Application for(please tick one only):□Arts and Culture:
A project that showcase Singapore’s art and culture to world communities through creative works presented overseas.
Complete the form and Appendix A. / □Arts for Good:
An arts-based project that bridge Singapore and world communities to promote awareness of social issues, share best practices through collaborations within Singapore or internationally for social change, and enable action for positive impact.
Complete the form and Appendices A and B.
- who are the key collaborators,
- how the artistic collaboration will take place, and
- whythe proposed artistic project should be selected for funding.
(Maximum 300 words)
Name of applicant
(Singapore Artist, Group or Organisation): / Title of artwork/presentation/collaboration:
Start date of presentation/collaboration
(dd/mm/yyyy): / End date of presentation/collaboration
City/cities where it will take place: / Country/countries where it will take place:
Artwork genre(s): / Theme(s) of the artisticpresentation/collaboration[1]:
□ Literary Arts□ Multi-disciplinary Arts
□ Music or Sound Arts□ Performing Arts
□ Visual Arts
□ Others (please specify): / □ Education□ Environment
□ Healthcare□ Livelihood
□ Multiculturalism
□ Others (please specify):
2.1. Describe the proposed presentation/collaboration:
Outline the process, ideas and medium used, and include the critical conversation you/the artists want to engage through the art.
- samples of the work and/or relevant past works (up to three) as outlined in the project executive summary
- profiles/CV/website of individual artist(s)/collaborators
- individual artists’/organisation’s mission statement(s)
- a tentative schedule of the milestones / programme
(Maximum 1,000 words)
2.2. Form(s) of the presentation/collaboration (Select all that apply):
□ Screening/showcase/exhibition□ Performance □ Dialogue session
□ Workshop/Seminar/Conference□ Master Class □ Research/Documentation
□ Art Education□ Others (please specify):
Why are the selected form(s) the best way to
- share insights into Singapore’s way of life,
- share an experiential understanding of the work,
- involve/engage the communities as part of the work, and/or
- impact and effect positive social change in the community?
(Maximum 300 words)
2.3. Will the presentation/collaboration involve any participation in an event/festival/showcase? If so, describe each involvement.
(For instance, part of the collaboration will be presented at an international festival held in the same country/region during the period of the collaboration) / Yes / No
Official name of event/festival/showcase:
Date(s) of event/festival/showcase(dd/mm/yyyy):
Start date of presentation/collaboration(dd/mm/yyyy): / End date of presentation/collaboration
City/cities where it will take place: / Country/countries where it will take place:
Website of event/festival/showcase:
Name of liaison of the event/festival/showcase:
Designation of liaison (e.g. Head, lead organiser, artistic director etc):
How did you get invited?
(Maximum 100 words)
Audience profile of the event/festival/showcase:
Approximate audience size for your work presented at this event/festival/showcase / =
2.4. Marketing and Promotion
How will the presentation/collaboration market and promote this project in Singapore and internationally? Describe your pre/actual/post-collaboration marketing and promotional strategy/approach and include specific ways SIF will be acknowledged.
(Maximum200 words)
Note: Complete all fields for a complete assessment. Insert more rows if you have more items to include.
1. Travel and Living expenses:
Note that only expenses under item 1 will be eligible for support for ‘Arts and Culture’ projects.
1.1. Return Economy flight(s)
1.2. Airport-hotel transfers
1.3. Per diem: accommodation
1.4. Per diem: local transport
1.5. Per diem: local meals
1.6. Personal trip travel insurance
1.7. Freight of artwork/instruments
1.8. Others (please specify):
Subtotal for item 1: Travel and Living expenses
2. Art work / project / material expenses:
2.1. Event/festival registration fee(s)
2.2. Venue hire fee (rehearsal, actual presentation)
2.3. Audio visual equipment rentals (sound system, lighting)
2.4. Set-up (mounting of works)
2.5. Public liability insurance
2.6. Recording fee (video/sound)
2.7. Documentation/archival: photography
2.8. Documentation/archival: videography
2.9. Related research work
2.10. Others (please specify):
Subtotal for item 2: Art work / project / material expenses
3. Publicity and marketing expenses:
3.1. Press release (copywriting)
3.2. Collaterals (design/printing/distribution of EDM, brochures, booklets, posters)
3.3. Others (please specify):
Subtotal for item 3: Publicity and marketing expenses
4. Professional fee expenses:
4.1. Project management fee
4.2. Artist(s) fee
4.3. Other fees (please specify):
Subtotal for item 4: Professional fee expenses
5. TOTAL PROJECTED EXPENSES (total of items 1 – 4)
6. Income, Grants, Sponsorship Revenue:
Note: Applicants are encouraged to seek different sources of funding for the project/collaboration.
