The Nece Hopson Memorial Foundation, Inc.

“To make a difference in the lives of others”

Post Office Box 408

Centerville, Georgia 31028


“Celebrating over 15 years of providing dedicated service to the community”

Instructions for the 2017 Nece Hopson Scholarship Awards

Scholarship Awardsof $1,000 eachare available for high school students of Houston County. Students applying for theawardsmust select one of the award categories listed on the attached application. Only one application packagewill be considered from a student.

Purpose: The annual scholarships are offered in loving memory of Henecia (Nece) L. Hopsonto provide financial assistance to deserving students who have a financial need and a strong desire to further his or her education beyond high school. The scholarships are available tohigh school seniorsof the 2017 graduating classesof varioushigh schools within Houston County. (See application for the specific categories)

Qualifications: The applicant must be a 2017graduating senior at one of the identified high schools of Houston County or be a 2017 graduating senior from a highschool located in Houston Countywith plans to attend one of the specific universities listed on the application. The applicant must have the necessary qualifications for acceptance by an accredited college or university.

Note: This scholarship is not offered tostudents who desire to attenda technical school or technical college. Relatives of members of the Board of Directorsof the Nece Hopson Memorial Foundation, Incorporated will not be considered for the scholarship awards.

Application Package:Two copies of the following documents must be received with each application package:

*A complete and signed application form(application isattached)

*Two letters of recommendation from someone other than a family member

*A written narrative describing how this scholardship will assist you in obtaining your future goals in life.

* The narrative must be at least one pagelong (double-space is acceptable).

Deadline (March 21, 2017): All application packages must be received by March 21, 2017or contain a postmark mailing date no later thanMarch 20, 2017. Application packages should be mailed to the following address:

The Nece Hopson Memorial Foundation, Inc.

Attn: 2017Scholarship Committee

P. O. Box 408

Centerville, GA 31028

Evaluations: Application packages will be evaluated based on the information received in the package, to include the information on the application form, the written narrative and the letters of recommendation.

If you have any questions, please call 478-396-7604or 478-781-7273.

Best Wishes,

2017 Scholarship Committee

TheNece HopsonMemorial Foundation, Inc.



Scholarship Award Categories: Applicant shouldidentify the specific award. Please select only one category.

( ) Houston County High School Award* ( ) Northside High School Award*

( ) PerryHigh School Award* ( ) Warner RobinsHigh School Award*

( ) Veterans High School Award* ( ) Fort Valley State University Award**

( ) Albany State University Award** ( ) Middle GA State University Award **

*Students applying for this award must be a member of the 2017 graduating class from the high schoolselected in order to be considered for the award.

**Students applying for this award must be a 2017 graduate of a high school in Houston County. Student mustattend the specific universityidentified during the 2017-2018academic school year.


Name: ______

Street Address: ______City/Zip: ______

Email Address: ______Telephone #:______

Name of Parents: ______

High School: ______Grade Point Average: ______

SAT or /ACT Score:______


Have you selected a college or university? ______

Have you been accepted by the institution selected? ______

If you answered “yes” to the above questions, list the name and address of the college or university that you plan to attend.

If you answered “no” to the above two questions, please describe your plans for making a decision and obtaining acceptance. ____________


Family Income: ( ) Under $25,000 ( )$25,000 - $35,000 ( )$36,000 - $40,000
( )$41,000 – $50,000 ( ) $51,000 - $70,000 ( ) $71,000 – $80,000 ( )>$80,000
Total number in your family: ______

Have you received or anticipate receiving other scholarships or grants? ( ) Yes ( ) No

(If so, please identify the amounts) $______


Total estimated amount required for the academic school year (2017-2018) $______

Total amount expected from other sources

(Scholarships, grants,family members, HOPE) $______

Remaining amount needed for the academic school year $______

If you would like to submit additional information to be considered in regards to your financial need, please attach it to the application form. However, no additional information is required.

Extracurricular Activities

An additional page may be attached to the application to address this particular area or the information may be added in the space listed below.





Students selected for the 2017 awards will be expected to attenda briefScholarship Reception sponsored by the Foundation. Official presentations of the scholarships will be made atthis time. The scheduled date for the reception is April 30,2017 (5:00 p.m.). The specific information concerning the event will be provided at a later date.

If you are selected, will you be able to attend the reception? ( )Yes ( ) No

Applicant’s Signature______Date ______

For Your Information: All scholarship funds will be disbursed in two equal payments for thefall and winter semesters. All checks will be made payable to the college or university that the student plans to attend.