CEVA Board Meeting
March 24, 2009
Lakewood Ranch
The Nature of Florida Living
Country Club/Edgewater Village Association, Inc.
March24, 2009
A meeting of the above-captioned Corporation was held on the date, time and place set forth in the written meeting notice signed by Cynthia Wills, Director of Community Associations, fixing such time and place, and affixed to the minutes of this meeting.
A quorum of the Board was established and the meeting was called to order by Jack Kerber. Introductions were made.
CEVA Board
Jack Kerber, President
David Kostura, Vice President
Jo Anne Dain, Treasurer
Joe Sander, Secretary
Robert Thompson, Director
Country Club Neighborhood CommitteeVoting Members
Ashland/Twin Hills, Don BuckardPortmarnock, Carol Krah
Augusta/Oakmont, Dick MoranMizner Reserve, Phil Fox
Belmont/Keswick, Ed MartinettoPresidio/Riviera, Bob Harte/David Schoenborn
Blythefield/Montclair, Joe KaminskyQuail Creek, Mark Eubanks
Boca Grove, Larry LovellSandhills, Bob Krambeck
Brier Creek, Alan ForresterSiena, Ned Richardson
Canterbury/Laurel Valley, Don AvolioSpyglass, Larry Woodworth
Dominion, Marge MathiesSt. Georges, Galen Griffin
Gleneagles, Mary Lee DanahyVilamoura, Vance Bauer
Kingsmill/Legend’s Walk, Russell DanielWestchester, Helen Ledgerwood
Muirfield, Don Appledorn Weston, Marijke Foucek
Orchid Island, John BrownWhitemarsh, Terry Poles
Palmer’s Creek/Teal Creek, Bruce Hughes
Edgewater Neighborhood Committee Voting Members
Cove, Jack Byrne
Moorings, Wilma Nourie
Pointe, Carol Fanchi
Sound, Don O’Leary
Watercrest, Stan Schuer
The voting members are resident representatives from the neighborhoods stated.
Steve Zielinski, Cynthia Wills, and Brenda Noellert from Town Hall were present.
A motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the minutes of the CEVABoard Meeting from 2/24/09, 3/13/069 Emergency CEVA Board meeting, and the 3/18/09 CEVA Workshop meeting.
Financial Report
Steve Zielinski reviewed of balance sheet and statement of revenues and expenses through February 28, 2009.
- Pool Insurance money, in the amount of $17,528 will be moved from the accounts of the Maintenance Free Neighborhoods and repaid to the CEVA Operating Account.
- HOA unpaid assessments will go to Attorney Mankin the first week of April.
Treasurers’ Report – Jo Anne Dain
- Jo Anne advised that accounts have been opened at Wachovia for the Maintenance Free Neighborhoods to provide them with at least one month of operating funds in a back-up account that is FDIC insured.
- The rental escrow account has been moved to Northern Trust so as not to impact FDIC coverage of other accounts at Colonial Bank.
- Based on advice from the CEVA CPA firm, three Board members will add their signatures on all the accounts. This will allow for access to the account records on line. Colonial Bank requested a resolution be approved at a Board meeting for Jack, Dave, and Jo Anne to have that access.
A motion was made, seconded and approved to pass the resolutions as submitted by Colonial Bank.
Management Report -Cynthia Wills
- Estoppels (sales) completed were 8; 18 YTD
- Foreclosure notifications were 9; 17 YTD
- All of the pools have had their pool and spa drain covers replaced, per the Virginia Graeme Banker Pool and Spa Safety Act.
- Association document disks are in the final stages of production.
Standing Committee Reports
- Budget – CDD2 & CDD5- no report
- Finance
- FY2007well under way. FY2008 by the end of April.
- Landscape/Maintenance
a.Country Club- Steve Ayers reported that:
- The newly completed plant palette has been submitted to the RR Committee.
- Ryan Heise, Brenda Noellert and Steve Ayers met with Manatee County regarding problem street trees.
- The renovation plans for the Legacy Gate House are being implemented.
- Bob Fernandez is to send a letter to all LWR Homeowners explaining the water restrictions. The CDD has hired an Irrigation Consultant to review the issues with the irrigation system.
b.Edgewater- no report
- Modifications – Edgewater, Country Club
- Country Club – Jan Jones asked for direction regarding the empty building lot in Presidio. The committee's concern is how to handle a rebuild. Cynthia stated that the Covenants do not require a specific builder; that a sold lot must be built on within a year; that the owner submit conceptual plans to be approved by the committee; that once the needed building permits are secured from the County that a final plan must be submitted to the committee (such as colors, landscape, etc). The Board requested that Cynthia draw up a policy for their approval on this type of situation.
- Edgewater- no report
5. Restrictions Revisions – next meeting will be held on April 2nd. Information was supplied for the revised planting palette and landscape regulations; implementing Phase III water restrictions; flag pole policy, and guidelines for the Neighborhood Chairpersons. These items will be voted upon at the next Board meeting.
6. Safety Awareness – Don O’Leary announced that the Miramar transponder-actuated gate is scheduled to be installed by April 1st.
7. Violations
- Revised committee description: Violations Committee and Violations Hearing Panel will be discussed at the next meeting.
- Change in the administrative fee policy – the current policy states that a $50 Administration fee may be imposed. Since a great deal of time and money are spent in implementing the violation process, it was proposed that a $50 Administrative Fee should automatically be imposed for any violation that reaches the Hearing stage.
A motion was made, seconded and approved to put this procedure into practice.
Old Business
- Boat ramp status – no report
New Business
- Expense reimbursements to MFN
A motion was made, seconded and approved that no expense will be repaid without a proper receipt and documentation.
- Selection of a new Law Firm
A motion was made, seconded and carried to approve the submitted Executive Summary to secure the services of Najmy Thompson, P.L. as the legal firm for Country Club/Edgewater Village Association.
- Membership in Good Standing – a vote will be taken at the next meeting
- Proposed change in the estoppel fee
A motion was made, second and approved to accept Board Resolution 2009-03 to increase the estoppels fee paid by new home buyers from $50 to $100.
Fine Waiver and Variance Requests
WAF202 - Waiver for HOA assessment late fee totaling $25. Unanimous, waiver approved.
SPY048- Waiver for HOA assessment late and interest totaling $36.98. Unanimous, waiver approved.
Audience comments
Adjournment at 3:20 PM.
Submitted by the CEVA Board