Leland High School
Dance Team
Tryout Packet
Parent Information MeetingWednesday, May 2
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Room F-5
Dear Parent/Guardian:
Your daughter/sonhas expressed an interest in becoming a member of the Leland High School Dance Team for the 2018-2019 school year. If selected, there are certain personal and financial obligations that a dancer and her/his parents must assume in order to qualify, to participate, and to remain a member in good standing. Many of these topics are mentioned in this packet and will be described in more detail at the mandatory parent meeting in Room F-5 on May 2 from 6:00-7:00pm.
In the meantime, fully review and complete the information in the tryout packet with your daughter/son prior to tryouts. Pages with a star on the bottom, right hand corner need to be submitted by May 18that 3:00pm. If we do not have the items listed in the packet that needs to be turned in by the due date, your child will be unable to participate in tryouts.
Thank you so much for your interest in the LHS Dance Team program.
Karen Hartmann
Leland High School
Dance Team Coach
Tryout checklist
To be eligible to tryout for the Leland High School Dance Team, each candidate must submit the following items:
☐A completed LHS dancer/parent tryout application
☐Signed Dancer Agreement
☐Signed Parent/Guardian Agreement
☐Tryout Clinic Parent Release Form
☐Dancer Responsibilities and Expectations
☐Hardcopy of pre-participation physical and medical exam screening
☐A copy of the candidate's unofficial transcript, which can be printed off of Infinite Campus. Be aware that a candidate may be ineligible for tryouts if she/he has one F and two D's or any combination of the two.
All pages that need to be turned back in have a ★at the bottom, right corner
All information must be submitted no later than May 18that 3:00pm. You will be unable to participate if you do not have all the information filled out and turned in by the due date. Packets turned in on the day of the tryouts will not be accepted.
High School students, please turn in your paperwork to Mrs. Hartmann in room F-5. Please write "Attn: Mrs. Hartmann - LHS Dance" onthe packet.
Middle School Students, please turn in your paperwork into the Leland High School front office. Please write "Attn:Mrs. Hartmann - LHS Dance" onthe packet.
General Information About Tryouts
1. All grade levels may tryout for Dance Team (8th-11th)
2. Attend the MANDATORY informational meeting with a parent or guardian on May 2 at Leland High School. This meeting will begin at 6:00pm. If you cannot attend this meeting, email the dance team coach at .
Dance clinic
Wednesday May 23rd - Thursday May 24th 3:15-5:15pm.
During the clinic, dancers will be taught a dance that contains aspects of Jazz and Hip Hop. There will also be some basic across the floor work that will be included in the tryouts. Lastly, dancers will have an opportunity to display their own choreography and/or freestyle.
What to wear:
- Plain fitted t-shirt
- Plain capris, jazz pants, or shorts
- Jazz shoes or clean gym shoes
- Hair pulled appropriately pulled back
- NO jeans
- NO slip on shoes or untied shoes or boots
- NO tank tops or bra straps showing
- NO jewelry (this includes belly button rings)
Final tryouts
Friday, May 25th from 3:15 to 5:15pm in the mini gym.
All dancers will meet outside the main gym by 3:00pm. Please stretch and practice until your number is called. Dancers will tryout in pairs and choose partners.
Dancers will be evaluated on their ability to execute jumps, leaps, turns, motions, and display flexibility while having a positive attitude, work ethic, and willingness to work with others during the tryout.
New Dance Team Postings
The team roster will be emailed out on Friday after 7:00pm. Please DO NOT call or email the coach before the rosters are posted to find out if you made the team.
Tryout Timeline
May 2nd:Attend evening parent information night at LHS from 6:00 to 7:00pm in Room F-5.
May 18th:Deadline to submit paperwork at 3:00pm.
May 23rd:Dance Clinic from 3:15 to 5:15pm in the mini gym.
May 24th:Dance Clinic from 3:15 to 5:15pm in the mini gym.
May 25th:Final Tryoutsfrom 3:15 to 5:15pm in the mini gym.
Team Selection will be emailed after 7:00pm.
July 5-6:UDA Summer Camp @ Leland High School mini gym
(*Note: If you make the team, the payment for dance camp will be due by May 30th. More details about the camp will be emailed out after the team selection.)
Dance team costs
Please understand that the following costs are an estimateonly and are subject to increase or decrease when equipment is finalized. You will be notified of the final cost as soon as possible. Below is an estimated breakdown of costs.
UDA Summer Dance Camp$150
Warm-up (Includes jacket, pants)$130
Duffel Bag$30
Team Uniform (Includes shell, liner, pants)$250
Alternate Uniform (Includes sequin jersey, leggings)$150
Jazz Shoes$40
Miscellaneous (Accessories, team t-shirts)$50
Estimated Total:$800
We do participate in fundraisers for the school. Each member will be responsible for doing his/her part in each fundraiser. That money is deposited into the dance team account and is used at the coach's discretion (it is not an individual dancer basis). Once items are ordered, you are responsible for paying your bill regardless if your dancer quits or is removed from the team. In the event of outstanding costs, a dancer will not be allowed to tryout for the following year.
