Aikido Schools of Ueshiba
ASU Dojo Meeting - Washington, D. C.
December 30, 2003
TOPIC / MINUTESOpening remark:
Note-taker, procedural matters / Z. Price of New York took notes. Meeting was called to order at 4:45 PM
ASU Administration:
Membership report,
Web maintenance /
Administrative matters – Patty Saotome:
1.All ASU dojos are doing great work administratively.2.Please continue to pay your dues on time and get your dues in for 2003.
3.All of the hard work and cooperation is greatly appreciated.
4.To the Dojo Leaders: Please be sure to send in the paper work for kyu promotions for new people promptly. It is just as important as dan certificates.
Insurance Matters – Ed Grandi:
1.Ed coordinates ASU insurance programs. Under these programs he is able to pull smaller dojos under the ASU umbrella so that small to mid-sized dojo pays at a per/student cost as opposed to a premium.2.Current rate for ASU dojos is $13.12 per student per year.
3.Renewal process has become easier because of E-mail and the Internet.
4.He is please to help with Ikeda Sensei and other ASU dojos with large enrollment.
5.If you have questions, please consult the ASU Business Directory, located on Page 7 of the ASU Website.
Web Matters – Paul Kang:
1.Per Kay there is nothing urgent to report other than clarifying some insurance matters – wording on Page 7 of the Web.2.Japan Trip report is available on the ASU Web. We would like to plan more trips in the future.
Japan Trip 2002: report /
Reported by Pete Trimmer:
1.Appreciates Sensei’s patience and his ability to adapt himself to us over the years.2.We should all appreciate our Aikido and follow the lineage of O’Sensei. The quality of teaching within this organization is at an incredibly high level and we are very fortunate for this.
3.Please read the travel log from the Japan Trip in Shobukan Web. We intend to have a similar one for Cherry Blossom and upcoming seminars/events in the future.
Special Project:
Sensei Corp /
Volunteer Corps. – Paul Kang:
1.Senior Yudansha from ASU would be dispatched to smaller dojos without financial means to sponsor the seminars. The purpose is for exposure and exchange of training ideas.2.Initially the Senior Yudansha would be sent free of charge and the sponsoring dojo would only be responsible for the travel fare.
3.Eventually ASU will support transportation cost, etc. for the sponsoring dojos.
4.No action was taken in 2002. You will be hearing more regarding this matter in 2003
50-Year Commemoration Project:
DC Cherry Blossom, Special Guest,
Project Status / Cherry Blossom – 50th Anniversary Celebration – P. Trimmer:
1.Will be held on April 5th, 6th, & 7th
2.Yamamoto Sensei will be the special guest from Hombu Dojo. He will teach at the Cherry Blossom Seminar
3.Ikeda Sensei will teach at the Cherry Blossom Seminar.
4.Banquet will be held downtown at a location to be determined. Seminar fee includes banquet charge.
5.Please continue to check the ASU Web for more details.
Open discussion:
Member dojo requests /
Aiki Atlas Foundation – Kevin Choate:
1.A group of people has formed the Aikido Atlas Foundation: a non-profit foundation dedicated to promote and preserve O’Sensei’s Aikido. Fundraising will be planned in the future to support various Aikido related projects. One example is the Aiki University, which has been continually discussed in the past.2.Concentrated effort will be given to raise capital over the next several years to fund different ideas.
3.You will see more letters coming out regarding this in the near future. Most of the legal paper work has been processed and there is a board in place. Paul Kang was appointed as the president.
4.It is important to remember that this is a separate non-profit entity that is separate from ASU.
Open forum on dues – all:
Several participants in response to the financial condition of ASU brought up ASU dues hike. A lively discussion followed. It has been proposed that there might be an ASU dues increase some time in 2004. No action was taken due to sensitive nature of the subject. Further research was deemed necessary. Senior members of ASU are going to discuss with Patty what the specific needs of the organization are and come up with a specific proposal.