6.1. Projected income from collaboration - give details:
6.2. Ticket sales or proceeds
6.3. Grants (Cash)
Name of Organisation:
6.4. Sponsorships (Cash)
Name of Organisation:
6.5. Sponsorship (in Kind)
Description: / Provide estimated value in SGD
6.6.Others (please specify):
6. TOTAL PROJECTED INCOME (total for item 6)
(item 6 income minus item 5total projected expenses)
Please complete if you had previously been awarded a grant and/or sponsorship from SIF.
Duplicate a new table for every grant received.
Name of grant:
□ Singapore Internationale□ Ad hoc grant□ Others:
Status of award (Please tick one):
□ Completed □ Ongoing (yet to present) □ Report to be submitted (presentation made)
Year/cycle of award: / Amount awarded (SGD):
Name of applicant, if different from this application:
Title of project: / Name of event/festival/showcase:
City/cities, and country where project was showcased:
Start date:(Please enter in dd/mm/yyyy format) / End date:(Please enter in dd/mm/yyyy format)
Name of collaborator(s):
5.1 Primary representative (lead of presentation/collaboration)
*The primary and secondary representatives for a group application should be nominated by the group/organisation to take legal and financial responsibility.Salutation: / Name as per photo ID (underline surname):
□Mr □ Ms □ Mdm □ Dr □ Miss
Gender: / Date of Birth(dd/mm/yyyy) / Photo ID number(NRIC/Passport):
□ Female □ Male
Designation: / Organisation: / Nationality:
□ Singaporean□ Singapore PR
□ Others (please specify): ______
Email address: / Mailing address:
Website: / City, country of residence:
□ Singapore□ Others:
Mobile(include country code): / Home/Office Number (include country code):
Affiliation/members with arts organisation/association/society:
□ Yes – Singapore/International:
5.2 Secondary representative (deputy/co-lead of presentation/collaboration)
Salutation: / Name as per photo ID (underline surname):□Mr □ Ms □ Mdm □ Dr □ Miss
Gender: / Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy): / Photo ID number(NRIC/Passport):
□ Female □ Male
Designation: / Organisation: / Nationality:
□ Singaporean□ Singapore PR
□ Others (please specify): ______
Email address: / Mailing address:
Website: / City, country of residence:
□ Singapore□ Others:
Mobile(include country code): / Home/Office Number (include country code):
Affiliation/members with arts organisation/association/society:
□ Yes – Singapore/International: Name(s):
Bank payee name (for cheque issuance, if funded):
5.3. Other members (for group applications) and collaborators
All applications must be accompanied by a completed Appendix A – refer to the end of this form.
6.1. The amount awarded is for the project named in the application and is not transferable to another project.6.2. The SIF is to be kept informed of developments and deviations from the project details indicated on the application form, including changes in implementation, budget, postponement and cancellations, in a timely manner.
6.3. In the course of presenting the project, all artists are to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner and uphold the image of Singapore as the country’s cultural ambassadors.
6.4. Acknowledgement should be given to SIF on all promotional and publicity avenues/materials where appropriate for the support rendered by SIF. Please request for the appropriate hi-res SIF logos from SIF, and seek confirmation with SIF before using the logo.
6.5. If application is successful, a disbursement schedule will be given upon confirmation of SIF’s support.
6.6. Agreed upon milestones should be met and/or required documents/materials should be submitted according to the disbursement schedule, failing which the artist/group will forfeit the balance award amount.
6.7. Prescribed post-project report form (available at should be completed according to the disbursement schedule.
6.8. Budget and actual expense tally (including income and other sources of funding received), with original or scanned certified true copies of receipts and invoices for all supported expenditure. Please attach individual receipts onto A4-sized paper and indicate the nature of the expense.