Tryout: #Info in box is for coaches use ONLY
Leland High School Dance Team
2018-2019 tryout application
Name: ______Birthdate: ______
Home Address: ______
City: ______Zip Code: ______
Home Phone #: ______Cell Phone #: ______
Email: ______
Current Grade Level (Check one):
8th grade ______Freshman______Sophomore ______Junior ______
List any previous dance experience:
Emergency Contact Information
Parent/Guardian Name(s): ______
Parent/Guardian Cell Phone Number(s): ______
Parent/Guardian Email Address(es): ______
Allergies: ______
Health Issues: ______
Dancer agreement
I have read the dance team packet, understand the tryout procedures and the operating principles of the dance team, and agree to abide by them. Furthermore, if selected, I agree to accept the position and to follow all dance team rules/guidelines. I will give 100% in order to make our team the best possible. I am eagerly looking forward to becoming an active member of the LHS Dance Team.
Dancer’s signature: ______Date: ______
Parent/Guardian Agreement
I have read the dance team packet given to my daughter/son, and understand the tryout procedures and the operating principles of the dance team, and agree to abide by them. If selected, my daughter/son has my permission to become an active member of the dance team. I understand the time and financial commitments that my child, and possibly myself, will need to put into the LHS Dance Team Program. I understand that my child MUST be present for all practices, games, and competitions if she/he makes the team.I am aware that dance team requires an enormous time commitment and lots of dedication from both parents/guardians and dancer. I will support the program and my daughter/son 100%.
Parent/Guardian signature: ______Date: ______
Tryout clinic parent release form
Parent Release: I hereby state that my child is in good physical health and is capable or participating in the activities involved in the tryout clinic. I hereby waive and release any liability and hold Leland High School harmless, the organizers, directors, sponsors, and coaches from any injuries that may occur while my child attends these tryout clinic dates. She/He is participating at her/his own risk and will abide by all safety guidelines in place during the tryouts.
Parent/Guardian signature: ______Date: ______
Dancer Responsibilities and Expectations
- Prospective dance team members are encouraged to attend the clinic and tryouts at Leland High School. If you anticipate any problems with attending both the clinic and tryouts, please contact the coach immediately.
- The dance team is scheduled to practice at least two days per week for two hours. Dates and times may change due to competitions and practice space availability.
- Dancers are expected to attend various home varsity football and basketball games. Dates will be announced as schedules are released.
- Dancers are expected to attend all competitions that the team is involved in. Dates will be announced as competitions become available.
- Dancers will be responsible for purchasing personal items such as shoes, tights, t-shirts, etc. (personal items they will keep).
- Dancers must provide their own transportation to practices and games unless otherwise instructed by the coach. Coaches are not responsible for transportation and parents should be on time to pick-up dancers from practices and events.
- Dancers must meet all academic and conduct requirements for athletes.
I have read and accept the expectations listed above and I give permission for my child to participate in the Leland Dance Team clinic/tryouts.
Name of dancer (please print): ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______
As a potential member of the Leland Dance Team, I have read and understand the guidelines and expectations listed above and accept them as general guidelines I will follow.
Name of dancer (please print): ______
Dancer signature: ______Date: ______
Confidential teacher recommendation form
Name: ______
Dear Mr./Mrs. ______. I am trying out for the 2017-2018 Leland Dance Team and would very much appreciate you taking the time to fill out this recommendation form and returning to Mrs. Hartmann's mailbox no later thanWednesday, May 20. Thank you.
Class ______Current Grade (A-F) ______
Missing Assignments (circle one)yes no
Always / Often / Average / Sometimes / NeverTurns in work on time
Cooperates well with peers
Cooperates well with adults
Good attitude
Is dependable
Arrives to class on time
Additional Comments ______
Teacher's Printed NameTeacher's SignatureDate
Thank you again for your time. Please return to room F-5 or to Karen Lee's mailbox.
Karen Lee
LHS Dance Team Coach
Confidential teacher recommendation form
Name: ______
Dear Mr./Mrs. ______. I am trying out for the 2016-2017 Leland Dance Team and would very much appreciate you taking the time to fill out this recommendation form and returning to Ms. Lee's mailbox no later thanWednesday, May 20. Thank you.
Subject (circle one): Math orScienceCurrent Grade (A-F) ______
Missing Assignments (circle one)yes no
Always / Often / Average / Sometimes / NeverTurns in work on time
Cooperates well with peers
Cooperates well with adults
Good attitude
Is dependable
Arrives to class on time
Additional Comments ______
Teacher's Printed NameTeacher's SignatureDate
Thank you again for your time. Please return to room F-5 or to Karen Lee's mailbox.
Karen Lee
LHS Dance Team Coach