Gerace Office Building, Mayville, N.Y.Tuesday June 3, 2014
PRESENT: Chairman Bowen, John Hamels, John Frey, Jon Ortendahl, John Penhollow and Bernie AuerABSENT: Maureen Morabito, Ted Bogdan, Jeffery Gossett and Daniel Johnson,
OTHERS: Donald McCord (Planning)
/ No minutes were available for consideration.CORRESP. / None
Capital Project Review / Don McCord – I have provided a copy of the 2015 Draft Capital projects report. Table B now reflects the comments received from the May 20th meeting. Additionally, I have inserted the Board’s comments on each Table C project.
The Board discussed the Table B projects and their draft priority listing. The Board unanimously agreed to move Information Technologies Time and Attendance Project down due to a lack of justification for the project. The Board also unanimously agreed to not recommend funding for the rehabilitation of the UJC Hanger at the Jamestown Airport.
The Board reviewed and agreed upon the language used for each of the Table C comments. On a motion by John Hamels, with a second by John Penhollow, the Board unanimously approved forwarding the 2015 Capital Budget Report, as modified, to the Legislature and County Executive.
Capital Project Process Discussion / The Board discussed the challenges with the 2014 Capital Projects process. The Board was disappointed in the level of information and effort put forth when submitting projects. It was agreed that alternative solutions are not being explored and analyzed as part of the preparation process.
The Board wondered if part of the issue might be a lack of capacity on management’s part. Many managers that present seem very well versed in regards to the technical aspects of their jobs and are passionate about what they do. However, when typical business concepts are requested or discussed, they appear to be on new ground that they often seem to not understand. The Board’s assumption is that either the manger lacks the business background necessary to respond or is overwhelmed by their duties and therefore not willing or capable of adding additional effort to their day. The Board unanimously agreed that the County would benefit from adding strategic staffing positions to assist department heads with analysis of their operations, vision and strategic plan development, and capital need development.
The Board believes that perhaps the place to start this discussion is with Kevin Sanvidge, the new Director of Planning and Economic Development. It was agreed to use the July meeting to develop a list of questions or thoughts regarding this matter and then invite Mr. Sanvidge to the August meeting to discuss the issue.
Zoning Referral Log / No zoning log was presented for consideration.
New Business / None
Next Meeting / The next meeting will be on July 1st, 2014 at 4:00 in the IDA Board Room at the IDA Offices located at 200 Harrison Street in Jamestown.