January meeting

The Negaunee Iron Ore Museum hosted the first meeting of 2015. Steve called the meeting to order with 35 members in attendance.

Treasurers Report

Clay was not in attendance but brother Floyd was accepting the the 2015 dues from members

New Communications

Paul Wilson brought in a copy of the MAFFI newslette to share.

Paul Wilson was congratulated for his Chapter Service Award from Mafca. The official presentation of the award will be at the annual Banquet.

Old Business:

There are two more free membership to MAFCA available to someone.

The tile for the Bancroft Center will read: Superior A's Model A Ford Club of America. Updates to the travel kit were put on hold as Clay was not available to report on it. The Youth Scholarship is still being run through. Medical Cards for touring members are being looked into. Floyd Johns brought in some examples that may be available. This is a definite project and the options are being checked into. Keith Johnson has an updated list of material from the Library and has turned it over to Doug Oliver for further action.The Babbiit equipment we were looking at was discussed and the decision not to pursue it was reached.

New Business:

The Spring Tour was discussed and need for a tour director was again brouht up. Any ideas for a tour would be welcomed. A sign up list for the Iron Ore Father's Day Car Show was passed around. MuseumsThe Annual banquet was discussed. April was decided on as a good month. Looking into the Ishpeming Elks Club to cater and host. Joe Swiedals will check into it.The Cliffs Mining Museum was offered as another possible meeting place. A group for our club will be attending the MAFCA event in Maine during the month of June. If interested contact Steve Pellinen. An events listing information criteria was given out for listing on our web page.

Superior A's lapel pins came in and were distributed to those who ordered them and others who wanted them. Extra pins are still available.

The site of the next meeting will be announced at a later date.

Thanks to Bill Carlson for the minutes