The National Association of State Comprehensive Health Insurance Plans (NASCHIP) invites you to participate in our 2008 Annual Conference scheduled for Wednesday, October 15th, through Friday, October 17th, at the Marriott Savannah Riverfront, Savannah, Georgia.

NASCHIP is a non-profit association of state-authorized health insurance “high risk” pools. These risk pools were established to ensure access to health insurance for individuals who are unable to obtain coverage in the private market due to pre-existing health conditions. NASCHIP’s member pools currently serve almost 200,000 members in 35 states.

NASCHIP’s Annual Conference is a time for representatives from all 33 risk pools to meet and share information and insights on administrative, operational, disease management, political and public policy issues and strategies. Attendees include:

  • Plan Administrators
  • Legislators
  • Policymakers
  • Regulators
  • Vendors
  • Industry Representatives

We are contacting you because we think there is a natural fit between the services offered by your company and the important goals of NASCHIP’s member pools.

We cordially invite your company to consider joining us in Savannah, GA as a sponsor, exhibitor or advertiser. Details on the benefits for your company can be found on the attached form. Don’t miss this chance to educate NASCHIP members about the many excellent services, products and technologies you provide.

If you wish to take advantage of this worthwhile opportunity please complete the attached form and mail it and this cover letter with your check payable to NASCHIP, directly to Sharleen Smith, Auburn University Montgomery, 400 South Union St, Suite 100, Montgomery, AL 36104.

If you have any questions, please give me a call at 317-877-5376 or the NASCHIP Conference Planner, Sharleen Smith at 334-328-0171. We look forward to seeing you there.


Doug Stratton


NASCHIP Board of Directors

National Association of State Comprehensive Health Insurance Plans

5775 Wayzata Blvd. Suite 910 ■ St. Louis Park, MN 55416




Financial support from $20,000

4 conference packages, exhibitor table if desired

Full page advertisement in Conference Brochure

Opportunity to be identified as a provider of our reception or other venue

Logo and mention on website for one year with link


Financial support from $15,000

3 conference packages

Exhibitor table

Half page advertisement in Conference Brochure

Signage recognition for venue sponsored

Opportunity to be identified as a provider of our reception or other venue

Logo and mention on website for one year with link


Cost of $10,000

2 conference packages, exhibitor table if desired

Recognition in Conference Brochure

Brochure recognition for venue sponsored

Logo and mention on website for one year with link


Cost of $7,500

1 full conference package

Exhibitor table

Recognition for sponsorship in Conference Notebook

Logo and mention on website for one year


Cost of $ 5,000

Exhibitor table

1 representative’s ticket to meals and night events

Recognition for exhibition in Conference Notebook


Cost of $2,500

Exhibitor table

Mention in Conference Notebook