Minutes of the Meeting of the UtahPurchasing with People with Disabilities

Advisory Board

Tuesday, December 1, 2009 2:00 p.m.

UtahState Office of Education

250 East 500 South

Salt Lake City, Utah

Members Attending:

Steve Richards, Don Uchida, Kent Beers


Jake Jacobsen – DFCM, David Gill – State Purchasing, Jim Crosby – PARC, Kate McConaughy – Work Activity Center, Paul Tonks - AG’s Office, Christene Jones – UACS, Dean Hoffman and Bradley Collings – Columbus Community Center, Steve Mascaro – Utah Works, Jeremy Christensen – Valley Services

Welcome and Introductions and Approval of Minutes

Steve Richards conducted the meeting. With one correction Kent Beers made a motion that we approve the minutes from the October 20, 2009 meeting. Don Uchida seconded his motion and the minutes were unanimously approved.

1stReading on “Computer & Electronic Recycling” Contract Number PD-1964

Steve Mascaro, Dave Gill and Bradley Collings had a meeting to discuss CRP’s picking up computers, monitors etc. while picking up items to be shred. This would also put a lot of people with disabilities to work breaking down computers and recycling them.

Steve Mascaro made a recommendation that we allow a first reading on this contract so Columbus Community Center, TURN and PARC can go through a due process and review all the responsibilities and in March and come back with a proposal for the board to review.

Dean Hoffman mentioned that the CRP’s are certified by the National Association of Information Destruction and they are willing to move forward and get their E-Waste Certification

Don Uchida made a motion that the Computer & Electronic Recycling contract be read for the first time. Kent Beers seconded his motion and it was unanimously approved.

Discussion Regarding Notice to PPDAB when State Custodial Contracts May Be Cancelled Prior to Expiration Dates

Steve Mascaro said that there are times when a contractor is not doing a good job and they get cancelled prior to the expiration date. He thought it would be a great opportunity if Utah Works and this board when there is a problem with these contracts maybe stepped in and filled the obligations of the contract until it was decided whether they would go out to bid again or becomes an opportunity to become a set aside contract. Steve Mascaro feels at this point the CRP’s would be able to do this.

Kent Beers made a motion to authorize Utah Works where practicable to enter into cooperative arrangements with state agencies who have contracts with CRP’s to arrange for a notice when contracts may be cancelled prior to expiration date. Don Uchida seconded his motion and it was unanimously approved.

The Unified Lab Custodial Contract

Jake Jacobsen said that the CRP’s were not interested in this contract and it would be going out for bid.

UTA’s Decision to Drop Services

Don Uchida said that UTA’s decision to drop services is going to cost more money. The CRP’s and state agencies have to find alternate transportation for people with disabilities. Kent Beers made a motion that the representatives from the CRP’s and other associations work with Steve Mascaro to develop a letter to express the concern of the board over the decision to drop services that are vital to the clients that are served by these agencies and that the letter go out with Steve Mascaro’s signature to represent the feelings of the board. This letter will go out to John English, Governor Herbert, and any legislators that would be appropriate. Don Uchida seconded his motion and it was unanimously approved.

Next Meeting

The next meeting isscheduled for Monday, January 11, 2010 at 3:00.The meeting will be held at the Utah State Office of Education, 250 East 500 South, Salt Lake City, Utah in Room 156.