The National School 2016

The 2016 National School is designed to help FBU Officials discuss a range of contemporary and relevant issues. Topics will include the development of trade union strategies to deal with change in the Fire & Rescue Service and the continued relevance of trade unionism in the sector and wider society.

The course will provide opportunities for participants to update their knowledge, and develop their skills and confidence to engage in debates covering current Fire & Rescue Service employment issues, including what’s happening both nationally and locally.

The course will help participants to:

·  Discuss current industrial & political issues for the FBU within the UK Fire & Rescue Service and identify priorities for the union and its members at both nationally and locally.

·  Consider how the union can develop strategies for building effective organisation at all levels to protect the interests of the membership

·  Be aware of wider issues of concern to trade unionists, both national and international, including fairness, equality, tackling racism and challenging far right ideas in the workplace

·  Think about the relevance of political ideas in pursuit of trade union objectives to improve the lives of working people

·  Find out about the broader trade union and labour movement and factors affecting its development both now and in the past


The Regional Official dealing with course applications should complete a separate copy of the application form on behalf of each of the region’s nominees for the course and return as soon as possible to: Sean Starbuck, National Officer, Fire Brigades Union, Bradley House, 68 Coombe Road, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, KT2 7AE or email to:

Course Dates and Times

7 – 11 November 2016

The National School is scheduled to start with registration from 12.00, then lunch at 12.30 on the first day and finish with lunch at 13.00 on the final day. All participants should make arrangements to be at the advertised venue before the starting time on the first day.


The course is accredited within the TUC Education Service/National Open College Network Programme, FBU Officials completing the course will be able to claim the appropriate credit from the awarding body (NOCN).

National School 2016 - Application Form

To apply for this course fill in this application form and get it endorsed by your Region and return it by Monday 10 October 2016 to: Sean Starbuck, National Officer, Fire Brigades Union, Bradley House, 68 Coombe Road, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, KT2 7AE or email to:

I wish to apply for the National School 2016, Monday 7 November 2016 – Friday 11 November 2016, at Wortley Hall, South Yorkshire, S35 7DB.

I confirm that my Brigade has agreed to my attending this course without loss of earnings, when applicable.


Last name: ______First name: ______

Address: ______Postcode: ______

Home telephone: ______Mobile telephone: ______

Brigade: ______Union No Required: ______

Branch: ______

Your current position/s held in the Union: ______

Previous FBU Courses attended: ______

Previous TUC Courses attended: ______

Do you require Accommodation: YES/NO (please circle)

For Bedroom Allocation: MALE/FEMALE (please circle)

Do you require Crèche facilities: YES/NO (please circle)

Number of Children: ______Age/s: ______Sex: ______

Do you define yourself as disabled? YES/NO (please circle)

If you have any particular requirements please contact us as soon as possible.

Signature of Applicant: ______Date: ______


Endorsed as a Candidate for Course: ______

Signature of Education Officer/Regional Secretary: ______

Date: ______Region: ______

Fire Brigades Union

Education Programme