Direction from Saotome Shihan: /
Saotome Sensei:
1.My old friend and student/friend from Hombu Dojo, Shuya Yamomoto Sensei, will be coming to the Cherry Blossom Seminar. I am very excited about this and I am very appreciative of my anniversary celebration that is being planned.2.A long time ago I sought to make ASU a non-profit organization. But due to legal and technical matters it was suggested that it become a corporation. For many years Patty has worked very hard only as a volunteer. However, now it is important that she be compensated for her hard work. Ikeda Sensei and I do not receive a regular salary from ASU. Note that the ASU employees are: myself as President, Ikeda Sensei as Vice-President, and Patty as Secretary.
This organization exists to support the members. But ASU does not have enough money. All organizations need money to sustain them. Unfortunately, money has not been ASU’s focus, and thus for many years ASU did not have money. Some may criticize, but they do not understand the entire situation. My income comes from seminars and loyalty and that’s it, but I always want to help ASU members. You must understand that my heart is for supporting people. But my time is limited and so is the financial situation of ASU.
If ASU does not operate professionally, then ASU will not be able to survive. ASU should continue to pursue O’Sensei’s vision. Otherwise, US Aikido has no future. America cherishes professionalism and so it must be in Aikido too. We need good instructors to continue that. I am asking for your help. Ikeda Sensei needs help. Aikido is a business not for money, but we need money to run just as a car needs gasoline.
The Aiki Atlas Foundation is there to support these kinds of issues in the future so that we can make a good foundation for various projects.
Paul Kang:
1.In order for us to make things happen regarding Sensei’s big projects, it’s important for us to know what the visions and goals are. Sensei has promised he will publish his vision shortly. This will drive our short range and long-range plans.Next Steps:
Action plan for 2003 / Action:
1.Complete the vision statement. Saotome Sensei to draft within 1st quarter of ‘03.
2.Contact Kay to correct “page 7 of ASU directory” on the web. PK to contact Kay and cc Ed Grundi. Also, ask her for the reimbursement amount for 2002 web maintenance.
3.Feasibility study on ASU dues hike. PK to present the study within 1st half of ’03.
Meeting was adjourned at 5:55 pm.
ASU Administration
Mitsugi Saotome Shihan – Chief Instructor
Hiroshi Ikeda Shihan – Chief Instructor
Paul Kang – President
Kevin Choate
Patty Saotome - Secretary
Dojo Representative List
1.Fred Little – Palisades Aikido – PO Box 614 Palisades, NY 10964
2.David Goldberg – Seishinkan - 50 East Germantown Pike/ Norristown, PA
3.Fred (Rick) Rowell – Aikido of Diablo Valley – 1674 Challenge Dr. Concord, CA 94520
4.Peter Connell – Eastern Shore Aikikai – High St. Chestertown, MD 21661
5.Doris Evans – Makoto – 7000 N. Buckingham Sq. #410B Columbia, MO 65202
6.Laura Knudsen – Indiana University Aikido – Div. of Rec. Sports, IU HPER 290 1025 E. 7th St. Bloomington, IN 47405
7.Joe Lavelle & Laura Knudsen – Terre Haute Aikido – Terre Haute, IN
8.Joe Lavelle - Indianapolis Aikikai – 12223 Meadowfield Circle Indianapolis, IN 46235
9.Doug Clubine – NAVY Aikido – 390 College Manor Court Arnold, MD 21012
10.Wendy Whited – Inaka Dojo – PO Box 1264 Beecher, IL 60401
11.Charlie Page – Baltimore Aikido – Light Street Baltimore, MD
12.Josh Drachman – Aikido of Boca Raton – 2nd Avenue Boca Raton, FL
13.Tracy Alpert – Boulder Aikikai – 2424 30th St. Boulder, CO 80301
14.Wayne E. Stingley – Phoenix Aikido – 5th Ave. & Van Buren Phoenix, AZ
15.John Frazee – Shobu Aikido of Boston – California St. W. Newton, MA
16.Kraig Rice – Chicago Aikikai – 3652 N. Lincoln Chicago, IL 60613-3536
17.Pete Trimmer, Steve Schneider – Washington, D.C.
18.Aurie Smish – Aikido of Maine – 226 Anderson St. Portland, ME 04101
19.Nicolas Campos & Nelson Darriba – Montevideo Aikido Rio Negro 1234 Montevideo, Uruguay
20.Zachary Price (minutes) – Bond Street Dojo – New York, New York
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