6.9. Audio-visual documentation of the presentation including actual performance or exhibition, interaction with collaborators (if applicable), interaction with audience and audience quotations and comments in the following formats:
6.9.1. Min 5 hi-resolution photographs (min 300dpi, JPEG or TIFF format) with captions for each
6.9.2. Audio and/or visual recording of project (QuickTime (.mov), Windows Media Player (.wmv), or .mpeg format)
6.9.3 Original or scanned hi-resolution (min 300dpi) publicity materials of the project or the event (marketing collaterals, media clippings etc)
6.10. The SIF reserves the right to use the materials including text, photographs, video/audio recordings and media clippings submitted by the artists, and call on artists to be cultural ambassadors for purely non-commercial and publicity purposes.
6.11. The SIF reserves the rights to withdraw the award at any time if the above terms are not adhered to or if in the opinion of SIF, the project deviates substantially from the original proposal indicated in the application. In such events, the artist shall refund all monies paid to the artist immediately upon being notified of SIF’s withdrawal.
I declare that the references, documents and statements we have made and provided to the SIF are true and valid in fact and that I understand and accept the terms and conditions.
Signature: / Organisation Stamp (if any):
Name of primary Singapore representative: / Date of submission (dd/mm/yyyy):
As of 1 Mar 2017 Page 1 of 12
Members who will be travelling:S/N / Salutation
Mr/Ms/Mdm/Dretc / Given/first name / Family/last/surname / Nationality / Singapore PR
(Yes/No) / City, Country of residence / Gender
(M/F) / Date of birth
(dd/mm/yy) / Contact no (+country code) / Email
(unique - cannot be shared email address) / Organisation
(if different from group e.g. advisor, consultant, vendor etc) / Role within the group for this project/artwork
(e.g. stage manager, dancer, photographer etc)
*Insert more rows if required
International collaborators:S/N / Salutation
Mr/Ms/Mdm/Dretc / Given/first name / Family/last/surname / Nationality / Singapore PR
(Yes/No) / City, Country of residence / Gender
(M/F) / Date of birth
(dd/mm/yy) / Contact no (+country code) / Email
(unique - cannot be shared email address) / Organisation
(if different from group e.g. advisor, consultant, vendor etc) / Role within the group for this project/artwork
1 / Collaborator
*Insert more rows if required
As of 1 Mar 2017 Page 1 of 12
The SI programme also recognises that innovative art works have the power to shift perspectives and generate positive social outcomes.
- Select the theme(s) that apply to the collaboration:
□ Education: a transformative learning process that equips people with new knowledge and ways of thinking.
□ Environment: the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates; it includes artist collaborations addressing cultural heritage.
□ Healthcare: the maintenance and improvement of physical and mental health.
□ Livelihood: the capabilities, assets and activities required to secure a living.
- What is the anticipated outcome (social change you hope to see) of the collaboration?
(Maximum 50 words)
- Describe how you intend to design the collaboration to make a positive difference to the beneficiaries.
(Maximum 200 words)
- Explain why you believe the collaboration will be effective.
(Maximum 200 words)
- Identify the key anticipated challenges you anticipate you may face in trying to make a positive impact, and how you would address them.
(Maximum 200 words)
- Who are the intended beneficiaries and/or audience for this presentation/collaboration across all events? Select all that apply.
- Intended beneficiaries
- Intended audience
□ Children / □ Children
□ Elderly / □ Elderly
□ Disadvantaged
- Youth-at-Risk
- Financially Challenged
- Others (please specify):
- Youth-at-Risk
- Financially Challenged
- Others (please specify):
□ People with Disabilities / □ People with Disabilities
□ General Community / □ General Community
□ Art Practitioners / □ Art Practitioners
□ Scholars and Educators / □ Scholars and Educators
□ Advocacy Groups / □ Advocacy Groups
□ Others (please specify): / □ Art Critics
□ Funders
□ Policymakers
□ Corporates
□ Others (please specify):
Estimated total no. of intended beneficiaries reached during entire period of presentation/collaboration / = / Estimated total no. of intended audience reached during entire period of presentation/collaboration / =
1The Singapore International Foundation makes friends for a better world. Our programmes bring people together to share ideas, skills and experiences in areas such as healthcare, education, the environment, arts and culture, as well as livelihood and business. Through our suite of cultural exchange programmes, we harness the power of arts and culture to promote understanding for an inclusive world and deliver on social impact.
2The Singapore Internationale Programme enables Singaporean artists to connect with world communities to promote awareness and understanding of Singapore’s multi-culturalism, social innovation and sustainable urban living practices.
