National Association of Educators in Practice
The National Association of Educators in Practice Conference 2012
Promoting Quality in Practice Education
3rd March 2012, Eastbourne Campus, University of Brighton
Call for Abstracts for Poster Presentations
The National Association of Educators in Practice (NAEP) wishes to invite abstract submissions for the poster presentation session at their 2012 Conference: Promoting Quality in Practice Education
NAEP is an organisation which strives to ensure that professional education is grounded in practice through providing the best possible support network for educators in practice across the Allied Health Professions, Midwifery, Nursing and all Health and Social Care Professions.
The 2012 conference is focused on promoting quality in Practice Education. The Poster presentation session gives educators, healthcare professional and students as opportunity to share the exciting and important work ongoing within the following areas: Patient Education, Student Education, Staff Education and CPD in Practice.
Criteria for submission
Abstracts should include the following information: Title, introduction and aims, summary of methods, summary of findings, relevance and implication for practice. Research approaches can include qualitative, quantitative and / or mixed methods. All abstracts should be submitted using the Abstract Submission Form which is available on request.
There are two format options for the posters presentations. On your Abstract Submission Form you will need to indicate which format you are submitting for. The two formats are:
Poster Discussion: This requires production of a poster and a small presentation which will last for no more than 10 minutes, (please note there are limited slots available)
Poster Display: This requires production of poster. Poster viewing will occur during the breaks and during a designated slot on the program. It is expected that you will be available to answer questions regarding your poster during these times.
For successful candidate’s further guidance and information on the poster presentation sessions will be given.
Submission format
To request an Abstract Submission Form please email: Fran Fitch at:
Closing date for submissions is 1st December 2011. Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their submission by the 10.01.2011.
For further information or queries regarding the NAEP conferences please contact: Fran Fitch,
Tel: 01273 64 4189 or Email: