contributing to President Roosevelt’s mother’s belief that home ownership brings prosperity and happiness.
HUD - About Housing. (n.d.). RetrievedSeptember5, 2015, from
Martin,M.E. (2014).Introduction to Human Services Mysearchlab With Pearson Etext
Standalone Access Card: Through the Eyes of Practice Settings(3rded.). Upper Saddle
River, NJ: Pearson College Div.
The helping hand [Video file]. (1984). In Films On Demand. Retrieved September 4, 2015, from
The United States Social Security Administration. (n.d.). RetrievedSeptember5, 2015, from