Collaborations can be with individuals or institutions under these two areas:
Arts and Culture: / Arts For GoodProjects that showcase Singapore’s art and culture to world communities through creative works presented overseas. / Projects that bridge Singapore and world communities to promote awareness of social issues, share best practices through collaborations within Singapore or internationally using arts and culture for social change, and enable action for positive impact.
3The application form has the following sections:
Arts and Culture / Arts For GoodFor both categories, to complete all sections:
- Project executive summary
- Project details and proposed presentation/collaboration in detail
- Project budget
- Previous support from SIF
- Details of primary and secondary applicant(s)
- Terms and conditions
- Declaration
For both categories, to complete:
Appendix A: Details of other travelling members and/or international collaborator(s)
For Arts for Good, to complete: Appendix B: Exploring the social impact of art
4The complete submission should include the following:
- fully completed and signed application form
- proof of partnershipor participation
(Example: a copy of a signed letter of intent with international partners and/or a copy of the letter of invitation or confirmation by the relevant authority or collaborator)
- sample of completedwork to be presented internationally
(May show sample of same work presented in Singapore previously)*
- samples of relevant previous workswithin the past five years(max. three pieces) *
A list of frequently asked questions is at the end of these guidelines.
*Please do not submit original recordings/copies as we will not be returning submitted material. Audio and video files should be between one to three minutes in .mp3, .mpeg, .mov or .wmv formats. Photographs should be in .jpg or .tif formats no lesser than 300dpi each.
5Applications are accepted as follows:
Arts and Culture / Arts For GoodThree application cycles a year / On a rolling basis
(There is no open/closing date for submitting applications)
Cycle / Apply by / Project to commence on/from
1 / 1 May 2017 / 1 Aug 2017
2 / 1 Sep 2017 / 1 Dec 2017
3 / 1 Jan 2017 / 1 Apr 2018
For both categories:
- Only fully complete and signed applications will be considered
- Applications will be assessed accordingly and are subjected to approval. Applicants may be called for an interview.
- You will receive a funding decision up to three months from the receipt of a complete application with required supporting documents as listed in point 4.
6We encourage electronic submissions, but will accept submissions by post or in-person.
- Application forms to be sent via email, and attachments larger than 10MB to be sent via or link from Dropbox or Google Drive to
Please label the email subject header:
Name of Applicant/Group/Organisation – SI 2017 Application
Please label all attachments with the following naming convention.
Examples -
- Name of Applicant/Group/Organisation–ApplicationForm
- Name of Applicant/Group/Organisation–Invite
- Name of Artist-CV
- Name of Artist-Bio
- Name of Artist-SampleWorks
- Name of Artist-ActualWork
- Submissions by post or in-person should be sent to:
Singapore International Foundation
60A Orchard Road, #04-01 Tower 1,
The Atrium@Orchard, International Involvement Hub,
Singapore 238890
Attn: Cultural Exchange (Programmes Division)
Re: Application for Singapore Internationale
Opening hours: Mondays to Fridays, 9am to 6pm. Office is closed on public holidays and during lunch from 12.30pm to 1.30pm.
A. Who can apply?
- Only Singaporeans and Singapore Permanent Residents may apply and are eligible for support.
- Individuals or groups may apply. Informal groups should nominate either two individuals or a legally constituted organisation to take legal and financial responsibility for administrative purposes. The programme does not support groups affiliated to education institutions.
- Existing / completed works invited to be presented overseas.
- The work should belong to the fields of design, literary arts, multidisciplinary arts, performing arts, visual arts and other creative projects.
- The work should demonstrate all or at least one of these areas: Singapore’s multiculturalism, social innovation, and/or sustainable urban living.
- The work is to be presented overseas on at least one of the following platforms: exhibitions, performances, international festivals and events. Other non-commercial platforms will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.The list above is not exhaustive; please contact SIF to find out if your project can be supported.
- The programme only supports travel- and living-related costs (air/train fare, travel visa, freight of works, accommodation, personal trip travel insurance, transport and meals in the host country) and does not support: costs related to art creation, production of albums/EPs/publications; venue rental; participation fees for art fairs, competitions, conferences, residencies, workshops; or any presentations in Singapore.
B. I am not a Singapore Permanent Resident, and have/will be collaborating with Singaporean(s)/Singapore Permanent Resident(s) on a work that will be presented outside of Singapore. Can I apply?